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Is infinity infinite energy? Compared to the energy of infinite suns

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A peculiar thought went through my mind as I have experienced some psychedelics but never the godmode.


So we are the living god in flesh expressing energy all the time. The sun is also the living God giving life to all of nature whenever it shines its warm rays.

So the energy of the sun is basically incomprehensible to us as it's a lot lot bigger than the earth and pure heat energy with light that creates life from death which turns the dead nature in winter into sprouting colours and sounds and smells in spring and summer, just pure life giving Energy which is so enormous that we cannot ever grasp it and it even takes eight minutes to reach us on earth.

 imagine now the amount of suns that exist in our galaxy and not even to mention the billions of other galaxies. It's an energy which just seems to go towards infinity.

So is experience like experiencing all of this energy as you are still alive as a human?

Or how is it?



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So you say experiencing the energy infinity and godmode is even greater than experiencing all of the suns energy in all of the universe?  How can that feeling be remotely imagined? Does that give you somehow much greater energy in your human life after the experience?

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Infinity hard to put into words. One way to say it is that infinity imagines anything finite, including energy.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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26 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

@Schahin No it means you're looking in the wrong place. :) Looking for infinity in a universe of finiteness.

Actually I wanted to know if the energy one experiences during infinite godmode is somehow able to compare and say it is the infinite times greater than the energy of all the suns in our finite world? Just to grasp a glimpse of his the feeling of energy is like during that experience and absolute enlightenment

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@Schahin it's not energy.  It's Nothing.  You're projecting physical characteristics on infinite nothing.

You might want to watch "What is God" video a couple more times.  If you were awake, you wouldn't ask these questions.   Keep at it, you'll get there eventually. 

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We have access to Infinite Energy within ourselves 24/7. This Energy is Infinite, and expands or contracts in frequency according to what we call "will".

Ever realize how even if you feel tired with low energy, you know you could still get up and go for a sprint anyway if You just summoned the energy/motivation within You?

This Intelligent Energy, which is Your True Self coming through, is Infinitely Intelligent, and only distorted by the ego/body filter.

There are people known as breatharians who go long periods of time without eating, likely because they've learned to harness The Sun's energy much like a plant. This Sun is within You. This Sun is You.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Energy, like everything else occurs WITHIN consciousness.   Why is everyone projecting things upon consciousness anyway.  Awaken first, and then you'll realize these projections are pure concept (and pure bs)!

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6 hours ago, Schahin said:

The sun is also the living God giving life to all of nature whenever it shines its warm rays

The sun is something that is inside you. 

Open your eyes, take a walk down the street. you will see a psychedelic trip. everything is in you. everything is created by you from the infinite that you are.

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2 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

Again might not want to confuse energy with infinity. Energy may be infinite in potential, but infinity itself is not energy. Don't believe everything you hear (or anything really).

Infinity is literally Everything.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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19 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Yes, it's all that exists. Energy doesn't. :)

Deny, deny, deny. Why not allow allow allow?

You're saying it's This But Not That

See the duality?

Infinity is Always Both, Infinity is All


Energy is The Infinity!


The Infinity is Always Beyond Form.

There's always more than enough room to allow for every expression of Infinity simultaneously.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Just now, Squeekytoy said:

@tuku747 It just helps to distinguish between infinity and expressions of infinity. That's not a duality, infinity actually exists and duality doesn't and can't.

At some point, You have to transcend Words entirely as Every Word is Synonymous with Infinity

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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But I suppose the question hasn't been answered yet.


So it's everything including the entirety of the energy of all the suns. But can one feel that absolute enormous infinite energy which a sun radiates times infinite? If you get what I mean. 

I'm not sure it makes sense what I am are conscious of everything but at the same time you are pure energy in some way, infinite energy of creativeness which includes the entire energy of all the suns and more to the infinite which is not in anyway comprehensible 

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Energy is infinite but it’s also zero. Even in physics you can see they’ve figured out that the energy of a billion suns is cancelled out by negative energy in the form of gravity. So the degree of energy you’re talking about is really the degree of polarization or a differential of energy. There may be infinite energy but there is also infinite potential energy and therefore also zero net energy.

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