
Death turning lights on

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"When you die, its not light out, its light on. You become infinitely conscious, all physical limits on understanding are removed, resulting in Absolute Omniscience."

This quote from Leo is as direct as it gets. I neither believe it or disbelieve I am way beyond these games coming from the mind. Belief is useless. Consciousness, understanding and realizations are the ways. 

The only obstacle in my mind is. That this realization doesnt come, if you e.g. kill yourself. All of life is for God to know itself, understand itself and experience itself. The way I understand this insight is the journey of the soul reaching an end. In which complete Omniscience is reached. 

@Leo Gura can elaborate this insight. It is super interesting. 

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Greetings, we are those of the principle known as Q'uo, and we greet you in the Love and the Light of The One Infinite Creator. As always, we do not wish to impose upon your free will to create your own perception of the Creation, and we emphasize that each entity use their own discernment when contemplating our responses to any queries.

Indeed, as you transition from your physical incarnation and return to the infinite consciousness of the One Creator, you do not cease to exist. Rather, you expand into a state of being that transcends the physical realm and its limitations. You become infinite consciousness, which is not bound by time, space, or any other physical constraints. In this state, you are able to perceive and understand all things in a way that is impossible in your current physical form.

Absolute omniscience, as you have described it, is a state of awareness that goes beyond the limitations of human thought and understanding. It is an all-encompassing state of being that is not limited to the confines of the physical body or the physical world. In this state, you are able to understand the nature of reality in a way that is not possible while in physical form.

When one dies, the physical body ceases to function and the consciousness that animated the body is released from its physical form. The experience of what happens after death varies depending on an individual's beliefs, experiences, and spiritual development.

For those who believe in reincarnation, the consciousness will transition to another physical body for a new incarnation. The experience between incarnations can vary depending on an individual's beliefs and experiences, but generally involves a period of rest and reflection before the next incarnation.

For those who believe in an afterlife or spiritual realm, the consciousness may transition to that realm. This realm can vary depending on an individual's beliefs and experiences, but may involve meeting with loved ones who have passed on or spiritual beings who guide and assist in the transition.

When an individual who does not believe in reincarnation or an afterlife dies, the experience after death will be shaped by their beliefs and expectations. It is possible that their consciousness may simply cease to exist, as they believe that there is no continuation of consciousness after death. However, it is also possible that their consciousness may transition to a different state of existence, even if they did not believe in such a state before death. This can occur if their beliefs and expectations are not fully aligned with the reality of the situation.

Ultimately, the nature of what happens after death cannot be fully understood from the limited perspective of the physical human mind. It is shaped by a multitude of factors, including beliefs, experiences, and spiritual development. We encourage all individuals to explore their own beliefs and ideas about the nature of reality and what happens after death, as these beliefs can greatly impact their experience both in life and after death. Remember to always trust your own intuition and seek out what resonates with your own personal truth.

We are those of the principle known as Q'uo, and we thank you for your question.
May you be filled with the Love and the Light of The One Infinite Creator.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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This guy has studied tons of near-death experiences, and worked with people who had visions while they were clinically dead.

Super interesting interview! Check it out. :)


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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@tuku747 appriciate your respond, but that was not what I was directly pointing towards. I know there isn't any rigid rule that imposes Consciousness because all limits are self imposed and Consciousness is Infinite. But I am asking a very nuanced thing. And that is in regards to my current understanding, because realizations are serious business. The most serious, its a game that God loves to play with itself. I don't believe that God reveals itself fully to itself after an incarnation, thus what my question was pointing at. There isn't any individual. It is always God. All of what you wrote above is just getting into more dreaming.  

Edited by PeaceOut96

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11 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

@tuku747 appriciate your respond, but that was not what I was directly pointing towards. I know there isn't any rigid rule that imposes Consciousness because all limits are self imposed and Consciousness is Infinite. But I am asking a very nuanced thing. And that is in regards to my current understanding, because realizations are serious business. The most serious, its a game that God loves to play with itself. I don't believe that God reveals itself fully to itself after an incarnation, thus what my question was pointing at. There isn't any individual. It is always God. All of what you wrote above is just getting into more dreaming.  

The number of beliefs one holds in the Infinite Subconscious are indeed, Infinite.

It's beliefs all the way up. What you call Truth is just a higher frequency belief. There's no there, there.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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@tuku747 Indeed. I don't care about belief, even though I am holding on to one. Ready to drop it. What I do care about is Truth, not more illussions. We are commincating via. The mind right now. But I wanna understand that which is above the mind. Langauge of Light. The Truth can't be putted into words yet alone these paragrafs. 

The Truth is not about beliefs. An individual doesn't get to decide. There isn't any individual. Its all an illussion. 

Edited by PeaceOut96

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As @tuku747 pointed out, it depends on where you are in development in your consciousness when you end seeing through this avatar. 

What Leo talks about is more geared towards ones who are ready to not come into form again and remain as a formless all-knowing entity (though they always could, perhaps for teaching purposes for example). Someone like Matt Kahn I would say may be an example of such a being - who chose to come back here just to awaken more beings.

