
Video “Why we Blame Women for the Masculinity Crisis”

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@Emerald That will make them see themselves as the problem,then they will have to learn game and how to be a man.Do you realize how heavy load you are putting on them they are not ready for that ? 

On a serious note not everyone can be that,so victimhood and influencer cuddle parties are a cope.Same as not everyone can be a basketball player so they will have to accept it or become a victim...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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30 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Great video. The masculinity crisis gives no shit about the structural problems of the system. They are constantly looking for a scapegoat to offload their problems to.

Yes definitely.

Discussing such complex structural problems should be work of the modern intellectuals of our time. But conservative intellectuals simply happen to be grifters and con artists who found another was to milk money from their followers.

Yeah… insecurity sells. And so does giving people a narrative that absolves them of the responsibility for that insecurity.

So, the rhetoric both agitates and coddles the insecure man by first telling him that he’s not living up to the Masculine ideal and that he’s a weak beta cuck… and then telling him that it’s not his fault that he’s a weak beta cuck because women and the Feminazis stole his Masculinity from him by giving rights to women and ‘brainwashing’ them into preferring power to powerlessness.

And he imagines an idealized past where he would have been the Alpha male with an attractive wife who is subordinate to him who takes care of all his children. 


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1 minute ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Emerald That will make them see themselves as the problem,then they will have to learn game and how to be a man.Do you realize how heavy load you are putting on them they are not ready for that ? 

On a serious note not everyone can be that,so victimhood and influencer cuddle parties are a cope.Same as not everyone can be a basketball player so they will have to accept it or become a victim...

Yep. They have to take responsibility for their own insecurities without scapegoating and blaming women for their own issues.

The call is coming from inside the house.

It’s always so weird when guys on here want women to take responsibility for their insecurities. And are like… women need to change.

It’s always so random to have these things projected onto you because.

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1 hour ago, Devin said:

That's not what the video says. It says masculinity is based off there being feminity. 

No, it says the IDEA of Masculinity is constructed in relation to a Fetishized and unrealistic ideal of Femininity.

And so it creates an illusion in many men that women are responsible for the man’s Masculinity.

Thus, when a man feels like he isn’t measuring up to the IDEA of Masculinity, he blames women for deviating from the Fetishized unrealistic IDEA of the Feminine.

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55 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

Nice video. I think it's a good point that the idea of masculinity for men has to evolve towards being inner motivated. This seems like a great opportunity if young men found some good role models. But of course instead of enthusiastically moving forward towards alignment with higher values we backlash and stick to what we "know" or what we want reality to be. That's how humans are, haha...

I didn't fall in love with this guy's style (feels too edgy for me) but I liked what he had so say.

A vision of TRUE masculinity, grounded in virtues and self-sacrifice (for God) is something really worth aspiring to for me. :) And true femininity too, of course!

Yes, it’s definitely not something that can be put on from the outside.

Masculinity is real. But it has nothing to do with these Fetishized notions of the Masculine and Feminine.

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1 hour ago, Jannes said:

I watched it twice but I don’t think I got all the points, it’s a little fast for me. 

I already had the same basic thought but didn’t think about it’s implications. 
„Heroism or the hero can not be defined through the hero itself. Just like you can’t define walking without the ground. A hero is always seen with an excited audience either explicitly or implicitly. Every point in the universe implies the rest of the universe.“ What I didn’t think about is that a person who has this kind of identity in his mind also wants to create it in real life.. 

That’s true of the hero as an archetype.

But human beings are not archetypes. They are only informed by them.

The archetype of the hero can only be integrated internally. It does not rely on the external to validate it.

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2 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Im not gonna watch a video, where title puts someone else to blame for your own mistakes, fail from the start...i can only blame my mother which would also be stupid...

   SO TRUE! I'm getting fed up with misleading click bait titles and thumbnails. Is there no longer a moral standard to marketing anymore???

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57 minutes ago, Emerald said:

No, it says the IDEA of Masculinity is constructed in relation to a Fetishized and unrealistic ideal of Femininity.

That's what I said.

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I feel like this video is gonna piss off a lot of actualized users. It pretty much dismantles the ideas held by Leo and most of his followers.

