
In One Word, What's You Biggest Fear?

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Living the rest of my life in a shitty way

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Hmm dying just to be instantly reincarnated into some horror movie like world, hell. 

Other than it seems I have a deep fear of others, of being seen and misunderstood. Existence itself is terrifying in many ways as well.

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That nothing is permanent 

Also, to get attached to people or things and to lose them.

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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not one word but here it goes: a meaningless universe, a universe where everything is random and happens by dumb luck. The fact that existence itself, is dumb luck. 

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My main fear is being dependent. Or being caught as incompetent. Either way everyone will bemother me and take my control away. Everyone will look at me and say: you are not competent enough. We will take controle from now on. We will take away your controle now, because you are obviously not competent enough to handle it on your own. That is my biggest fear.

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