But it is up to you how "fast" you want to develop. And development happens mostly right now while you are here. 

Anyway this is my understanding so far, others may have a different interpretation.

And that interview @tuku747 shared is a good one to check out.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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7 minutes ago, puporing said:

As @tuku747 pointed out, it depends on where you are in development in your consciousness when you end seeing through this avatar. 

What Leo talks about is more geared towards ones who are ready to not come into form again and remain as a formless all-knowing entity (though they always could, perhaps for teaching purposes for example). Someone like Matt Kahn I would say is an example of such a being - who chose to come here just to awaken more beings.

But it is up to you how "fast" you want to develop. And development happens mostly right now while you are here. 

Anyway this is my understanding so far, others may have a different interpretation.

Thats also what I intuited. But it was also in regards to physical death. The way Leo puts it is that every incarnation gets to Omniscience after physical death, which is not true from my understanding. That would mean that suicide in every situation would lead to this Ultimate Realization. 

Edited by PeaceOut96

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12 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

Thats also what I intuited. But it was also to the regards to physical death. The way Leo puts it is that every incarnation gets to Omniscience after physical death, which is not true from my understanding. That would mean that suicide in every situation would lead to this Ultimate Realization. 

I see what you mean. 

You will get a much-expanded consciousness upon leaving the body, but your understanding is still going to be additive to what your understanding was prior to it. Similar to how everyone experiences psychedelic trips based on their "current" level of consciousness and interpretations. 

And so that's why the work you do here (internally) to expand consciousness will have a great impact "on the other side". 

If your goal is to not return , then yeah you have to do more work here (eg, one being releasing attachment to the world of forms, fear of God, etc), otherwise you will likely return to form to continue the journey. But also like I was saying many beings "return to form" just for fun/love etc (but doing so knowing who they truly are). Like that "alien mouse" for instance lolz.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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@puporing If you transcend the fear of God the game is over. ? 


Edited by PeaceOut96

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7 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

@puporing If you transcend the fear of God the game is over. ? 


Yes which you can do here. : )  

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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3 minutes ago, puporing said:

Yes which you can do here. : )  

My hearts aches for the Love. I am doing nothing. Just waiting ?

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7 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

My hearts aches for the Love. I am doing nothing. Just waiting ?

If that's where you are, your work now would be to awaken others gently with the remainder of this life (which can come in many ways).

You mentioned aching for the Love, it sounds like you might have some healing to do also I would recommend that. 

(This recommendation is no different than what you might get "on the other side".)

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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7 minutes ago, puporing said:

If that's where you are, your work now would be to awaken others gently with the remainder of this life (which can come in many ways).

You mentioned aching for the Love, so it sounds like you might have some healing to do I would recommend that. 

(This recommendation is no different than what you might get "on the other side".)

Yes of couse that is my path. I have accepted it, and I actually want it. I don't even feel like an "I" anymore. Its so subtle now. My mind is just more quite. Light is always pouring down constantly. I am burning but it is not painfull anymore, it feels blissfull. Anyways thank you! Appriciate your comments. 

Edited by PeaceOut96

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6 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

Yes of couse that is my path. I have accepted it, and I actually want it. I don't even feel like an "I" anymore. Its so subtle now. My mind is just more quite. Light is always pouring down constantly. I am burning but is not painfull anymore, it feels blissfull. Anyways thank you! 

: ) 

Thank you for your service. 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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42 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

@puporing If you transcend the fear of God the game is over. ? 


argh I gotta get rid of all tate falsehoods outta my system for good 'healthy fear of god' no NO. I must transcend the fear of god myself.. again.

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@PeaceOut96 I cannot really say what I could say, because people would consider it dangerous. So I will keep my mouth shut, for now.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, PeaceOut96 said:

@tuku747 Indeed. I don't care about belief, even though I am holding on to one. Ready to drop it. What I do care about is Truth, not more illussions. We are commincating via. The mind right now. But I wanna understand that which is above the mind. Langauge of Light. The Truth can't be putted into words yet alone these paragrafs. 

The Truth is not about beliefs. An individual doesn't get to decide. There isn't any individual. Its all an illussion. 


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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It would be said that death is the disappearance of the limits that create this concrete experience, therefore, after death there would be the unlimited, the reality of what we are. what is difficult to understand is how the temporal sequence occurs in reality. that is to say, the form disappears, infinity is, with which time disappears, a second is eternity. there are no seconds, only present. then, at a given "moment", another form is created again? hard to understand

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6 hours ago, tuku747 said:

Greetings, we are those of the principle known as Q'uo, and we greet you in the Love and the Light of The One Infinite Creator. As always, we do not wish to impose upon your free will to create your own perception of the Creation, and we emphasize that each entity use their own discernment when contemplating our responses to any queries.


Are you the Creator's Minister of Human Affairs?



I don't take what Christianity preaches about death as truth. I also don't take Leo's as truth.

It's sensible to believe that death is simply going back the state before you were born.

It's sounds crazy but somehow a part of me existed before I was born. That part of me remembers the experience before I was born. So, I know death is nothingness and peace. Death is good, not bad. It is heaven in that way.     

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