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What Will The World Be Like When Everyone Knows We're All Dreaming?

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“At the core of Your Being, You have the answer;
You Know Who You Are And You Know What You Want.” 

I Am I Am. 

The world is a projection of an Infinite number of thoughts. Each time You create a new thought, it begins in the imaginary world that is then projected into logos of the physical dream (a reflection of Your imaginary world, with density). Our Consciousness is the imaginary world that is projected and focused into what seems like a real, physical world to You. But the physical world is a collective dream inside the much larger imaginary world. The collective dream that We live in is simply a projection of each of these overlapping thoughts and assumptions with density. Everything that You see, feel, hear, taste, and smell in the physical world has been is being created by Our collective thoughts which have gained momentum, inertia, and density.

The paradigm we are beginning to shift out of was dominated by scientific laws. With more and more people moving out of stage orange into stage green. We Are stepping into a more Love-based understanding of Reality, especially as quantum physics and deep astronomy make more progress into discovering the dream-like nature of Reality. When Our collective perception shifts, so too does the nature of the dream.

"I Am" is constantly projecting all the thoughts of billions of people into the physical world.

I Am is Each of You. I Am is You.

I Am You. You Are "I Am." You Are God. 

You Are Everything. You Are All That Exists.

There is no separation.


As Imaginary Beings, We have *Unlimited* Creative Power. You have the ability to imagine a persona and chose to believe that You were an individual. Since in Your heightened state of Consciousness Imagined It That Way, it Exists as the physical dream with inertia; momentum of thought.

The concept of the world being a dream has been explored in many philosophical and spiritual traditions throughout history. However, what if everyone came to the realization that the world we experience is nothing but a projection of our own consciousness? What would the world be like if this understanding were widespread and common sense?

If everyone realized that the world is a dream, it would fundamentally change our understanding of Reality. 

If realized that We Are All The Dreamers of Our Collective Dream, it would mean that we are aware that we are personally responsible for our own experiences and events in the world around us. The realization that We Are All The Creators of Our Reality would also have profound implications for social and political structures. How would this change the way we organize ourselves and interact with each other as a society? What even is society like in lucid dream world?

If we are knew we are all responsible for the world we experience, it would inspire us to a greater sense of responsibility to imagine a better world.

How might art and creativity be impacted by this realization, and how might it influence the direction of human expression? How might this understanding affect spiritual and philosophical perspectives, and how might it be incorporated into various belief systems? How might this realization impact the way we view and approach science and technology, and how might it influence advancements in these fields? In what ways might this understanding impact relationships between individuals and groups, and how might it lead to greater compassion, empathy, and understanding?

Through exploring the various implications of this what would happen when we all realize that life is a dream, we can gain insight into how such an understanding could possibly (and inevitably) come into focus of the collective consciousness. What positive impacts might this realization have on human society as a whole, and what kind of challenges and obstacles might we face in achieving this level of awareness and understanding?



Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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So, you seek here a better Imagination - a better limitation? 

And, do you see that, it's not upto others and you yourself can seek such a world out of your imagination and can attain such better limitation you seek?

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When I had my awakening experience, my conclusion as to what I should do with it was to "make it a good dream". This replaces the old overarching goal of "make my life good". Both of these overarching goals pretty much lead to the same life decisions. What actually changes how we behave as a species is our level of consciousness, or in other words our position on the spiral dynamics spiral. I think something you have to understand is that all the economic and government policies are there for a reason for the most part and we have to think of the whole picture. I think people think that if everyone were to realize infinite love then our society would instantly change into the equivalent of a utopia, but that of course is not going to happen.

To be honest it would probably do good for the world if everyone took a healthy dose of some psychedelic compound in a good setting, but either way the world will evolve slowly over time. That is how it has always worked.

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Why can't I dream a better life for myself?

What should I do to get a better or transformed life?

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7 hours ago, Viswanath said:


So, you seek here a better Imagination - a better limitation? 

And, do you see that, it's not upto others and you yourself can seek such a world out of your imagination and can attain such better limitation you seek?

A better limitation would imply a less restrictive limitation on Infinite Consciousness, yes. Limitations (Beliefs) are how the dream is structured.

