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Aiden grannen

Parents divorcing loss of sense of security

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Hello I’m coming here to vent/ look for words of encouragement and advice. I’m 18 years old and my mom is deciding to divorce my step dad. I never looked at him as a father figure much just as a guy that provides for me but, I still appreciate him a lot.(we never had an emotional connection ). I could of seen this happening from a mile away just never seen my mom actually doing it, I don’t resent her or anything because I want her to be happy and I don’t have any control over what happens. I’m mostly concerned of my own survival. I live in an upper middle class family but, now that it’s coming to an end I’m gonna be living in a lower quality form of life which sucks. I always dreamed of moving away eventually my plan was 25 and if things didn’t work out I could always fall back on my parents and move back with them. the thought of moving into an apartment scares the hell out me, I haven’t lived in one since my dad died when I was four. I can deal with the new living situation and it only motivates me to create something wonderful so I can live the life I desire, but it’s scary and sad af. I feel like I’m truly on my own and I have on ones help. Life kinda threw this shit at me. I know I will get passed this and that I will grow and evolve from this situation but, it’s scary in the present. I have a feeling I will look at this in the future and understand why I needed this to happen. Right when I started to appreciate everything I had in life it gets taken from me. I’m scared I won’t make it in life and I always felt like I could fall back in my parents. I guess this will push me to really take life seriously. I can appreciate the growth this will bring me. Life is quite different from where it was a year ago. I dropped out of college to pursue being being a car  salesman at my current job, which I feel like is the right move for right now. With that skill I can make some good money for my age and hopefully have an advantage to beat wage slavery. I’m just scared of not having anyone to rely on which I honestly think is best for me. Thanks for reading I appreciate it if you have any words of encouragement please write a comment. Thanks 

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I know that they’re worst situations in life but, it still sucks. 

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 I’m going to try and be honest with my mom. It’s just hard because  she’s having a hard time as it is and I just don’t wanna make her suffer more. 
thank you for reading and taking time to respond 

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