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All Statements Contain Truth.

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Words Are Truly Magical.

Write Words Down, And Intelligent Energy (Consciousness) Flows, Because We Can Understand The Syntax and Construct Reality According To The Syntax, Because Mind is What Is. We Are Free To Create Reality As We Wish. We Speak This Logos Into Action.

Words Are Code. Love is Logos. Vibration is The Native Language of Reality.

Words Can Create Profound Changes in Consciousness. Leo's video's are an excellent example of this. Some people will watch Leo's videos and hear nothing but contradiction and paradox, Though still most who subscribe to Leo appreciate his wisdom even if the statements within are contradictory.

Truth is Paradox. That's OK.

Beauty is in the "I" of the beholder.

Paradox just means Self-reference. The glory of God is that everything contributes to the beauty of Creation.

Our variety of perspectives should not limit us, pit us against each other in conflict, thumbing our nose at one another and tearing one another down. To do such is to act from a limited perspective of God when God is Absolutely Infinite.

Instead, we should celebrate our diversity of perspectives, celebrate the many perceptions of The Absolute. They Are All Beautiful.

To call a statement false is to judge Reality as anything other than Absolute Truth. To see falsehood instead of Truth is to maintain duality and conflict. Go beyond in the mind, seeing past The Words, and abide in Truth, Abide in Love, in every conversation.

That we even communicate at all is a form of Love. ❤ 

My takeaway from this is:

Always seek to understand one another's perspective, to see the glimmer of Truth contained within each Word, because the very existence of The Word Itself is Absolute Truth.

Even if You're learning via "what is not", you can still learn from and appreciate Everything.

Seriously, we're all here just trying to help one another help ourselves.

Give thanks, if just for the intention, just for the interaction.

There is Always, Always, Always a point at which we agree; and that is Our Unity, Our One Being, The One Love That We Are. It goes deeper than the The Words. Seek where we agree, and we will be in Heaven on Earth.

Thank You for your consideration. :)



Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Imo words only serve to dismantle the trap created by words. understanding is without words. everything conceptual is superficial. the deep is not articulated, it is fluid. Words also perpetuate the illusion of the other, of the need to constantly contrast with others to feel that you exist. they are addiction. I am addicted of course 

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3 hours ago, player1995 said:

There is only Truth, even the Illusion is part-of it.

I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Light 

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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