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Liberalism VS. Conservatism

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@How to be wise @Nilsi  Actually @Carl-Richard is right in claiming this forum is mostly western dominant. Just look at the map here in, in the life purpose course page, and roughly how many use, mostly from the USA, Canada, and the UK and other European countries. Other places from the eastern cultural divisions, are not the majority here, the majority are from western divisions.

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6 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

This isn’t a western forum. I don’t know how you got that idea. This is a global forum.

Leo is a Westerner, his content is Western, his forum sections are Western, etc.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:

@How to be wise @Nilsi  Actually @Carl-Richard is right in claiming this forum is mostly western dominant. Just look at the map here in, in the life purpose course page, and roughly how many use, mostly from the USA, Canada, and the UK and other European countries. Other places from the eastern cultural divisions, are not the majority here, the majority are from western divisions.

I'm not desputing that. One more reason to encourage diverse perspectives and not have this become some homogenous soup.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:

@How to be wise @Nilsi  Actually @Carl-Richard is right in claiming this forum is mostly western dominant. Just look at the map here in, in the life purpose course page, and roughly how many use, mostly from the USA, Canada, and the UK and other European countries. Other places from the eastern cultural divisions, are not the majority here, the majority are from western divisions.

I didn’t say that most people here aren’t western. I said this isn’t a western forum. If you go by the logic that the forum is what the majority are, this means that this forum is a male forum. Totally Absurd.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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To be fair to the OP he is Indian. Christopher Columbus has a day named after him and he couldn't tell the difference between America and India.

Edited by Devin

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8 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

I'm far more interested in having him study his own tradition and culture and tell us about it, instead of trying to be something he will never be - a Westerner.

Getting nazi vibes (not because you're German ?). If you can write in English, you're Western enough to stay here :)

It's good that you're progressing on integrating your inner Satan, but you need to keep it under control sometimes ;)

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


   The bolded parts are an assumption based on what OP has written here, and nowhere else in his past posts, which means you have to acknowledge that, if you're entire post from that point was all about the bolded statement, and it's proven to be false, then you are operating on faulty assumptions.

The bolded part is a direct quote from him. You can find it earlier in this thread. I’ll screenshot it.

I was just replying to his quote.

And once again, it is specifically about what he said and not directed toward you or anyone else.



Edited by Emerald

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27 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Getting nazi vibes (not because you're German ?). If you can write in English, you're Western enough to stay here :)

It's good that you're progressing on integrating your inner Satan, but you need to keep it under control sometimes ;)

That's fair and I'll take it, but I'm absolutely serious here.

I'm not trying to silence him or anything - quite the contrary: I would be super interested to hear him talk about what's going on in India, but I don't care for his analysis of Western society at all.

If I saw an ISTP suffering away in a library, I'd tell him that it's ok to suck at reading, instead of asking him to join my book club.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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2 hours ago, Emerald said:



   Fine, I screwed up the bolden parts. However, you haven't addressed the issues in my previous post, and again, I could be wrong, seems like you're now dodging the possibility that you've actually directly addressed to me than to OP. If you got an issue with a Furry in the thumbnail, just say so. No need for the passive aggressiveness and differing to OP constantly.

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2 hours ago, Nilsi said:

I'm not desputing that. One more reason to encourage diverse perspectives and not have this become some homogenous soup.

   I was specifically referring to the western bit, I thought you and that other user meant this entire forum is eastern division. Maybe this thread, but the rest of the forum and website is western, sorry.

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@How to be wise

2 hours ago, How to be wise said:

I didn’t say that most people here aren’t western. I said this isn’t a western forum. If you go by the logic that the forum is what the majority are, this means that this forum is a male forum. Totally Absurd.

   Maybe you meant in this thread. However, the entire forum and website is majority western division, not eastern division. No amount of psychedelics, and supernatural powers of shape shifting reality, is going to change the current statistics that this forum is majority western predominantly.

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2 hours ago, Devin said:

To be fair the OP is Indian. Christopher Columbus has a day named after him and he couldn't tell the difference between America and India.

