
Marianne Williamson Is Running For President

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34 minutes ago, Emerald said:

He’s banning books

He's banning some books that promote homosexuality and gender fluidity.

Don't act like this is some kind of Nazi book-burning. Or like DeSantis would issue serious book bans as President.

The conservative position in America is quite simple: get LGBTQ ideology out of the minds of youngsters. That is their policy proposal. You can disagree with it, but it is not some authoritarian plot to censor the whole country. It is legitimate to wonder at what age it is appropriate to introduce children to LGBTQ ideas.


and attempting to influence public schools and colleges to indoctrinate kids into a certain way of thinking.

Please... As if SJWs are not influencing and indoctrinating kids in certain ways.

I saw a video clip of a teacher in what looked like kindergarten teaching kids that they don't have to be boys or girls, but anything they want. This is not some absolutely positive thing to teach. These kids will grow up confused as fuck and they will have difficulty dating. Telling a boy that "Maybe you're not a boy" should be concerning to any reasonable parent. It's not grooming, but it is a kind of ideology/worldview, the consequences of which are not entirely obvious yet. It's one thing to teach non-bullying of trans kids, it's another thing to actively tell all kids as a baseline that their gender is fluid and up in the air.

If I had a boy in 1st grade, I would not want these LGBTQ activists to be telling him that maybe he's a girl or a they/them. I'm not gonna be calling my 1st grade boy a "they/them". And neither will most parents be cool with that. This will create a generation of pussies who will become miserable incels because no serious woman will want to fuck them.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura I can understand the paranoia around grooming. 

Here, in India, there is this thing called the begging mafia. Where they abduct little kids, do genital mutilation on them, forcibly convert them into transgenders/castrate them (so they're outcast from 'civil society', which is built on the heteronormative nuclear family) and induct them into their begging cult. 

I can picture a 60-year-old American redneck conservative getting an ominous vibe, looking at a transgender teacher talking to kids about gender-fluidity. If they've heard these kinds of stories in their time and they don't have a very good image of LGBT from the past. 

When a woke LGBT-movement happens here, they will be asked by the conservative status-quo to 'clean out their baggage' first. Regardless of whether it really is theirs or not. Because they will use these data-points as confirmation-bias for the 'rightness of heteronormativity'. 

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

He's banning some books that promote homosexuality and gender fluidity.

Don't act like this is some kind of Nazi book-burning.

The conservative position in America is quite simple: get LGBTQ ideology out of the minds of youngsters.

Please... As if SJWs are not influencing and indoctrinating kids in certain ways.

He’s banning tons of books that have absolutely nothing to do with LGBTQ stuff.

But worse than that he’s pushed legislation that would charge teachers with a felony for simply having books in their classroom that go outside of certain (intentionally) vague guidelines.

One of the guidelines is that it contains nothing that instructs about LGBTQ issues. 

So, what would happen if a teacher happens to have a book in their classroom that they didn’t know had a gay character in it?

Well, they could be charged with a felony and lose their teaching license.

So, all sensible teachers would just have to take all the books off their shelves.

But of course, we can’t have a school without books for kids to read.

So, let’s be safe and just have books that are on DeSantis’s state sanctioned book list. 

You’re trying really hard to make a something into a nothing.

Perhaps I just notice how authoritarian this is because I used to be a teacher.

And no… there was no SJW indoctrination in the school I taught at.

And during my time as a substitute teacher, there wasn’t any SJW curriculum at any of the schools I taught at in my district.

So, all DeSantis wants is a monopoly over the minds of the youth. And that should be very concerning to everyone.

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11 minutes ago, Emerald said:

And no… there was no SJW indoctrination in the school I taught at.

And during my time as a substitute teacher, there wasn’t any SJW curriculum at any of the schools I taught at in my district.

That's very anecdotal. You cannot deny that SJW activists want their agenda injected into school curriculum.

Removing books with gay characters is hardly authoritarianism. Yes, it's a bit stringent. But it's not like these kids cannot go to Amazon and buy whatever books they want. Portraying this as leading to death camps is silly.

Edited by Leo Gura

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9 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

Here, in India, there is this thing called the begging mafia. Where they abduct little kids, do genital mutilation on them, forcibly convert them into transgenders/castrate them and induct them into their begging cult.

I would need to see some evidence of this. Sounds absurd.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

That's very anecdotal. You cannot deny that SJW activists want their agenda injected into school curriculum.

Ok fair points, but what about his banning of African American studies and some of the “critical race theory” stuff?

Also, what about his banning of mask mandates and unjust control of businesses like DisneyWorld?

How about his creepy mandatory period test policy on girls?

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

I would need to see some evidence of this.

Watch Slumdog Millionaire. 

I was warned that it's too depressing so I haven't watched it. But, if you want to dig deeper, go ahead. 

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10 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Ok fair points, but what about his banning of African American studies and some of the “critical race theory” stuff?

I looked into that. That particular AP class had some pretty radical "queer theory" in it which seemed unnecessarily political. Again, SJWs do attempt to smuggle in their political theories into the classroom. But I would need to look into it more deeply. I just know that I cannot trust progressives to report accurately on that particular issue. They act like there is zero smuggling of SJW agendas, which I don't think is true.

DeSantis did not ban African American studies. This is a very distorted characterization. This makes it seem like he is against teaching African American studies. He is not. What he did was force the makers of that AP program to change their curriculum to remove queer political theory. With that removed, African America studies are allowed. So don't paint him as some kind of racist who wants to ban the teaching of black history.


Also, what about his banning of mask mandates and unjust control of businesses like DisneyWorld?

How about his creepy mandatory period test policy on girls?

