
Just had my ego death, thanks imaginary Leo

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The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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31 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

what suicide is

Could you talk more about this?

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12 minutes ago, Vibes said:

Could you talk more about this?

If you decide to hang yourself or shoot yourself, it won't actually happen. You will create another reality of the self in the same room and become omniscient. For example if you hang yourself the rope will just break, if you shoot yourself the bullet won't hit your head. Because you're god at this point, everything will go automatically without your doing and you will see what just actually happen. You make a few choices and get into your next life or stay. Because you're the only one who is conscious among others, even if you decide to stay with the knowledge that you killed yourself it didn't actually happen you just go to sleep and wake up again as yourself again.


Edited by Jowblob

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Will the course od your life change now?

Does it influence the choice of your career for example knowing you won't ever die?

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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18 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

Will the course od your life change now?

Does it influence the choice of your career for example knowing you won't ever die?

The course of my life is changed but not really, since i'm still being in the same unconscious form. I know that the actions that i make aren't really of my own doing and i know that god is all around me. I'm just being an actor in my own movie , having experienced that state i have also experienced where the real joy of god lays in, and it's being selfless towards other. God wants you to love yourself and love god. If there were thousands of man doing work to build society and there was 1 joyful kid that played air guitar to himself or others, god would enjoy watching this kid more.

In the state of absolute infinity god, god can't love himself enough there because there are no others that would love him.

Edited by Jowblob

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Hey, this is God

I've been trying to contact you regarding your car's extended warranty

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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5 hours ago, PenguinPablo said:

Interesting, tempted to try just out of curiosity. :P

Would it not be more interesting to find some other means of achieving the same thing? 

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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2 hours ago, JuliusCaesar said:

Would it not be more interesting to find some other means of achieving the same thing? 

I like this idea more ?


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@Jowblob you may have heard of quantum immortality. It’s an extension of the ‘many worlds’ hypothesis. Take a look.


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Shores of Infinity is a channel that could help you in that

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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13 hours ago, PenguinPablo said:

Interesting, tempted to try just out of curiosity. :P

You know when you get up too quickly and start to trip for a few seconds and almost blackout?

Once I recklessly did that on purpose trying to get to that edge. I blackout for half a second and fell down head first on the concrete floor.

The moment I hit my head I felt so much regret and started to beg for forgiveness for harming the body as I was getting up in immense pain with a big ball in my bleeding head.


Curiosity can be so stupidly naive sometimes.

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Few more things i want to add that might be interesting to you.

- When i was infinity, i was the vibration or totality of everything. The only thing thing that seperated me was nothingness or the void, i was just an infinite vibration/thought inside nothingness or the infinite void.

- The vibration was clearly red , funny thing that the symbol of love is also red.

- While being that infinite vibration, you were all knowing and alone. Being alone was an unbearable feeling and i wanted to get a physical form as soon as possible.

-  The vibration of myself produced extreme amount of heat/vibration this is what we call love here, but there it's too insane and doesn't really feel like love but more of "being extremely alive and conscious"

- While being GOD, a lot of things are done automatically for you. You might only make a few choices. I think the reason it's being automatic is because you don't want to be there and want to get out from this infinity as soon as possible. The processes of god trying to give you the best life possible you might say is already automatic.



Edited by Jowblob

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Also most of you might say, i want to be an ascended master or god in human form on earth in my next life. That's possible but it's not a fun experience, your life will only be about god and the "others" will be just your imagination you will also know that you're alone and you will be sad from that, that's why you often could see tears/sad face on haidakhan babaji face and he only stayed for 14 years. Because of your god consciousness in human form, you would rather leave as soon as possible to get another reincarnation. You would rather be Neanderthal than ascended master in human form.

So because of this experience, i also don't want to be an ascended master. My life was about researching consciousness/ascended masters but it's now changed.

Edited by Jowblob

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20 minutes ago, Matthew85 said:

@Jowblob Can you share what methods or practices led you to this? Thank you!


Short answer,

It's not of my doing, everything is up to god to give me what i want/am ready for.

Long answer:
I was always doing LSD with my friend, in one of the sessions it was very clear that LSD was the same as any other chemical like
5 meo malt/ 5 meo dmt.

I've asked my friend for another session of LSD for example very often, and even though he wanted to do it he always came up with excuses.
I have to do this, or i have to do that, i have another appointment already this and that.
Then one day i've asked him to do 5 meo malt, and we made an appointment. On that day, he messaged me again with another excuse
saying that he isn't really ready for 5 meo malt. I've explained him why he is, he said sure i have to bring my mom to the shop then we will do it. I said: Ok, i go to shower and we will go to your house. Then after showering, he came with another redicilous excuse. I have to bring my mom to a city, because her friend died!!! At this point, i've had a realization that it was god talking to me. I had to take
this journey alone and do everything alone which led to this experience. In all other LSD experiences, it was my friend who was being "god" or like a father figure guiding me through all these LSD experiences and explaining me things. But when i was ready, he was acting for god to make me go on this journey alone which led to this experience.

So there is no difference between LSD/5 Meo Malt/5 meo DMT , it's all the same. YOUR INTETION, is what gives you experience, GOD knows at all times what you're looking for, what you want, what you're ready for at all times!!! So yeah i achieved this with LSD

Edited by Jowblob

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15 hours ago, Jowblob said:

Few more things i want to add that might be interesting to you.

- When i was infinity, i was the vibration or totality of everything. The only thing thing that seperated me was nothingness or the void, i was just an infinite vibration/thought inside nothingness or the infinite void.

- The vibration was clearly red , funny thing that the symbol of love is also red.

- While being that infinite vibration, you were all knowing and alone. Being alone was an unbearable feeling and i wanted to get a physical form as soon as possible.

-  The vibration of myself produced extreme amount of heat/vibration this is what we call love here, but there it's too insane and doesn't really feel like love but more of "being extremely alive and conscious"

- While being GOD, a lot of things are done automatically for you. You might only make a few choices. I think the reason it's being automatic is because you don't want to be there and want to get out from this infinity as soon as possible. The processes of god trying to give you the best life possible you might say is already automatic.



This is inconsistent with other reports that say that god is infinite bliss and orgasm.

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13 hours ago, Jowblob said:

Also most of you might say, i want to be an ascended master or god in human form on earth in my next life. That's possible but it's not a fun experience, your life will only be about god and the "others" will be just your imagination you will also know that you're alone and you will be sad from that, that's why you often could see tears/sad face on haidakhan babaji face and he only stayed for 14 years

Not agree, there is no loneliness in infinity. you accompany yourself infinitely. there is absolute perfection, absolute freedom, and the expression that comes closest to describing this is hallelujah. What you said before about God being surrounded by infinite nothingness is wrong. God is infinite nothing. the emptiness that surrounds you is imaginary. empty or full is the same.

infinity total absolute has no problem, nothing to escape from, it is perfection. if you really become infinite, your heart opens to total love. This is it, it just doesn't look like it. You have to break the illusion even more, until there is nothing left.

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