
Women treat MEN the way men treat JOBS: how relationship goals change the dating

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4 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Devin Would be more fun than marrying you ?

You're not man enough ?.

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Just now, NoSelfSelf said:

@Devin Never said i am 

I was just teasing.

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23 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

No, dude. Women don't naturally like getting divorced just because it's fun. Men are simply terrible partners. But feminism is teaching women to raise their standards, so they don't put up with that anymore, so it's causing them to get divorced. Feminism is a bad solution for a terrible problem.

Just because feminism is bad does not automatically mean men are great. I did not expect this much bias from you, you always seemed level-headed.

      Men really don't get much worse after marriage than they were before, most people even live together before marriage now. I suggest giving the video another watch.

Edited by Devin

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Some of you guys didn’t get the point. 

The point is that males and females love in a different way.

Female love is very pragmatic and selfish while male love is selfless and sacrificing. But wait…

It is obviously a stereotype but observe it for yourself and you will see it is true. 

A woman will sacrifice but she will never sacrifice for a looser. It is always for a male that is “above” her that they sacrifice for. But the thing is that the guy who has all the girls at his feet don’t value a low value girl’s sacrifice. It is hypergamous nature. 



Edited by Ulax

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@NoSelfSelf  Your profile picture looks like an eye.


 Wamen treat MEN the way men treat JOBS, I don't get why everybody talks about Steve. I mean the Ipod was cool and the Iphone is just brillant marketing, but what have Wamen to do with it? Didn't watch the video, I got the gist grom the title

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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

Basically the same message Andrew Tate gives but obviously without the toxicity. Andrew Tate is basically Prometheus that let the red pill genie out of the bottle. Even highly educated people are basically taking over Andrew's talking points. I think there will be a major switch of momentum against toxic femininity in the octagon of narratives.


oh so this is what she meant when she said work that dick

everything makes sense now, I've awakened.

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Okok, i watched it. As a man who left women because the relationship went nowhere I'm offended. As a observer who sees all the business women in their late 20s and early 30s who value their job above relationships I'm... yeah, I don't find it true for my demographic.

Edited by supremeyingyang

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Edited by Devin

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@StarStruck Overall, I think the views  this youtuber expresses here are somewhat accurate. However, I see what I think are major flaws. I also am suspicious of his motives.

Firstly, I'd say he's within the paradigm of 'Everything is about survival' when it comes to relationships. And, I agree with that. 

Secondly, I would like to see what sources he cites for his beliefs. It appears to me he is attempting to fit into the category of a competent professional psychologist and my views are thus more credible. However, I wonder why he doesn't cite sources for his arguments. Accordingly, I feel somewhat suspicious of his motives. I am wary that he may just trying to get into the manosphere market, whilst avoiding the critiques levelled at people like Tate by talking in a very professional manner, and implying the image that his views are based on credible sources. That said, I think if that is the case and he becomes popular, I think he could represent a success in cancelling Tate. In terms of catering to the Tate audience, but in a less incendiary and more mature manner. Though I suspect he lacks the personality to get much of Tate's previous market share.

Thirdly, I think a flaw in his views is that he doesn't account for attachment theory in his worldview. In his use of rational, it appears to me that the talker is arguing that, be it consciously or unconsciously, women select the highest value guy they can get. However, I think the truth is women select the highest perceived value guy they can get.

A women with a disorganised attachment type will often look, to my understanding, for a partner who she feels both a sense of connection to and unsafety around, and will actually want abuse at an unconscious. A securely attached women would not want someone who abuses her. Therefore, to my mind,  these two women would perceive different men as maximising their survival interests.

So, I suppose my point here is that the talker makes the mistake of not accommodating for how attachment styles affect what a women determines to be attractive in a potential partner.

Fourthly, I think he doesn't account for how cultural influences potentially affect the value men and women put on relationships. I.e. just because men in 2023 USA don't value them as highly, doesn't mean its intrinsic to men not to value them as highly. Its possible, to me, that a differently socialised male population could value them as highly or even higher.

Edited by Ulax
Personalising and adding fourth section


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9 minutes ago, Devin said:


well the moderator has a point, but also it's interesting that women leave if there is no interdepedence.. about the 80%.. idk, but from what I observe: true.


you can't really blame the women for that.. a lot of men are treating relationships like a job and do only the bare minimum.. that is what I see

Edited by supremeyingyang

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    No one is blaming women, it's just stating their nature. They will much more easily leave for something perceived better.

Edited by Devin

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What is the point of those whiney threads???

Seriously, as things are right now  it's probably better for my personal development and mental health to watch cat videos on youtube then to scroll through the dating section on this forum, considering all the negative ideology and limiting beliefs that you will pick up here automatically, just by reading this stuff...

Edited by Ulax
Inflammatory remarks

Death and decay 🥀

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1 minute ago, Devin said:

    No one is blaming women

I don't literally say anyone blames women, it's proverbial. Like: Can't you understand why they do it?

3 minutes ago, Devin said:

it's just stating their nature

I'd say if men would have the opportunities of a comparable women they would do the same.. And they do. We need some kind of mature pendant to feminism which focuses on self development. I see a lot of man doing almost criminal little effort into anything.. just games and wage slaving :/

6 minutes ago, Devin said:

They may like you, but will much more easily leave for something better if there is an opportunity.

Not the women I know, be it my GF, the women in my family or the women in my wider social circle.

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4 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

What is the point of those whiney threads???

Seriously, as things are right now  it's probably better for my personal development and mental health to watch cat videos on youtube then to scroll through the dating section on this forum, considering all the negative ideology and limiting beliefs that you will pick up here automatically, just by reading this stuff...

@Something Funny Perhaps you are just more conscious of both your personal psychology and also what will actually help you in life.


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@Ulax but that's not why I made the comment.

It's just that I have noticed that anytime I enter a dating section here it's more likely that I will get some negative belief or ideology forced into my mind instead of getting some positive information / motivation / encouragement. 

It is seriously affecting me in a bad way.

And even if you block users who post this kinds of stuff, you can still see the titles like "women treat men the way they treat jobs". 

What an empowering message to read before going to sleep while trying to improve your dating life, lol.

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@Ulax also, I can emphasize with girls here who complain about always having to read stuff like "you need to be a 10 to have value".

It does mess with your head whether you want it or not.

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4 hours ago, Devin said:

Men really don't get much worse after marriage than they were before, most people even live together before marriage now.

Men remain as bad as they were, and women simply start waking up to it, cuz of feminism and cuz of aging/"maturing".

Women are not opportunists by nature.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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1 hour ago, Something Funny said:

@Ulax also, I can emphasize with girls here who complain about always having to read stuff like "you need to be a 10 to have value".

And this stuff comes from the very same people who post things like "Female love is very selfish while male love is selfless and sacrificing." LOL what a joke. The dating section is certainly the cesspool of the forum.

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