And Absolutely; all it takes is a tiny bit of faith in a mustard seed and one can move mountains.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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27 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

A better limitation would imply a less restrictive limitation on Infinite Consciousness, yes. Limitations (Beliefs) are how the dream is structured.

And Absolutely; all it takes is a tiny bit of faith in a mustard seed and one can move mountains.

As the seed itself is Imaginary, it's sprouting,movement,mountains - all are Imaginary. So One feels Imaginary proud that one had imaginarily moved an Imaginary mountain?

And, does one see that, that "better" not going to end whatever mountains got moved imaginarily? As never gonna be there any 'content/satisfaction' in any such imaginary achievement/proud/movement/etc.?

Edited by Viswanath

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8 minutes ago, Viswanath said:

As the seed itself is Imaginary, it's sprouting,movement,mountains - all are Imaginary. So One feels Imaginary proud that one had imaginarily moved an Imaginary mountain?

And, does one see that, that "better" not going to end whatever mountains got moved imaginarily? As never gonna be there any 'content/satisfaction' in any such imaginary achievement/proud/movement/etc.?

Just because something is Imaginary doesn't mean it isn't good. Imagination is Reality. An Infinite Lucid dream is literally the best You experience You could ask for; and that's exactly why It Is.

The satisfaction is up to You. If You imagine Yourself satisfied within such a dream, then You will be. Even now, You can simply choose to be satisfied with Life in general. It's only a choice.

Personally, I would be more than satisfied with such a Reality, and if you observe closely, You will see that is exactly the case right now, only most haven't realized it yet. But they will soon.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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AI and technology being used to enhance psychic abilities. interdimensional travel. People who’ve been abducted by aliens talk about this. 

Every part of the creation holographically contains the whole. access to unlimited information, which naturally leads to infinite love and compassion.

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12 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

Just because something is Imaginary doesn't mean it isn't good. Imagination is Reality. An Infinite Lucid dream is literally the best You experience You could ask for; and that's exactly why It Is.

It seems, you fail to see two things here. One, in lucid dream, the physical threat is still there, and one cannot move physical body while having lucid dream. Second, about Bliss. Bliss is the best experience, which no enlightened one can deny. It's never a boring thing. It even flows in movement of physical body, one can look after their daily affairs while experiencing Bliss and not like Lucid dreaming (where one have to go unconscious of physical happenings). Bliss, never depend on going unconscious of some other. Bliss is not selfish too. Never have to seek, and flows in Empty mind.

12 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

The satisfaction is up to You. If You imagine Yourself satisfied within such a dream, then You will be. Even now, You can simply choose to be satisfied with Life in general. It's only a choice

Satisfaction, never can happen when one is attached to any object of imagination. When there are desires rooted in the heart, never there gonna be true satisfaction until all such desires are eliminated/reduced. Satisfaction is choice, for Ignorant, and that's just imaginary satisfaction and ends while seeking desired objects. But, Satisfaction is Choiceless for Wise, and that never gonna end whatever objects appear before, as nothing one desires and content with anything appears - never satisfaction lost in any situation.

Edited by Viswanath

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@tuku747 I see, you are seeking just "temporary". Like, "now I want this, I get it, done. Then, lost, then now I want this, I get it, done. Then seek another, I don't get it, suffer, then it's okay, seek another right now, I get/don't get, etc..". There only sufferings and struggles remains in all these, never Peace. Just only an instant Pleasure, but 99% sufferings, and that instant pleasure too is based/depend on someone else's sufferings.

Edited by Viswanath

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24 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

Personally, I would be more than satisfied with such a Reality, and if you observe closely, You will see that is exactly the case right now, only most haven't realized it yet. But they will soon.

I won't deny that one might get satisfaction in such a Reality where everyone knows we're all dreaming. But, it has limitations. When desire surge in any one mind, chaos, and satisfaction do get lost in watching all those. They will kill others and destroy and become thief, etc., saying that "It's just dream. Why Bother?". They intellectually escape by backing up themselves this "dream" as security to achieve their desires, No ideology will remain pure/good when fall in "egoistic/desirous" hands.

Edited by Viswanath

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