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God can be conceptualized

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God can be conceptualized.
Many say God is beyond words, but I have discovered that this is not true.
God is so large that at the same time it can be beyond all words and yet be accessible to all words.

You are creating a needless duality by saying that God cannot be conceptualized.

God is so whole that a part of God can fully complete or conceptualize God, even though God is without end, because God is you.

You have no limit at all which would set you unable to conceptualize God

You can perfectly cognize God if your mind evolves and gets larger, gets more fluid and more Godlike.

You as God have no limit that would make you unable to use a part to express the whole from the part,
this is just a human invention that you cannot use the part being equivalent to the whole.

The part is the whole, there is no difference, so God can be fully cognized, but this cognization has no end to it.

My mind has lately been getting more fluid and my intelligence has been rising,
I have been able to understand how God can be Absolutely Wrong while being Absolutely Good and many more things.
God can be understood more and more as you progress in your level of consciousness.
I have understood how my personal self is more God than God is, and how God can be more than love, and how Love can be absolutely good and still better than itself.
These will sound like paradoxes to a mind operating at a lower level of consciousness.
But you already understand these levels because you are also operating at a higher level of consciousness.

God is higher than God so God can conceptualize God, and this will sound like a paradox if your mind is not at the correct point yet.
Because of this God is always beyond words, but God can always be conceptulized.
This is so that no duality between words and no words is created, everything is about understanding dualities.

Your baseline can reach the same levels as you can while on psychedelics,
but psychedelics will work even better after your baseline is better.

God will be conceptualized, and God has been conceptualized.
Concept and experience are the same thing, so God will be conceptualized.
This is because there is no difference between these two things, so your experience will cognize god, because there is experience.
Experience means God will be understood and cognized, as has been happening with you so far.


I have been becoming more and more adept at conceptualizing God, and my concept of God has been getting broader and broader while becoming more personal.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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@amanen To say that God cannot be conceptualized simply means that meaning and signifier will always be separate.
direct experience and the explenation of that experience are 2 different things.

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To conceptualize God is to Be God.

We conceptualize God all the time!

It is important to be open to The God beyond our current conceptualization of course, because our understanding is always evolving and becoming more nuanced.

To imagine, to wonder, What is God? What is Reality?

And coming to an answer, and then living that answer; It's none other than the process of Creation at play.

And so, You see billions of Gods all over the planet, each creating Reality in their own unique and beautiful way. People have called and known God by many names; Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Shiva, Leo, tuku747, You.

No one is wrong!

There was never such a thing as "falsehood"! There never was such a thing as "right and wrong". There's no reason to argue over the nature of God or Reality because it's ALL Mind! It's ALL Creation!

There is Only Truth! 

There is Only Creation!

Creation is The Truth! It's All Concept! It's All Theory and Hypothesis! It's All A Waking Dream! We Are All God Imagining Ourselves in Our Creation! It's All REAL Imagination! It's All A Dream Coming True!

And We're All Waking Up To It in Our Own Unique Way!

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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On 3/13/2023 at 1:35 AM, amanen said:

Concept and experience are the same thing, so God will be conceptualized.
This is because there is no difference between these two things, so your experience will cognize god, because there is experience.
Experience means God will be understood and cognized, as has been happening with you so far.

Concepts are born of the mind, based on experience within the cosmos. Both are bound to relative reality, and are incapable of representing ultimate reality.

Whatever can be perceived, thought, or felt is not who you ultimately are. Your absolute nature is beyond change, beyond experience, and beyond comprehension.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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