
So, how does the Law of Atrraction (LOA) really work?

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Like the title says, how does the Law of attraction really work?

And does the Law of Atrraction actually exist?

And if so, in which way does it exist?

And what are the implications if it is real?

There is so much information about it, so it's quitte difficult to find the RIGHT information about it. Sometimes I seem to drown in analysis paralysis.


So what are your thoughts and experiences with the Law of Attraction? What are your answers to my questions, and how do I manifest what I want?

Thank you in advance xD


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I have no idea how it works. However, I read power of your subconsious mind at the age of 17 and have been using it ever since, and it works. 100%. It's not easy to get it right. You have to visulize, do affirmations, and so on. But if you really believe strong enough, it works. Nobody can change my mind on that, as I have used it personally to acquire stuff that I would not have acquired otherwise. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Try to watch Leo's video about it. I super agree with his approach. 

In basic terms, think about attraction as solving a mathematical equation. But instead of relying only on rationality, It works by using unconscious "magical" mechanisms that will make you closer and closer to the results you are looking for. As you have faith, focus, patience, mental and emotional connection with a specific goal, the way to "manifest it" will become clear to you.

You can approach it in a skeptical/scientific way: As you connect your mind/brain with the intention of attaining something, your intelligence will expand by itself and help you to make progress step by step. Think about great inventors, visionaries, and artists. They didn't have their results from the beginning, instead, they "manifested" by allowing their own everyday intelligence to expand beyond what they thought was possible. 

And you can think in a more mystical way: believing that all reality is interconnected, and your thoughts and ideas are part of god's creation. What we conceive as physical reality is born from our own consciousness. Therefore we can make bridges between our thoughts and the material world. 

How you see it is up to you. There's a lot of BS about it out there. Look for authors you resonate with and can rely on. 

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The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace Wattles 

The Success Principles - Jack Canfield 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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If u abide in love, joy, compassion, sense of abundence. Your surroundings will become the same

If u generate anger, judgement, fear, sense of lack. These things will manifest in your life naturally.

That's the gist of it i believe. 

The energy u generate today will manifest and become your tomorrow.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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It works but many people do not have any control over their thoughts whatsoever.

So how are you going to change your thoughts in order to attract something else?

The situation you are in right now is precisely what your whole being wished to manifest. This is the first thing to accept and then you can start making slight modifications.

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Perhaps Neville Goddard is a good teacher of that


You have his lectures on YT, or read his books

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@Potential To be honest, I don't think anyone really knows. 

I have proven to myself that what I give my focus and attention to shows up more and more in my waking dream reality. You could call this "law of attraction". I'm not sure attraction is really what is happening though. Perhaps in the infinite field where every possibility exists simultaneously, what is dominant in you becomes your reality and experience. 

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Just focus more on what is wanted and discard what is not wanted. You are then attracting. 

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Just go and search online: how does the law of attraction works.

Alternatively, you can read The magic, The Power or Ask and it is given.

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Attention is a microscope. Whatever you focus on, you magnify. If you live in your head, your world will be a prison of thoughts. You will constantly be distracted from distraction by distraction, in a game of whac-a-mole that you can never win.

If you let go of thoughts and attend to your essence, its light and creativity will dissolve you and realize itself throughout and beyond the cosmos.

You could call it Law of Attention.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha Bingo.

It's about focusing on something. Let's say you set a rule for yourself that says "for every right or left turn, take a right". Just by that alone, it's safe to say that you'll end up in a very different place than if your goal was to always take a left. Now imagine that taking a right is always 10% better than taking a left. If you keep doing that consistently, you'll soon be in heaven, only because you put your mind on something slightly better than the alternative. So put your mind on at least something that you believe is good, and every action you take will be a step in the right direction.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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It's all about concentration.

High enough concentration/vizualization = Harry Potter level magick.

You become whatever you concentrate on.

Since your concentration won't be that high most of the time you're basically limited to manipulating chance.

Concentration is the act of becoming one with X.

So magick is actually about making your experience more and more direct.

