
Stories of deep states of consciousness you entered into?

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Hello everyone. What were the deepest states of consciousness that you entered into? This can be from any type of meditation, mantras, any other form of spiritual practice, and psychedelics. In these states, what was it like being in these deep states? Did you see anything that looked otherworldly? Or feel something that is beyond incredible? Maybe you saw another being or a vision? Was it peaceful, terrifying, or beautiful? Different insights you learned from these deep states? Please share your stories. 

Edited by mac99

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The deepest stuff I can't even remember, only traces like a forgotten dream

Not enough bandwidth like Leo says. At one point I felt like, or rather was, some super-intelligence interacting with some hyper-intelligence, my human mind was completely left in the dust and was somehow told "it's ok, plenty to realize but also plenty of time"

Telepathy feels more real than human interaction 



No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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I faced one of my deepest fears. 

I imagined myself being on top of the World Trade Center on fire, presumably after it was hit by the plane. It was as real as real gets - not just a thought. Actually being there.  

I jumped, as I had no other choice… but instead of falling to my death, I transformed into a godly bird and flew into infinity and beyond. 

Transcending human limitations is possible, and no human is obviously going to admit that. 


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I had eaten three grams of golden teachers at the park. As soon as they began to kick in, I discovered that I had left a little note for myself at the pavilion. A note that would have tripped out a sober minded person: "Everything is part of it." Suffice to say, I knew it was going to be a good day. :)

Shrooms always leave me feeling truly alive, with a deeply rooted peace of mind. Weed is about to turn that right around. I head down the hill to the banks and start meditating by the edge of the river. There's a tree hanging out by the water. It starts snickering at me and cautions me against smoking cannabis. I take the hit anyway.


The real trip begins. Anxiety starts to creep in, but the trees start guiding me, whispering, reminding me to "Breathe." They talk by flexing their branches ever so slightly so that when the wind blows, they whisper. "You breathe so much hope into this world!" They always say that. I am so greatful for their grounding and guidance. The trees too, are grateful for my prescence, precisely because they absorb and learn from our higher states of consciousness, not to mention they also depend on all the CO2 we exhale just as we breathe their oxygen.


I'm overcome with an angelic presence. Dozens of child-sized humanoid beings begin to surround me playfully, greeting me. They're translucent and shimmering an iridescent blue color. I'm with many fourth density beings, all speaking with voices both young and wise. I could see the tentacle-like bonds connecting their bodies, and gradually they began to coalesce into one large, machine-like alien forms. They spoke so sincerely, so clearly, "We are here, we see you, we are with you. We have been watching you work. You breathe so much hope into this world. You are love. You are light. We have prayed so much for you to be here. You have so much to teach the beings of this world." The light in me sees the light in you. The light in me sees the light in you.


They began to take human form again and started showing me the proper mediative posture for this working. I did my best to follow their lead. They guide me through a global healing session. I envisioned those I loved and began praying. I envisioned everyone in the country being filled with hope and well being. Down the wind echoed the change I had inspired. I heard families, parents, children, siblings, friends and lovers, randomly telling each other "I love you!" and "I'm hope!" I imagined wholesome memes of love and laughter being shared all across the internet. Cascading.


I Am without a doubt, part of something greater. There is a single, higher consciousness of which all beings are a part of, and I had access to the mind of every being in that forest. The wind was alive and filled me with life. The trees started shouting excitedly among themselves. The birds sang in beautiful harmony, complimenting one another, showering each other in love and affection.

I began to notice that the birds were harmonizing with my intentions, and I had control over their song. Through pure will alone, I began to conduct a choir of birds. I could silence and sing birds of every type, from all over the forest. This touched me on a deep, metaphysical level, an illusion of separation had finally been lifted. Birds seem to coordinate with one another telepathically, flying and singing in perfect sync with one another. I had tapped into this frequency and was truly one with the forest.


Through my presence, the birds and trees began to absorb my higher state of consciousness and gained a deeper understanding of themselves, learning how to have self-awareness on par with a human. I invited them into third density, to reincarnate as humans so they could show this world their peaceful nature.

I began to head back to the pavillion, after what felt like 10 hours of being in blissful peace and harmony with nature. As I walked up the hill, the bushes told me that they could feel what it was like to walk. "I can feel that! I can feel you walking! It feels so strange having legs!" This is how second density beings learn to inhabit third density bodies. They pick up on your higher state of consciousness and learn from you.

TLDR: I conducted a choir of singing cardinals through will alone and I met a biblical angel, one soul comprised of many, many souls who were once incarnate as human on Earth.

There is so much more to this world than meets the eye. You share a consciousness with every being in existence. There are many loving, caring, higher density beings are all around us, unseen, just waiting for the opportunity to guide and protect you. Animals learn self-awareness just by being around us. Forests are positively alive, overflowing with living, breathing beings.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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My highest experience was when I entered another dimension and meet two Supernatural beings. It was also when I had my most incredible vision of God. And realization and experience of the soul.

It was a Supernatural experience. Totally Divine and Religious. Totally terrifying.

It was a meeting with a higher and more fundemental reality.

I stand by the fact that we are not alone.

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@mac99 In my most expanded states I became aware that everything is me. Literally everything that makes up my present experience is just a dissociated part of myself. All sex is masturbation. Actually all experience is masturbation. 

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I saw myself looking back at myself through what appeared to be an "other" and yet there was only Self.

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i once did 250mg of 5meo dmt and tripped for 3 days straight, cant remember much. Something about cyclical-infinity, rebirth, manifestation. I remember dying many many many times over followed by cathartic release realising i cant really die. Cant remember much else. I don't recommend it.

Edited by Monster

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with mushrooms , reality is the infinite dancing with itself, making love to itself. everything is dance, harmony, beauty. It is perfection manifesting. it is an undulating, sensual, changing movement. Right now I am the manifestation of this, this dance taking shape. This perfect harmony is reality. intelligence, laughter, love. 

with 5 meo, reality is a well of endless depth. Everything is in that well.  I am that. I am infinity,  I embrace the totality, I have always been that. I recognize myself, my happiness is absolute.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Leo corrected me a few days ago on the forum. I took it upon myself to contemplate deeply about what he was pointing to, rather than being downright skeptical (a subtle, yet serious nondual trap).

That same night, I had a direct experience of what he was pointing to, albeit very briefly. 

This work requires radical open-mindedness… Leo was not kidding.


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