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organic wines

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just wondering is there any evidence that organic wines are a bit better for you than other wines ? obviously all alcohol in any cantidad is bad for you and you cant believe everything that is online.

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I think, in some cases very small quantities of alcohol can even be beneficial especially for cardiovascular health. Red wine especially does appear to have some benefits but we might be talking like <100ml per week. But I haven't taken a deep dive into this topic so take this claim with a healthy doze of scepticism. In the countries where this research is often done, wine is a proxy for other things like social lifestyle, fish consumption, vegetables and probably even healthier vitamin D levels so it might be hard to assess the real effect

No idea on the organics of it, probably better if you can afford it and are a regular consumer. 

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I think it could be simple marketing, I have even seen Vegan wine being sold in Grocery stores. Although after doing research some wines are filtered through animal bones so its not technically vegan.

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I think there's like quercetin in red grapes, so if you had a little bit of red it could deflame your cells. 

I mean in saying that the alcohol itself would be inflammatory, and not that good for your liver. 


I can demolish a bottle of Biodynamic wine, not other wine compares imo, can see it becoming a problem so I cut it out. 

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The producers are allowed to use copper, I think. If you want truly organic grapes, you probably have to grow them in your garden. Then you know for sure they are untreated.


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I started drinking organic wine from a couple of years ago. All of their wines are tested for purity and have super low sugar content and no additives, it's just grapes. I feel like I can really taste the earth when drinking these wines. The buzz that I get is a much more clear headed buzz and I would need to down an entire bottle in order to get hungover. And even then, the hangover is much more tolerable, you just feel a bit off balanced, but there is no existential dread or nausea. 

Id suggest trying to not drink alcohol at all for optimal health. But this can be difficult for us depending on the friends that we hang out with and the situations we put ourselves in. (My friends still like to binge drink, which pressures me into drinking.)

I can attest that organic wines are the healthiest form of drinking that I have found in my direct experience. 

It's actually quite disgusting what they put in these conventional popular wines such as Barefoot, Franzia, etc. This one time I drank a couple of glasses of my organic wine. I had a nice buzz, super clear headed, I was able to be well spoken and coherent and a little more rambunctious than usual. Then I let my friend give me some of the wine in his fridge. It literally tasted like I was drinking juice, I immediately got a headache, and my head became super foggy. All it took was a couple of sips. So yeah I'd say organic wine is much better for you.


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