
The Ego As Demonic Entity

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@Bodhi123 I don't gain anything out of it, I'm trying to understand it. What does the human race gain from having such a disastrous relationship with the world? the human race is fucking itself up for no reason.... You could also say that the world as it is right now is perfect and include the ego in this perspective. I would even agree with you. But nevertheless I think it is important to not completely forget the relativistic/dualistic aspects of the world and investigate in the cause for this (relative) badness/ignorance/evil we have today. For this we have to understand the mechanisms with which we are dealing here. We have to understand the "enemy" and how to overcome/transcend it.

Look, I don't want to appear like an edgy nihilistic teenager when I'm saying such things. I'm sorry you have this impression. But to me, this is EXACTLY how the ego feels like when I'm observing myself and the world situation. It gets even more clear on higher states of consciousness; like on a psychedelic trip. The whole messy self deception and self sabotage thing gets revealed, only to then disappear and hide again in the unconscious when the trip ends.

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4 minutes ago, Echoes said:

What does the human race gain from having such a disastrous relationship with the world? the human race is fucking itself up for no reason.... 

I agree the current state of the world is one of serious unrest. Greed and corruption is harming society... greed and corruption is the work of the ego. I agree that the ego does harm.

However, on a personal level it is my opinion that people should be kind to themselves.

I apologize if my last post was too confrontational.


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I apologize if my last post was too confrontational

No, it's all good! 


However, on a personal level it is my opinion that people should be kind to themselves

Ultimately this is true. We can't transcend the ego's negativity with more negativity. 

But in my opinion it's also important to not only look at the ego in the macro level, but also on the personal level. In the end it all comes down to the personal level. If enough personal change is done, the world will change automatically. The world condition is just the collective projection of the current state of consciousness of humanity. And if there is not enough knowledge about the enormous capability of delusion and negativity in ones OWN consciousness, which is mostly not known or unconscious to most people, the negativity get's always projected to the outside world and this leads to no change on this earth. In the end this has to be done with kindness and acceptance; but we have to bring the attention to this issue somehow first


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@Echoes It is hard changing the world. The most we can do is transcend our own ego and exude positivity and compassion.

By bringing our serenity to others we make a small but significant impact on the world.

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