
In One Word, What's You Biggest Fear?

116 posts in this topic

Cmon guys, 1 word xD 

@zeroISinfinity you must mean hairless :P 

you wanna talk about methods to encourage hair growth and what not?(In the journal section) I’m curious what your plans of action are/have been 

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Just now, DrewNows said:

Cmon guys, 1 word xD 

@zeroISinfinity you must mean hairless :P 

you wanna talk about methods to encourage hair growth and what not?(In the journal section) I’m curious what your plans of action are/have been 

No my hair is fine and beautiful. Will Never lose it. Just joking because I remember  my brother literally started freaking out when he started losing it. But on his luck didn't got bold at all. Still has hair. 

Mattkahn then. 

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7 minutes ago, Seed said:

Being unloveable 

I will love you. I already Love everything so what's one new female. 

Ain't no really any shortage of Love. 

But I am not on the list. ?

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Ok list of fears. 

Being following things:

  • Guru
  • Spiritual teacher
  • Life coach 
  • Feminized

Oh boy I really do not like matt kahn at all. Why? Have no idea. 

Which brings conclusion that each if us have that unique magic spark. 

I will never be like Matt Kahn or Red One or Shadow Grandmaster or Traffic Saviour. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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(a person affected by paralysis of all four limbs)

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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7 hours ago, Ananta said:


(a person affected by paralysis of all four limbs)

Then I could meditate 24/7 ?

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I don’t think I would know ? It would be hidden away from me.

Best guess - embarrassing my parents.

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15 hours ago, Seed said:

Being unloveable 

I think this is the same for me. One of my biggest fear is losing close friends because they don’t like me anymore.

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Faliure, suffering and hard work(or in a word, life).

Edited by Elshaddai

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Fear of the public knowing my dirty secrets, if I smoke in areas where it's banned I don't want anyone finding out, nor finding where I hid my bottle of wine. If I was smoking in the wrong place my fear is being dobbed in to the authorities, fear of getting caught, fear of abuse after finding out my dirty secrets, and ruining my life, fear of getting in trouble because of my disobedience, fear my stuff getting destroyed or myself getting hurt or my wine glasses or my cups, glasses, eyeglasses, sunglasses, mugs or anything of mine being destroyed.

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1 hour ago, Max Gron said:

Fear of the public knowing my dirty secrets, if I smoke in areas where it's banned I don't want anyone finding out, nor finding where I hid my bottle of wine. If I was smoking in the wrong place my fear is being dobbed in to the authorities, fear of getting caught, fear of abuse after finding out my dirty secrets, and ruining my life, fear of getting in trouble because of my disobedience, fear my stuff getting destroyed or myself getting hurt or my wine glasses or my cups, glasses, eyeglasses, sunglasses, mugs or anything of mine being destroyed.


seems to me like a natural egoic defense mechanism. '

and hey welcome to the forum! this is an old thread from 2017 btw.. 

my mini-blog! 

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Hell. There's nothing more brutal than hell. 

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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8 minutes ago, vizual said:

Hell. There's nothing more brutal than hell. 

what do u refer to when u say hell?

religious descriptions or , some experience U've had?

my mini-blog! 

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1 minute ago, happyhappy said:

what do u refer to when u say hell?

religious descriptions or , some experience U've had?

Regardless if you believe in a hell afterlife or not. I think I can safely say that hell can be experienced spiritually in this worldly reality. It's the feeling of being totally cut off from God. I think the people that are most familiar with this state are people that are suicidally depressed. They feel cut off from everything, and everything is just dark, misery, suffering, evil, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it in the moment, completely hopeless. It's the feeling of being completely hopeless untill the end of time. And there's no one or thing in the world which can alleviate your suffering.

It's hard for people to understand who haven't experienced such a state. But it's real, and I think this is the most scary and brutal thing a person can experience.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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1 hour ago, vizual said:

I think the people that are most familiar with this state are people that are suicidally depressed.

sounds true. I was suicidal at one point  In my life and I could intuit how depressing it can get.


1 hour ago, vizual said:

I think I can safely say that hell can be experienced spiritually in this worldly reality. It's the feeling of being totally cut off from God.

yess...possible! It probably is the case with the vivid descriptions of hell in many religions that are very similar to each other.

much love!

my mini-blog! 

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I don't have a single word to describe it...

To me, my biggest fear would be to live a life without a sense of meaning/vision and beauty/inspiration...

Edited by Bernardo Carleial

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One time it was Powerlessness. Going through and then accepting that was horrific but ultimately very valuable.
Shame or Guilt still cut now and again when I focus on them.
Oppressive structures or hierachy would be one I have partially accepted but still inspires fear.

Edited by BlueOak

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