
Went Vegan for 7 days

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So I was vegan for 3 years but it became difficult to continue so I went back to eating meat. Almost four year later (now), I wanted to try vegan again. Red meat and processed meat are now considered carcinogenic so I know I need to make a change. I went to whole foods and I bought some healthy food - fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds, and flax oil (supposed to be the healthiest oil out there high in omega 3). The first few days went relatively fine, but it did get harder to fall asleep but for the first time in a long time I vividly remembered a dream I had. Despite the lack of sleep, I did have a lot more energy. The diet became extremely difficult on the seventh day. I became extremely irritable and there was a ripping and tearing sensation in my hands and feet that put me on the brink of having a psychotic episode. It felt like I was going to have some kind of demonic outburst. My hands were even clinching up like I had demonic claws. I'm not sure what went wrong. I'm pretty sure I didn't have any deficiencies with maybe the exception of sodium. So I went to a fast food place and ordered a vegan burger and fries to see if any difference would be made and there was, but it only lasted an hour. Later that night the constant ripping and tearing in my hands and feet was still continuing so I ate some meat finally and the sensation went basically went away, but I'm still not keen on eating meat. It seems the the meat desensitized me to the ripping and tearing sensations in my limbs kind of like what a medication does -  helps me to suppress certain emotions. One positive of the week was that a cough I'd been having was greatly reduced but came back after eating meat again. I've been trying to discover what my actual needs are because I've been using food as a cope. When you only/mostly eat fruits and vegetables, you cant eat to cope. Also does anyone know how to process rage/anger?  I know this story probably sounds extremely personal but I thought I'd share. Also Teal Swan says that at some point on the path of awakening and awareness it becomes impossible to eat meat https://www.facebook.com/tealswanofficial/videos/teal-swan-veganism-daily-update-593-tealswan-catalyst-vegan-veganism-animalright/268293227448098/

Edited by Jaccobtw

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My advice , If you want to make veganism work, don't bother with these 7 day, 30 day challenges.

Gradually take animal products from your diet.

I've been vegan for 7 years, blood tested fine, It took me 6 months to go from meat eater, vegetarian and then vegan.

Any sudden change to your diet may impact you negatively.



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What we consume ends up consuming and controlling us.

The meat and parasites that crave the meat have become an entity in you and you need to make peace with this entity/s in order to let it go.

As ZenAlex said, it is a gradual process. I would also highly suggesting to practice fasting, start off with intermittent then go into 1 2 3 and longer days of water only and you can also incorporate a lot of fresh juices and fruits to help with the detoxification process.

I have found its usually people who have not detoxified/deprogrammed their bodies and minds properly and lack experience with fasting, seem to struggle the most to make transitions because they still have an abundance and dominance of those denser foods energy within their consciousness.

So yes it will take time in general and it is the gentler approach, love all parts of yourself, especially your darkness, and honour when they need something denser, and sometimes we find other denser options and not always food, often times its more an energetic thing that physical that is needed to be nourished,. but also know that one day you can wake up and end it all just like that, it takes the right kind of experience but definitely possible.

I have not consumed flesh in over 10 years although during all these years a few times I dabbled with some dairy and eggs and it would usually nourish that part of me, like visiting an old friend, or mending an old would that I have ignored, then I would honour that, nourish myself for a day or two until the dance is over,  and go back to where I feel best on mostly fruit and living/plant foods.

May this serve you well :)

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Flax oil is useless for omega 3. It has ALA. You need DHA and EPA. Only small amounts of ALA are converted to the types you need.

Sources: liver. Or algae oil, fish oil, krill oil.

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