
is it normal that im tripping on command without meds or psychs?

18 posts in this topic

just asking cause i can control myself and induce any state

i am very sad lately

what do you guys think?

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Need more detail - are you saying you can induce psychedelic states without psychedelics? Do you have a history of psychedelics?

Most who claim they can induce tripping states without psychedelics live in a fantasy. It does appear that you could be highly imaginative, which is a unique trait, but not a psychedelic trip. Anything that you can normally do, psychedelics will 10x it at will. 

However, if you have taken psychedelics and continue to have similar tripping states, this is also common as I have them. Learning to control your mind is important and have contemplated resurrecting my meditation practice. 

As far as your sadness, you haven't given any explicit reason why you feel sad. It feels as though you are confused.

Best of wishes 

Edited by Pudgey

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On 2/28/2023 at 5:22 AM, Pudgey said:

Most who claim they can induce tripping states without psychedelics live in a fantasy. 

Good :D


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On 2/28/2023 at 1:22 PM, Pudgey said:

Need more detail - are you saying you can induce psychedelic states without psychedelics? Do you have a history of psychedelics?

Most who claim they can induce tripping states without psychedelics live in a fantasy. It does appear that you could be highly imaginative, which is a unique trait, but not a psychedelic trip. Anything that you can normally do, psychedelics will 10x it at will. 

However, if you have taken psychedelics and continue to have similar tripping states, this is also common as I have them. Learning to control your mind is important and have contemplated resurrecting my meditation practice. 

As far as your sadness, you haven't given any explicit reason why you feel sad. It feels as though you are confused.

Best of wishes 

Yes sorry just a quick post and I wanted clarification for myself mainly, and to know if anyone experiences these states of highly imaginative fantasy.

I do understand psychedelics make a large impact on the mind. I am not gonna claim I have had that big of psychedelic states, but when I don't sleep for 3 days I would see and hear things people normally don't see or hear. I also worked with godesses from the Hindu culture, like Dhumavati, Maheshvari, Chinnamasta, Varahi and others, while meditating, dancing. And I'm constantly meditating and having meditative states, but nowadays I tend to focus more on my creative work and mental health - sometimes I combine both, write articles, draw, sketch, paint. I tend to value my time more nowadays.


Sadness came because of stress related to relationships. I wrote various posts detailing what happened. 

I've been hospitalized lately and on the paper it said severe insomnia, anxiety, obsessive compulsive behavior and thinking and meditative states. Even telepathy was mentioned.


I try to give as much detail possible if you guys need it, but this post was mainly to see if others trip or have highly imaginative states without psychedelics. I tried DMT meditations from youtube, and they're definitely real, just maybe not that strong.

I am not that confused anymore.

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@Aquarius it is normal if you dont mention sleep deprivation and other mental conditions. It seems these are the causes

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6 hours ago, Aquarius said:

this post was mainly to see if others trip or have highly imaginative states without psychedelics.

I trip on weed, even though it’s not high in THC. I am sensitive to weed. 

6 hours ago, Aquarius said:

Sadness came because of stress related to relationships.

I also struggle with relationships. It’s something I’ve been working on seriously for the past few months. It’s totally worth it, despite how difficult it is to face.


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I also worked with godesses from the Hindu culture, like Dhumavati, Maheshvari, Chinnamasta, Varahi and others, while meditating, dancing.

Are you a tantric or just casual about it?

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On 2/28/2023 at 6:22 PM, Pudgey said:

Most who claim they can induce tripping states without psychedelics live in a fantasy. It does appear that you could be highly imaginative, which is a unique trait, but not a psychedelic trip.

Thank you for your post. I realized I one of this, since I was child. Taking psychedelic have no difference than ordinary daydreaming. Sober daydreaming I can see things in my mind eye with such a great detail of visual and 'mechanism'. The most frustating things when I was child is taking pure imaginative fantasy as reality ? 

The difference between fantasy and psychedelic trip is how easy I get TON of insight from a question on psychedelic, also psychedelic is much more vivid, whole and intellectual.

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On 5/12/2023 at 11:27 AM, OBEler said:

@Aquarius it is normal if you dont mention sleep deprivation and other mental conditions. It seems these are the causes

I don't have that problem anymore since now I sleep and these states decreased. I am still highly imaginative but since I get more than 7-8 hours of sleep at night I am better. I imagine I was just better connected to my intuitive side. I don't see those states as bad or harmful, I just felt like tripping, having high good energy that's all. Maybe went a bit crazy about some imaginations of mine, but nothing bad. I don't have those states anymore even when I try to achieve them. I try to be a down to earth person.

On 5/12/2023 at 4:30 PM, Yimpa said:

I trip on weed, even though it’s not high in THC. I am sensitive to weed. 

I also struggle with relationships. It’s something I’ve been working on seriously for the past few months. It’s totally worth it, despite how difficult it is to face.

I never smoked weed, so I cannot comment on that part.

Yes relationships can be difficult and always remember it's 2 of you involved so don't do everything alone, idk if it makes sense the way I express this.

On 5/12/2023 at 5:19 PM, Swarnim said:

Are you a tantric or just casual about it?

Casual. I also stopped working with most of them because I heard you can get bad side effects without proper diksha and guidance with a guru. I might try to get a guru later on in life and see what he has to say about all of this but idk how you get a guru. I heard they find you when needed.


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On 5/22/2023 at 3:09 PM, Schizophonia said:

May develop schizophonierenia 

I had been diagnosed with schizophrenia before, but it was by a doctor who claimed every patient of hers is schizophrenic. I think she wanted to put me on government money that's why she did it, and she needed an excuse for that. I refused and went to someone else.

My newest diagnosis is meditative states and obsessive thinking/acting. OCD basically. 

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4 hours ago, Aquarius said:

Casual. I also stopped working with most of them because I heard you can get bad side effects without proper diksha and guidance with a guru. I might try to get a guru later on in life and see what he has to say about all of this but idk how you get a guru. I heard they find you when needed.

I'd say trying to actually find a guru is a big part of the 'need'. Imo this tantric stuff seems the most exhilarating but dangerous.

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6 hours ago, Aquarius said:

Yes relationships can be difficult and always remember it's 2 of you involved so don't do everything alone, idk if it makes sense the way I express this.

There’s a higher form of communication where two (or more) becomes one.

In other words, you’re so conscious that you’re talking to yourself in the other. 


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Don't worry, Its normal. Some people have that gift but theoretical everyone can do that to lower degrees. My question is, can you get a 5 meo state at will?

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to answer your question its not normal no. If you lived a shelted life, that is to say you haven't travelled often, or spent much time in the world or interacting with many people then your just stuck in your head so your believing things your imagining. Get out more.

Focus on the solution, not the problem

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12 minutes ago, Kamo said:

to answer your question its not normal no. If you lived a shelted life, that is to say you haven't travelled often, or spent much time in the world or interacting with many people then your just stuck in your head so your believing things your imagining. Get out more.



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