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His arguments aren’t great. First he asserts masculinity is socially constructed in relation to women, that isn’t true, any trans men who takes testosterone can tell you most masculine traits are rooted in biology. There are also plenty of traits of masculinity not necessarily related to women, for example stoicism or defending the homeland. Men fight each other all the time, and it’s not about women, even when they fight over a woman it’s more about their egos than what the woman thinks. If you made a society of just men, they would still be forming status hierarchies and posturing even when there are no women around. The most hyper masculine place is a male only prison. Gay men don’t have the same motivations around women and still act just as masculine. The list goes on.

He also says that the crisis of masculinity is blamed on women, but it isn’t, almost all discussion of the problems with masculinity blames men as individuals or sometimes men collectively. For example, the toxic masculinity narrative. It’s ironic because meanwhile feminism blames almost all problems among women on men by asserting its somehow caused by men or men in leadership. Ex even womens natural insecurity about their looks is blamed on the male gaze despite women being far more judgmental of each other’s appearances than men are.

He then makes the leap to say the crisis of masculinity is caused by capitalism. This isn’t true because main reason we have a crisis of masculinity is because of state education and how it alienates men. Also, less capitalistic countries are also having the same issues with men sometimes even more so, take China for example.

He also says that a solution is to not judge other ways of living aside from the traditional nuclear family. The problem is, those other ways aren’t working, as a society we have only just begun to break away from that and it’s already resulting in relationships going nowhere, large single parent rates, and crashing birthrates. Look at the polyamory community, it is an attempt to break away from that and it ends up being a massively toxic movement full of jealously and backstabbing. Demographers now argue despite the decline of religion, the future belongs to the religious because the more religiously conservative a group is the higher their birth rate seems to be. 


Edited by Raze

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      I've never heard of a man claiming to lack masculinity because of women. Where are you people coming up with this?

       Men will say about other men that women have emasculated them, that's no where near what you're talking about.

        You're conflating the complaints about dating struggles with social emasculation.

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4 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Jannes Okay i save millions of people nobody sees it, im not a hero?

Im helping people but they hate me sees me as villian im not a hero?

I anonymously donate 1 million dolars to charity im not a hero?


Why would you do it then? You need a motivation to do it. 

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@Emerald Interesting video, I dont think men in general blame women for the perceived masculinity crisis, but definitely a lot of red pill and anti-feminists do. Most if not all ideologies have an extreme element that usually plays up to the victim narrative and creates an enemy that is the reason theyve been held down as a people. You can obviously see this with the blackpill which is built upon this narrative but I'd also argue the extreme end of  3rd wave feminism tends to blame everything on the 'patriarchy', extreme Islam blames the west, extreme Christianity blames liberals etc etc. The victim narrative is very enticing because it absolves the individual from all responsibility and gives them a kind of quest to rid the world of the opposing side, not usually with violence but with ideas. But its all the same just different flavours for different identities. 

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It's deliciously ironic when men consider it masculine to blame women for eroding their masculinity.

That's the most beta logic of all time:

"I can't be a strong man because women have a voice."

Edited by Leo Gura

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Yes, feminism and acillary progressive ideologies are demolishing traditional ideas of what it means to be a man or a woman.  This is not a mistake, this is the evolution of consciousness and natural consequence of societal development. But there will be challenges on all sides.

Those who cling to their old identity will see said new ideologies as wrong, bad or evil. They will lash out and feel confused. There may be an existential crisis. This is how it always works when the ego is threatened.

With all these emotions being stirred up, this does create a market for grifters to exploit. And most of the time these grifters themselves will not even be conscious of what they are doing. They are suffering from the exact same problem. They also are subscribed to these reactionary ideologies. Thus, it's fearful men selling to other fearful men.

Men are going to have to redefine masculinity outside of what it previously meant. Which may include some of the traditional elements, but also will likely exclude others. Transcend and include.

Of course this does not explain ALL of the behavior found in these alt-right communities. Some guys are just pissed because they've been through a real bad divorce / breakup and these anti-women narratives appeal to their bitterness. But there is a larger dynamic going on outside of that. 

Edited by aurum

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IDK Emerald, the title of the video rubs me the wrong way.

What masculinity crisis?

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+the picture shows Andy tate TWICE! I am never watching that video.

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I'm so far removed from all this but yeah that's pretty depressing. It's def not Women's fault. The guys should look in the mirror, i also don't think it's about the finances that much. I think it's more about character and purpose. 

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I'm getting mental-masturbation vibes from this thread. 

If this is the problem, what's the solution? Are you trying to figure that out or is this more pointless male-bashing? 

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