
Nature of Limitations in Imagination (Insight)

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I produced a lucid dream and imagined many things in it by making choices on what I wanted to do.
When I compared that less limited form of imagination with my waking imagination, I realized one crucial thing.

The more limited your imagination the more you have to imagine the details and the less automatic your imagination is. In the dream, I didn't have to iron out my intentions and definitions of what I wanted to happen.

Example: If I wanted to see a woman with the perfect body, she would just pop out of thin air and exactly reflect my intentions. In contrast, I can't do that in my waking imagination, I have to think more specifically about how I prefer what parts of her body to look like.
Example 2: In the dream I was a king, advancing through a certain story, I didn't need to specifically envision how I wanted to advance the story, I could just intend for the story to progress and some new development will happen that I didn't think of.
Example 3: If I wanted to go back in time in the dream to redo something or reset something, I didn't have to imagine what exact point I should go to, I just intended to and I was automatically taken to the best possible time.

1: The freer your imagination is the more automatic it is. I.e lesser in control of the ego.
2: The freer your imagination the more detail/depth it can produce to what it imagines.
3: Imagination always fills in the best outcome/detail for the ego if the intention is vague.

1: Since God's Imagination is infinite, it cannot be in control of the ego at all. Ego itself must be God's imagination. It's completely automatic. Which also would mean infinitely intelligent.
2: We may not be able to understand how we as God are imagining that detailed ant and it's movement, that's because all that is automatic, which you as an ego don't control.
3: The fact that ego has some control over waking reality through physical action suggests that waking reality isn't just God's imagination but some sub-imagination within, that we control through intention to some degree.
4: Since imagination automatically fills in the vague details with the best possible outcome, reality is perfect at the highest level. But if we consider waking reality as part of some sub-imagination that ego can kind of control through intentions, it by itself is not perfect because the outcomes in this are influenced by the ego's intention.
5: Logic is the very opposite of imagination.
6: Waking Reality is so detailed and complex because the imagination that imagines waking reality(not the imagination that you control in your head) is very automatic and therefore reflects in not in being control of the ego

What do you guys think?

Edited by Swarnim

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On 09/03/2023 at 2:50 AM, Swarnim said:

If I wanted to see a woman with the perfect body, she would just pop out of thin air and exactly reflect my intentions. In contrast, I can't do that in my waking imagination, I have to think more specifically about how I prefer what parts of her body to look like.

The waking and dream state actually work somewhat similarly in this regard. It's just that the dream state is very susceptible to your emotions and what you are imagining. As you said, you're not in control of the details or the imagination process, the dream takes control and conjures up whatever is relevant to your inner emotions and imagination. It's not you "imagining whatever you want". It's more like you imagining or feeling something, the dream taking notice, and then the dream creating whatever relates to it. Another intelligence which is beyond your contracted dream-ego identity takes over, and this is exactly how it has to be, because your contracted dream-ego identity is only a small part of the entire imagined dreamscape, so it would be paradoxical for a small dream aspect to have control over the entire dream. This would contradict the ego identity. The ego is also an imagined character which is part of the dream. The reason why less control = better imagination is because "control" is in relation to ego, and by definition the ego has to be limited.

For example, in the waking state, I can imagine that there is a pink unicorn outside of my room. If I go outside my room, there is no pink unicorn, because the waking state is less susceptible to my imagination. But, it still manifests things. In this case, it manifested that there is no pink unicorn. It's just that, in the waking state, it's harder for my ego to imagine what it will manifest. Or, rather, what manifests is less personal to my ego.

In the dream state, I can imagine that there is a pink unicorn outside of my room. If I go outside my room, there is a pink unicorn there, along with a big silver horn, and even a few other unicorns with different colors such as blue and yellow. This is because the dream state is much more susceptible to imagination, in fact, it is actually literally made out of imagination. In a sense, the default job or function of the dream is to reflect your subconscious feelings and thoughts that you accumulate from the waking state, which is why in non-lucid dreams you will see people you know from the waking state or encounter scenarios that you have feared in the waking state before. So, it has this function of bending itself to your feelings and imagination embedded into it.

In both cases, waking and dreaming, the input from the ego stays exactly the same. I imagine something. Then, I leave it to the dream state/waking state to manifest what I previously imagined outside of my room. However, in the dream state, the ego assumes more control because what is manifested is very similar to what the ego imagined to itself. A pattern is created which says: "what you imagine and feel will probably show up as reality". And the ego identifies this pattern as a tool it can use to manifest things. It's like an invisible genie that eavesdrops on what you feel and think and then makes it come true, but your ego isn't actually the genie itself. The ego character is just a small part of the process.

