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Zen LaCroix

What is a simple supplement routine to maximize cognitive function and focus?

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I'm going to be partaking in a 7 month long Front End Developer Bootcamp. I will working 60-80 hours a week most likely. I need a simple supplement routine to maximize my cognitive function and focus. I need to be mentally sharp and able to work long hours. If you have fitness and nutrition advice as well throw that in as well.

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7-8 Hours of uninterrupted sleep, with no screens at least 1h before going to sleep, preferably waking up at the same time every day


Hit the Gym or do any other physically demanding activity for 30mins 3x a week, and try to get some sunlight by taking short walks as breaks most days. Common sense nutrition is also of big value. Don't have giant meals before working or your brain won't work, eat your fruits and veggies, limit sugar, etc. etc.


This might seem like a weird one, but make sure to not become emotionally closed off. Make some time for friends, family, or and people you love. Open up, have things to look forward to, and make time for things you enjoy. You won't be able to do a 7-month sprint, make it enjoyable. 


Take some time off every day to let your mind calm down and focus on your surroundings. Doesn't have to be anything crazy, 2-10 Mins is fine.


Preferably get some bloodwork done before you give your body things you don't need. Supplements will have the smallest effect of all the things I mentioned here.

  1. Fish/Krill/Algae oil (If you aren't eating a lot of fish)
  2. Vitamin D3+K2
  3. L-Theanine
  4. Possibly various Vitamin B's if you are lacking them in your diet
  5. Kreatin

There are dozens more but honestly, the effects of those I already mentioned are super subtle and you'd be much better advised, to work on other fronts than supplements. Everything that will have strong noticeable effects (caffeine, modafinil, etc) will also have noticeable side effects and are ultimately not sustainable. 

Finally, I'd advise you to create a routine that works for you with breaks and studying clearly separated.

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Lot of great advice above already. 

Couple additional things 

  1. Keep a strong morning routine so that by the time you are sitting down to learn, your brian has been fully awaken  
  2. cold showers in the morning may give you a cognitive peak early on, you can take another in the mid day. 
  3. eating light but avoiding refined grains and too much sugar will help keep you more alert
  4. definitely avoid drinking any sugar-containing stuff 
  5. take regular breaks as much as you can, whenever you can go outside to refocus your eyes on distant objects
  6. quick bursts of 5 minute cardio activity between sessions will help keep you cognitively stimulated 
  7. You could get one of those hiking flasks up to 1.5 litre and then sip on it throughout the day
  8. dark chocolate can be mildly cognitive stimulating as well 

In terms of particular supplements, this is very individual but something as simple as mid-day espresso is likely to be more effective and safer than taking pharma-grade central-nervous stimulates such as modafinil or adderal (which is basically the same thing about 85%) 

You can never go wrong with theanine or rhodiola, some people respond to those nicely, but many don;t. 


Edited by Michael569

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@Zen LaCroix Works great for crunches but people downplay the side effects IMO, especially with regular use. Even at low doses, the day after taking (ar)modafinil my head feels just empty and I struggle to form intelligent thoughts. Also has lowkey addiction potential, as it makes getting things done so much easier. Regular use (2x a week at 50mg)  kinda makes me depressed. If you decide to do it, I'd say take a 2-week break in between and don't become reliant on it. 

Edited by Godhead

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Creatine. 3 grams/day. 

Edited by Bobby_2021

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@Zen LaCroix nothing diagnosed, but I do have a hard time sitting still/focusing when I'm not interested in something

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@Zen LaCroix  Mind Lab Pro. I love it, it works well and is affordable for what it does, there's no experimental chemicals in there like racetams, just vitamins and plants. I know a CEO of a biotech company that swears by it. I know a career poker player that loves it.

They should really give me an affiliate link or something :S

Anyways, I don't take it every day because it does make me a bit overly "brainy" and less in touch with my feelings.

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I noticed cognitive enhancement after taking 1000mg Taurine a few times a day. 

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Gotu Kola

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