How manipulating chance works in practice:

Eg. If I perform a working to get money and then buy a stratch off ticket, I will probably win a nice amount.

If I perform a working to fly I will probably fly in a dream or fall off a building IRL if I didn't do any protection measure.

Since there are no routes of manifestation where I could actually fly in real life with my current level of consciousness.

Edited by Michal__

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"What you put your focus on is what you tend to get" ~ Leo


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Think of life as a constant emission of ripples sent out into the universe. Everything you emit into the universe, ripples out unto the great big ocean of spirit, that is you, and where your focus is highest and strongest, that will be the dominant energy/reality you shall experience.

In a nutshell :)


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okay, I have thought about this extensively and in the end i decided "there is no magic formula such as "thought attract like thought, think positive, vibrate high " bla bla...   no! it is just not that simple! i spent time and energy visualising my dreams and goals, wrote them down, put them on vision boards , smeared them all over my mind and words for months.. Never happened in the way i was made believe that it would! i manifested some stuff ofcourse... we all do ! but the way "secret "teaches law of attraction is utter  BS i think.. 

I know everything is energy and i have couple of theories where  if say we were vibrating in frequencies 0-10 .. perhaps the car i want is vibrating at a 8.2  and i am also vibrating at 8 then boom! i think we are likely to manifest things that are slightly higher than our vibration or slightly lower than our vibration but never too far off. so if the car i want is vibrating at 8.2 and if i am vibrating at 1, no way i am having that thing...! Its like a homeless person owning a ferrari right!?and even if they somehow manifested it , they will quicly lose it , just like lottery winners losing their money pretty quickly ..  unless somehow they find a way to very quickly catch up to that frequency .

so in that theory , i beleive you can manifest things close to your frequency  and if its exactly the same frequency , perhaps its a great union , a love story, whether its the best friend you had, best car you had... which may be near impossible if you were to think of things vibrating at infinity degrees of frequencies (0-10 was just for illustration purposes.)

But i am yet to work out how to vibrate at different frequencies. there is no exact science there that i can see with our current knowledge..  has anyone achieved that ?

And when you are vibrating in the highest frequency possible where everything is possinle which would be the god consciousness, then manifesting anything worldly would completely lose its appeal.. I might as well win a $100 mil in my nightly dreams  .. :-) what do you guys think?

Edited by Siedah

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59 minutes ago, Siedah said:

And when you are vibrating in the highest frequency possible where everything is possible which would be the god consciousness, then manifesting anything worldly would completely lose its appeal.

Exactly. That's why I prefer Law of Attention over Law of Attraction. People get caught up in manipulating reality to suit their preferences, which is precisely the opposite of spirituality. It is the perfect recipe for suffering. Let go of attracting something to you in the false belief that it will fulfill you in some way. It never does.

Instead, surrender to what is. Embrace the full range of living. Denying reality is not only insane, but it blinds you to your true nature, which is already infinitely abundant. You will never find enduring happiness outside of yourself. Allow life to freely flow through you, rather than blocking or clinging to ephemeral experiences. Attend to what actually matters, which is the absolute essence of who you are.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Law of attraction is real but it doesn’t work how it is portrait in society. Ime, being fully presence and just basking in gods creation is the way. And by raising your vibration through letting go beautiful things will magically happen . And if not it doesn’t matter because everything you could attract won’t be better than THIS. But there is also nothing wrong with playing around and visualising good stuff without being attached to it or thinking that this will make you happy.??

Edited by StillnessSpeaks

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A little rant, mixed from what I've heard/read and my own 2 cents on it: 

You are always attracting. You don't have to learn it, you can't not attract. You are attracting what is reflective of your energies. If you choose to complain much, you may attract much of what gives you more to complain on. If you belief you're not good enough, you may attract people that treat you as such. If you belief you've to try hard in life, that you really got to make life happen, you may attract the reflections of that, that life really is hard, and you got to try hard.

However, therefore, if you choose to be loving, or to be simply yourself, your life will be supportive and reflective of those choices, those energies. If you simply follow what attracts you most in those moment, what feels best, to follow the flow, life will support and reflect that to you. 

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