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DnD has personal development potential.

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   DnD, to me, has the potential to be up there with activities for personal growth and self improvement. From what I've done so far, I discovered the following:

1. Makes you roleplay the characters in the DnD campaign and world.

2. Makes you visualize the environment, with some prompting from the DM, to explore an imaginary location, increasing spacial intelligence in the mind.

3. In a very strange way, DnD is like a safe, virtual simulation training that ties together all personal development concepts, as well as Spiral Dynamics, exploration of cognitive and moral development via narrative of characters and the world,

4. personality types and traits you can include/exclude to experiment with how well you can improv and roleplay, Imagine using the Myers Briggs personality modal, combined with the DnD alignment system, and other psychological modals that can add even more dimensionality to the character.

5. Experiment with other states of consciousness and mind states, whilst roleplaying.

6. Exposes you to some other players and the DM, opportunities to socialize and add more life experiences and learn from their lives too, if you choose to capitalize on those social interactions.

7. Helps indirectly understand self biases and preferences, and maybe there are hints and clues about yourself when making your character? How you interact with other NPCs? other PCs/DM out of character? How you handle conflicts and situations in game?

8. Safer way to handle loses, as most failure points in life are simulated in the campaign scenario and is portrayed through every enemy and character.


   I recommend giving DnD a try, especially SOLO DND. In fact, for me, I've found SOLO is going to give more psychological and personal growth increases over a tradition DnD setting with other players, maybe less fun but for some, but to me I've actually found it much more fun to play that way. I sometimes play in groups in discord or even at location, just for something new.

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What is DND?

Do not disturb, dinner n dance or dungeons n dragons?

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4 hours ago, hyruga said:

What is DND?

Do not disturb, dinner n dance or dungeons n dragons?

   Dungeons and Dragons. It's a great game that involves roleplay, exploration and combat.

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I’m fairly certain that the average IQ at my pathfinder group is higher than almost any other setting I’ve been in. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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I thought it's just hack and slash and use whatever spells you have?

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12 hours ago, hyruga said:


I thought it's just hack and slash and use whatever spells you have?

   Oh yeah, there's that version too, it's a classic. However, I'm referring to the TTRPG (Table Top Role Playing Game) version in this thread.

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15 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I’m fairly certain that the average IQ at my pathfinder group is higher than almost any other setting I’ve been in. 

   Pathfinder is a decent system, though I'm more into DnD3.5 and 5. DnD4 is an interesting system, but can be overwhelming in combat as there's counter attacks and counter spells, and quick back and forth action that a DM and 1-2 PC max is the only way to play version 4, or solo play version 4 is optional.

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Pathfinder is a decent system, though I'm more into DnD3.5 and 5. DnD4 is an interesting system, but can be overwhelming in combat as there's counter attacks and counter spells, and quick back and forth action that a DM and 1-2 PC max is the only way to play version 4, or solo play version 4 is optional.

Yeah I haven’t really played any other systems. I’m into it enough to show up when someone else gets a game going, but I’m not going to go out of my way exploring different systems. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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15 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Yeah I haven’t really played any other systems. I’m into it enough to show up when someone else gets a game going, but I’m not going to go out of my way exploring different systems. 

   Why not try a new system out?

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   This channel is interesting. It deals with some horror stories of DnD, most online some IRL, that I've yet to encounter:


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   OMG! This is a good example of an entertaining deep fake video using A.I generation:


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The best system for this, in my opinion is the world of darkness series. Vampire and Werewolf in specific is a very deep existential game. I would love to play it again some day. Let's arrange a table hahahahahaha

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Interesting intereeesting, I am attuned to this DND, one nitpick though....

Solo DND, how is this possible?!

Thought a Dungeon master is required, and then some players at minimum?

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Dungeons and Dragons gives you an opportunity to explore characters and improvisation. It allows you to really think about morals and create your own. It's like a fantasy adventure movie, and you're playing the main characters. 

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On 3/15/2023 at 2:47 PM, Israfil said:

The best system for this, in my opinion is the world of darkness series. Vampire and Werewolf in specific is a very deep existential game. I would love to play it again some day. Let's arrange a table hahahahahaha

   Yeah that one's good. Also castle of Strad is dope game too, had several fanfics from that one.

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On 3/17/2023 at 8:39 AM, Blackbeat said:

Interesting intereeesting, I am attuned to this DND, one nitpick though....

Solo DND, how is this possible?!

Thought a Dungeon master is required, and then some players at minimum?

   Oh it's possible, just as it's possible to do blind folded chess games. It's all just fully visualizing the characters and environment. Pretty fun too. The guy from Charism on command who does the drooping in podcast is planning a DnD game as well.

   Yes, a DM and some PCs are required for a traditional version, usually 4 PCs or more, four because there's the mage, ranger, rogue, and either paladin or some tank class to soak dps. I have a friend that plays a modified Tabaxi character with a lore from Monster Hunter, homebrewed campaign and story. Basically the female hunter with the Nargacuga armour set and long sword, which is both dope and creates interesting situations for roleplay and combat in that game, also because it's homebrew it creates interest to explore the world building and locations as well.

   Generally, for newbies I advice sticking to the campaign modules and the established norms first before homebrewing, as homebrewing while it's very good and creative, can easily derail campaigns very quickly, or lead to power balancing issues between NPC/enemies and PCs.

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On 3/17/2023 at 10:27 AM, jedimasters said:

Dungeons and Dragons gives you an opportunity to explore characters and improvisation. It allows you to really think about morals and create your own. It's like a fantasy adventure movie, and you're playing the main characters. 

   Absolutely one of the most promising types of games with personal development potential! Get's you eager to flex those imagination muscles whilst trying to practice teamwork and negotiation skills too. DnD should be more mainstreamed and even a part of the education curriculum, such a good way to practice roleplaying with friends, teamwork building, and building in interest for statistics, combat and exploration too. So much promise for this type of game. 

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   Can you imagine a DnD game with this kind of game mechanics and quality? So beautiful to play:


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   Jeez, this deep fake A.I videos of DnD are pretty good:


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I appreciate this. Dnd in Education curriculum? wholey agreed.

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