Look, of course I don't agree with many right-wing policies. But I have no worry that DeSantis will be some authoritarian if he becomes President. Yes, he will definitely try to pass right-wing policy. As all Republican Presidents do. And much of that policy will probably be stupid.

9 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

Watch Slumdog Millionaire.

I have watched it. That's a great movie. I don't remember anything about gender issues in there. But I watched it like 15 years ago.

Edited by Leo Gura

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I have watched it. That's a great movie. I don't remember anything about gender issues in there. But I watched it like 15 years ago.

I have heard, anecdotally, that this is the case. In fact, every other day, I see a human being with a hoarse, manly voice, wearing women's clothes, clapping their hands and begging. I was told by my culture that 'that's a eunuch and this is their backstory'.

I haven't really dug into this cuz it's too grotesque. So, I can't point you to investigation-reports that have proper evidence. But, here's a media-report. 

My point with the movie was that it talks about the begging-mafia. There are limitations to what they can show on the silver screen. And this is something that the culture really doesn't want the West to see about it. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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11 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

This looks like a uniquely Indian issue which has nothing to do with LGBTQ issues in general. It's more like a pedophilia/sex-trafficking issue.

Edited by Leo Gura

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29 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

Watch Slumdog Millionaire. 

I was warned that it's too depressing so I haven't watched it. But, if you want to dig deeper, go ahead. 

   That's actually a decent movie, yes parts of it will be sad, but the payoff at the end was worth watching the movie.

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45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I looked into that. That particular AP class had some pretty radical "queer theory" in it which seemed unnecessarily political. Again, SJWs do attempt to smuggle in their political theories into the classroom. But I would need to look into it more deeply. I just know that I cannot trust progressives to report accurately on that particular issue. They act like there is zero smuggling of SJW agendas, which I don't think is true.

DeSantis did not ban African American studies. This is a very distorted characterization. This makes it seem like he is against teaching African American studies. He is not. What he did was force the makers of that AP program to change their curriculum to remove queer political theory. With that removed, African America studies are allowed. So don't paint him as some kind of racist who wants to ban the teaching of black history.

Look, of course I don't agree with many right-wing policies. But I have no worry that DeSantis will be some authoritarian if he becomes President. Yes, he will definitely try to pass right-wing policy. As all Republican Presidents do. And much of that policy will probably be stupid.

Oh, alright....

Well, he would still ruin the US economy in the long-run if he became president. Not to mention he would appoint even a bunch more far-right wing judges all over the country.  

Also, if we have another financial crisis or another health related crisis in the US, then he would do a disastrous job of handling it.

Edited by Hardkill

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53 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This looks like a uniquely Indian issue which has nothing to do with LGBTQ issues in general. It's more like a pedophilia/sex-trafficking issue.

Have you heard any speculation/fact of a link between genital mutilation and LGBTQ in the West? Have you heard conservatives talk about this? Or, is it just a weird feeling to entertain a gender/sexual identity that's unfamiliar and 'abnormal'? 

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55 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Also, if we have another financial crisis or another health related crisis in the US, then he would do a disastrous job of handling it.

I don't think he would be worse than Trump.

Trump was bad but he was no Hitler or Putin.

Edited by Leo Gura

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41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Trump was bad but he was no Hitler or Putin.

Would Putin and Hitler be in the same category?

I hope that was not the implication, as it would be absurd

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25 minutes ago, Tobia said:

Would Putin and Hitler be in the same category?

I hope that was not the implication, as it would be absurd

Def not the same, but Putin is a dangerous guy. He is not like one of these bumbling American right-wingers. He will seize power and never give it back. American politicians are housecats next to Putin.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura interesting way of looking at things and defining "dangerous"

While definitely authoritarian and sometimes brutal on internal issues, on foreign policy he has actually shown decent restraint and patience in comparison with US right wingers.
For many in the west it is surprising to learn that the majority of the internal criticism in Russia is that Putin has been far too restrained and measured since 2014. 
Most russians think that he should have acted much more decisively after the US supported the ukrainian coup in 2014 and criticize him for not preventing the death of 14.000 russian speakers in the Donbass from 2014 to 2022.
That is to say, he is far from being an hard liner or extreme in any way.
i would say there is a 100% chance that, if removed from power, his successor would be FAR worse.

To say that right wingers in the US are less dangerous when they recently killed one million people in Iraq, is debatable.

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@Leo Gura Would you have said this before the war?

He is vicious but also reasonably competent. In a sense, the war is an unexpected blunder for him and he is doubling down on it because of face-saving. He is a horrendous crook but honestly, I cannot paint him all black. For example, he is genuinely not racist and respects minorities. He always stressed that Russia is a multi-national country.
Also, you could argue that the people in Donbas were bombed by Ukraine (before the 2022 war). So a limited invasion of the Donbas region would have been somewhat justified. America would have done the same if its people were being bombed.

But yeah Putin's war, his WW2-style tactics, the lies... He brought a lot of suffering to the Russians too, fascists always end up bringing misery to their own people while intending misery to the other people, they can't help themself but to spread misery.  

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@Vrubel the war is not a blunder, he must and will win the war.

Given the 2014 coup, the shelling of the donbass and the fact that the Misk agreements were shamelessly violated, from a russian perspective this war is necessary and must be won at all costs.

The russian economy has not collapsed (on the contrary) and he has not been isolated by the majority of the world. India and China are happily buying his oil.


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@Tobia Russia is losing A LOT. Human lives, Wealth, Progress and it's geopolitical power has taken a huge hit. He is facing an entirely different Ukrainian army than he (and frankly everybody) expected. He also did not expect the West's unity and resolve. He assumed that the west was too spoiled, weak and preoccupied with transgenders and pedophiles to oppose the tough, down-to-earth Russians.  

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