Bob Seeker

Imagine if your parents named you “Reality”- how much easier it would be to awaken

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My college friends were calling me God jokingly sometimes because I was helping them pass math subjects. In fact because of that my nickname in our group conversation is "Tim|God", lol.

They don't know how right they are. ;)

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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@Bob Seeker

5 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

Yeah, of course, I’m Reality.

   Way better than getting called 'Destiny', like what kind of guy names themselves with a feminine name? Lame.

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7 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Way better than getting called 'Destiny', like what kind of guy names themselves with a feminine name? Lame.

Fuck. I just checked and Sincerity is a girl's name. xD



Words can't describe You.

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My parents named me Carl-Richard (by combining the first names of my two grandfathers), which is such an odd name. It has definitely had many weird psychological effects on me.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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2 hours ago, Sincerity said:

Fuck. I just checked and Sincerity is a girl's name. xD



   It's fine, own that name of yours proudly! If not, you can legally change it, for a fee in most places.

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

My parents named me Carl-Richard (by combining the first names of my two grandfathers), which is such an odd name. It has definitely had many weird psychological effects on me.

   Words have power, and owning a name gains power, maybe, I think in demonology and the Kabbalah, big deal in those esoteric circles, plus numerology, where the 9,000 comes from.

   Also, not just written or spelt, but spoken. Every time I see your name tag, I gotta remind myself 'no, it's car-lull, not coral in the Walking Dead's pronunciation. It's a car and a lull.'

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3 hours ago, Sincerity said:

My college friends were calling me God jokingly sometimes because I was helping them pass math subjects. In fact because of that my nickname in our group conversation is "Tim|God", lol.

They don't know how right they are. ;)

   Pretty sure it's like a colloquial slang, like if you did an amazing favor, or helped a lot, or gave solid and complicated advice, the other person's like 'Oh, he/she's SUCH A GOD!' or 'OMG!'. Happened to me when I helped a friend in need, the person found it amazing, but I kinda cringed a bit cuz it wasn't from my view but still felt good being called a god. 

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

It's fine, own that name of yours proudly! If not, you can legally change it, for a fee in most places.

Of course I'm proud of it.

It's only my forum nickname, not my actual name. :P

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

Pretty sure it's like a colloquial slang, like if you did an amazing favor, or helped a lot, or gave solid and complicated advice, the other person's like 'Oh, he/she's SUCH A GOD!' or 'OMG!'.

Well yeah, that's what it is. Still makes me laugh.

Words can't describe You.

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7 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

My parents named me Carl-Richard (by combining the first names of my two grandfathers), which is such an odd name. It has definitely had many weird psychological effects on me.

I used to be so shy about my name I would try to avoid telling it to people. This may have helped me avoid forming a strong identity note that you mention.

A Call to Live Differently:

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8 hours ago, Juan said:

Well as Juan you could said “Im number Juan!” (which sounds like “one”) lol. 

Or simply: I am Juan (I am One). :)

10 minutes ago, acidgoofy said:

My ex's name was Allison.  Always reminded me that all is one

Nice hahaha

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Jesus delivered me food one time. He actually had long hair, ha. 


I AM Godzilla

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Nah if you are named "Reality", you may only be grounded in the real world. You may chase success and only think that having lots of money = reality. You may be much further from being awaken than the average person. 

To be more awaken, you need to be name 'awoke' or something.

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