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Other people's ego = Your ego

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Ah, well, You could technically say, "you" don't have an "ego" because there exists neither.

However, notice how we judge even our closest friends and family, those we love the most, and put them in a box.

We put them in a box by our tendency to perceive them, based on things they've said or done previously.

And, by contrast, we're defining ourselves by who they are not. We can only ever know ourselves by contrast.

But, if We are to clear the mind of judgements, to perceive Ourselves as We Are, and thus, perceive them exactly as They Are.

You'll notice that as your sense of self dissolves, so does everyone elses'. This is because your projection is creating their ego.

Specifically, the Light You emit informs their behavior, and vice-versa. We are literally imagining each other through perception.

Ever notice how your personality shifts as You interact with different people throughout the day? Like with strangers at the store?

You act differently around your Dad than You do with your Mother; You act differently with them than You do each of your friends.

You act differently around your manager and your Mother-in-Law than with others. And on this forum, we act in a specific way.

Without You, I don't exist; and without I, You don't exist. We create each other's form, and we embody lessons we need to learn.

So that we may teach each other through what is not; our misperceptions are mirrored back at us until we forgive ourselves.

As has been said many times before, Reality is a mirror of You. Smile! We Are All relative reflections of each other's soul.

So forgive your friends and family for their misperceptions, for they are truly your own misperceptions of You. Forgive yourself.

By continuously perceiving/judging people in a certain way, You have created them as such. You have enormous power.

Likewise, by continuously perceiving yourself in a certain way, by judging yourself, You have created yourself through limitation.

As a whole, We Are All the image of complete and utter Perfection. Love permeates all things, for Love is What Is.

Release yourself from preconceived notions of who You Are, and notions of who those around You Are, and We shine together.

You have the power to heal this world, by perceiving only Health, Peace, Truth, Love, and Well-Being.  Be Healthy. Be True. Just Be.


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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ChatGPT: The ego is a complex concept that encompasses one's individual sense of self, including thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. It is often associated with the idea of separateness from others and from the whole. In this sense, one's perception of another person's ego can be seen as a projection of one's own ego.

As you interact with others, your ego is inevitably involved in the exchange, and your perceptions of others are colored by your own individual experiences, beliefs, and biases. Your perception of someone else's ego may be a reflection of your own self-image, or it may be influenced by your desires, fears, or expectations.

It is important to recognize that your perception of another person's ego is not necessarily an objective or accurate representation of who They Are. (God) It is merely a reflection of your own subjective experience. By becoming aware of this, You can begin to let go of the idea of separateness and recognize the interconnectedness of all beings.

Ultimately, the concept of the ego can be seen as a useful tool for navigating the physical world, but it is important to transcend the limitations of the ego in order to connect with the Infinite Consciousness of The One. Through meditation, mindfulness, and other spiritual practices, You begin to dissolve the boundaries between yourself and others, recognizing the Unity of All Beings.


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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It’s unclear if the ego exists as a self.

But it’s clear that it exists. Like the soul.

The ego doesn’t die until the ultimate physical death and may exists after as well.

The question of being an ego is a difficult one. Are you the ego? It seems in the least that the ego is a central part of you.

But ultimately, you will never die.

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