On 09/03/2023 at 2:50 AM, Swarnim said:

6: Waking Reality is so detailed and complex because the imagination that imagines waking reality(not the imagination that you control in your head) is very automatic and therefore reflects in not in being control of the ego

A dream is a very vivid form of imagination which your identity has been pulled into. Dreams are made from the same "stuff" you experience when you daydream normally, it's just amplified to a very extreme degree, because when you're asleep the waking state qualia vanishes and so it becomes much easier to identify with your imagination and get sucked into it. As such, it has a different feel and depth to it. It's more lower resolution than the waking state qualia, because your imagination by definition is your human brain's attempt at emulating the waking state qualia, and so it's never gonna reach an exact replication of the waking state. Even the perception of pain is much more dull there. So, this makes sense.

This is also the same reason why there is never any audible inner monologue narrating things during your dream, because an inner monologue exists within the same medium that the dream exists within, which is your imagination. Inner monologues happen inside your head, and the dream state exists inside your head, so to speak. In order to perceive an "inner monologue" a waking state must be there to contrast it, which is not the case when you are dreaming.

In the waking state, you could say there are two dimensions: The outer qualia which isn't your imagination, and the inner qualia which is your imagination (which is also where your inner monologue exists). In a dream state, there is only one dimension, which is just the imaginative qualia. There isn't a second qualia of imagination which is inside your dream character's head, that's impossible. The only qualia is just imagination. And so, your inner monologue is left with no other dimension to contrast itself with, and so it doesn't exist. You can still think, but there isn't an audible inner monologue, because in the dream state you will perceive all audible phenomenon as external.

Furthermore, when you're dreaming, the things you're feeling and thinking about are made of the same qualia as the dreamscape. In waking reality, there is a contrast between your inner qualia and outer qualia. This is most likely why the dreamscape bends so easily to your thoughts and feelings, it's because your thoughts and feelings interfere with the fabric of the dreamscape, since it's made out of the same qualia.

Edited by Osaid

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@Osaid I agree with everything you have said.

What do you think about the significance of implication #3  and how it relates to manifestation? Could there be another 'invisible genie' in the waking world?

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7 hours ago, Swarnim said:

Could there be another 'invisible genie' in the waking world?

There is, but it doesn't serve your ego as readily. It's more impartial. It takes more time and effort for it to work. This quality of requiring more time and effort defines the waking state and separates it from the dream state. It also provides the waking state its balance and beauty. It's not something to be daunted by or annoyed by, it's a very intelligent system.

In this case, since the waking state contains "outer qualia" in addition to "inner qualia", unlike the dream which is just inner qualia, you have to make your inner qualia (imagination) emulate the outer qualia (physical reality) in order to tap into the creative potential of the "genie". So, in this case, instead of the genie listening in on your imagination, your ego has to listen in on the genie and align itself with the genie's intelligence. This creates an umbilical cord between the ego's intelligence and the genie's intelligence, and they merge together. (In this case, the genie is external reality)

The waking state is not always just physical or "outer qualia". It's a synergy between your imagination and the physical world. A lot of the waking state is still your own mental projection. For example, you have to first imagine that there is a glass of water outside of your room in order to make the decision to actually go outside your room and drink a glass of water. And so, taking advantage of that synergy is how the genie works. See, in this case, just like the dream, your imagination about the glass of water came true, but in a somewhat different way. In the dream state, there is only the imaginative qualia, which means there is one qualia. In the waking state, you have to merge your inner imaginative qualia with the physical outer qualia, so that they become "one", similar to the dream state. The intelligence of the inner and outer qualia have to merge with each other. Only in this synergy is when you can create what "you" want.

Two people in the waking state can have two different perceptions of the outer world, despite the outer qualia being the same. For example, one person might hate rainy weather, while another person might like rainy weather. Or even simpler, one person might have a positive mindset, and the other person has a negative mindset. People are creating self-fulfilling prophecies in their heads all the time, and it's fueled by how they imagine and contextualize reality.

If someone is sad and depressed, their reality reflects it, it's psychosomatic. For example, because of their depression, they might neglect their hygiene. Or, they might neglect their responsibilities and become lazy, thus pushing them into financial distress. See how their inner qualia is creating a more depressing outer qualia? 

A lot of the waking state is still spent dreaming, literally. Any sort of imagination can easily merge and become one with the "outer qualia". Once they are merged they become the same qualia, and this "merged qualia", so to speak, is like a clay that your ego can mold. Even the idea of physicality itself is only an imagined projection. Or even think about how real the idea that you are a physical human being feels right now. This is exactly how the genie works in the waking state. Your imagination is like a chisel that is constantly sculpting how the outer qualia is perceived.

There are certain moments where what you're imagining seems to manifest itself very quickly in the waking state, seemingly by coincidence or chance. Or maybe you start experiencing synchronicities. I can only describe this phenomenon as a gesture from the Universe which is telling you that it is listening in on your mind. It's a reminder of the interconnectedness of your mind and the Universe. The truth is, this model of synergizing with "outer" and "inner" qualia is a bit logical. Another more intuitive way to look at it is this: The Universe, or waking state, is not stupid. It is intimately interfaced with your mind and psychology. If you behave a certain way, the universe will manifest certain things and come up with some story to justify that manifestation, just to further teach you about how your mind works. It's intelligent and alive, and it should be treated as such.

Edited by Osaid

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