   Dude, no shot. Please don't be bad faith and uncharitable, and try to goad OP with hinting you're being a bit racist and ethnocentric. Not cool. Address his points directly and not his character or demographics please.

   Don't be not cool.

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2 hours ago, Nilsi said:

That's fair and I'll take it, but I'm absolutely serious here.

I'm not trying to silence him or anything - quite the contrary: I would be super interested to hear him talk about what's going on in India, but I don't care for his analysis of Western society at all.

If I saw an ISTP suffering away in a library, I'd tell him that it's ok to suck at reading, instead of asking him to join my book club.

   However, sometimes taking something too seriously can backfire. Just look at my post about the differences between the male and female mind, and here, the conservative and liberal mind. Not a overly serious post.

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11 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Dude, no shot. Please don't be bad faith and uncharitable, and try to goad OP with hinting you're being a bit racist and ethnocentric. Not cool. Address his points directly and not his character or demographics please.

   Don't be not cool.


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54 minutes ago, Devin said:


   You can LOL all you want, it's still bad faith and not productive. Don't be not cool.

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Fine, I screwed up the bolden parts. However, you haven't addressed the issues in my previous post, and again, I could be wrong, seems like you're now dodging the possibility that you've actually directly addressed to me than to OP. If you got an issue with a Furry in the thumbnail, just say so. No need for the passive aggressiveness and differing to OP constantly.

I promise that I’m not being passive aggressive. I’m actually a bit surprised as to why you feel that way.

And I don’t have any particular feelings about furries (positive or negative). And I didn’t watch the video that you posted.

And no, I honestly wasn’t addressing you. I’m pretty direct about my views and criticisms. I have very strong opinions that I hold very deeply. So, if I had an issue with something you posted, I’d definitely debate you about it directly. 

But truthfully, I had only skimmed through and read a few of the OP’s takes… mostly because he has some pretty wild takes about liberalism and conservatism. I didn’t read anyone else’s.

And I was specifically addressing the OP to see how they would respond to those questions because of his other takes. He didn’t actually answer them though. 

But I didn’t reply to your answers to those questions because those questions aren’t something I’m interested in addressing in general.

I only posed those questions because I was curious as to how he would try to reconcile things in his mind. And I wanted to give him a bit of cognitive dissonance to where he’d have to think about his perspectives a bit deeper to try to reconcile them.

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11 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   You can LOL all you want, it's still bad faith and not productive. Don't be not cool.

         I support the OP talking about the west, his thread is inquisitive not an editorial, I'm familiar with his style of conversation for curiosity. It was obviously just a funny joke, a really funny non racist joke, one you should be ashamed of spoiling for your laugh.

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2 hours ago, Devin said:

         I support the OP talking about the west, his thread is inquisitive not an editorial, I'm familiar with his style of conversation for curiosity. It was obviously just a funny joke, a really funny non racist joke, one you should be ashamed of spoiling for your laugh.

   Sorry, I am a special person, so humor doesn't come easily to me.

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43 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Sorry, I am a special person, so humor doesn't come easily to me.

       Humor doesn't translate well in text forums, no worries, you only had good intentions.

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Ah, yes... the left famously created the Iraq War, the Vietnam War, the Ukraine War, WW2, and WW1.

You are correct on that, but since then, the democrats have been gaining ground and power because of education and tech.  Before that, the right had control of energy and raw materials, which pretty much ruled most of the 1900s from the 90s; the power of the intellect has played a bigger part up until now.  We also have seen exponential growth in medicine, which gives a lot of power to universities.  

The military-industrial has caught wind of this and has been pretty much buying the left since then. They own both sides, but the left just has more influence, so the democrats have been their focus.  The bigger irony is libertarians are funding weapons companies by investing into them.  

The left media seems to support the Ukraine war more, and their children are probably serving in the military.  The right seems to be against the Ukraine war a little more, but they will be the first to march when the military leaders tell them to.    


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