
A question about spiritual powers

37 posts in this topic

So first of all no, I don't want to waste my time trying to aquire these abilities this question is just out of interest.

From various books and videos I've seen there seem to be a lot of sages, gurus who have had incredible claimed abilities such as living to 150 years, materialize objects out of thin air, savants who can read other peoples thoughts, near death experiences etc. My life is so boring, I've never had a NDE, never met anyone who even knew of someone with these abilities. I've never seen UFO'S or any of this other wacky shit. If even some of this stuff is real why is it not know or supressed? Why aren't we all taught in schools about how through practice you can materialize objects like guru X did or how to learn to read people's minds like savant Y did. Why do we as a society deny these powers. Is this all stuff that people made up or is it real? Leo please I want your input. 

I can already see it. Some people will say yes it's true others will say it's not. I'm so confused and just want to know if these seeming magical abilities really do exist.

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You can’t assume that God is necessarily interested in granting magical powers to everyone. Or that things would be better if everyone knew about these things.

Consider that there is a deep wisdom to the limitations of your human life.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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I've seen and have and had access to some of these powers, they are very real. As far as I know, there are a lot of people who have such powers, at least as far as I've come across in my experience. I know someone who levitated my whole bed, I can apply different scents to my laundry without any fragnances, and I can summon people where I want them to go, among many other powers. I have many minor but useless powers.


If you are interested, the key insight is believing in your own imagination.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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Well if you really seek to witness these powers one day you'd find someone or have an experience yourself. Sure it's a 'waste of time' to try to acquire these powers but it's as much a waste of time as is browsing this forum, watching a video, learning about some topic or trying to succeed in life. So if you do wish to have these powers there's no shame in going for it. Because ultimately that's the only way you'll really be able to answer this question of yours. I am sure you wouldn't be satisfied by just reading replies to this post.

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Wise teachers generally discourage the extended focus on such things when they come, it can be a "distraction" from the hard work of transcending your ego ("powers" tend to enhance it if one is not mindful of this). In greater levels of consciousness "odd abilities" are more just teaching and healing tools, if necessary. But most people are not mature enough to not just use it for egoic purposes and furthering of the distortion that "they're special". So it makes sense they tend to come to those who are a bit more developed.. 

But hey it's like any "karma", it will all work itself out in the end, so have fun if that brings you joy/self-love. ; )

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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9 hours ago, LoneWonderer said:

Why do we as a society deny these powers.

Why do you act so entitled? Why do you assume that mainstream culture should bring you advanced, cutting-edge discoveries without you having to do any work?

Mainstream culture is not designed for truth or consciousness, it is designed to maximize animal survival.

You cannot access mystical things without radical states of consciousness. You do not have the genetics nor the training necessary for such things.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 hours ago, LoneWonderer said:

video of materialisation from thin ai

This kind of guru-worship makes a mockery of spirituality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I don't assume anything. Just want to know if this stuff is real or not. I don't care about acquiring these abilities it's a waste of time. Cool if you have them but it's not a life pursuit worth pursuing in my opinion. Yet it's nice to know magic is real :)

Edited by LoneWonderer

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1 hour ago, LoneWonderer said:

@Leo Gura Yup it's a waste of time but still interesting to see happen.

How do you know it's a waste of time?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, LoneWonderer said:

@Leo Gura Yup it's a waste of time but still interesting to see happen.

I couldn't see shit.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Idk, Qigong teaches me a lot of cool stuff so far. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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If you don't care then why does it matter? if you truly wanted the answer you know how to know it.

Edited by player1995

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@LoneWonderer Spirituality to me, thinking about enlightenment lucid dreaming and other mystic stuff, these are all subjective. I totally like all of these, but the way you complain about not having these thought is through the society which is mainly in the materialistic paradigm that is objective. I think it is better to be accepted for a self actualizing person that society is not that much developed.

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20 hours ago, LoneWonderer said:

So first of all no, I don't want to waste my time trying to aquire these abilities this question is just out of interest.

From various books and videos I've seen there seem to be a lot of sages, gurus who have had incredible claimed abilities such as living to 150 years, materialize objects out of thin air, savants who can read other peoples thoughts, near death experiences etc. My life is so boring, I've never had a NDE, never met anyone who even knew of someone with these abilities. I've never seen UFO'S or any of this other wacky shit. If even some of this stuff is real why is it not know or supressed? Why aren't we all taught in schools about how through practice you can materialize objects like guru X did or how to learn to read people's minds like savant Y did. Why do we as a society deny these powers. Is this all stuff that people made up or is it real? Leo please I want your input. 

I can already see it. Some people will say yes it's true others will say it's not. I'm so confused and just want to know if these seeming magical abilities really do exist.

This world, is free for any kind of societies. There is no denial for any, but one increases out of it's desire and support, and another get's decreased. You know, not these powers are truly "powers" but "Desire and strong belief". That is the true power. And this Desire for "not such Mystical but just 'Peaceful' Material seeking Human Life", had make this society dominant over such Mystical. Still, there are those society in Middle-East Mountain/Forest regions practice those Mystics (like Kamar-Taj in Doctor Strange), as this world is open for such desires and practices too. There is no limit for desires and creation of different societies in this world, but what will be 'more recognised' will be what most people 'believe' upon.


But, in case of Truth, just throw away all beliefs, no pleasure-sufferings, and Be Blissful and Peace, Unconcerned and Act Unconsciously of world.

Consciousness, has two types, Inward and Outward. When Consciousness remains Still Bliss and Peace always, then it is Inward "so no conscious of outward - Unconscious of Materiality,etc". But, when Conscious moves outward, then Ignorance-Desires-Pleasure-Pain-etc., whole lot of limitations experienced.

Like, there is Lamp Always. It can remain Off always - formless, or ignorantly think and On itself to experience outwardly all it's appearance/forms/etc.

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8 hours ago, LoneWonderer said:

@Leo Gura In my particular case, for my particular life goals.

Chance manipulation is good for any life goal by definition. :P

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In Sanskrit, supernatural powers are called siddhis. Like anything else in relative reality, they have the potential to distract from your ultimate nature. Enjoy them if you like, just don't identify with them.

I spread before your eyes, Nachiketa,
The fulfillment of all worldly desires:
Power to dominate the earth, delights
Celestial gained through religious rites,
Miraculous powers beyond time and space.
These with will and wisdom have you renounced.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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