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Reality is better than Absolute Good and Love

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This is a novel facet of consciousness that I have recently revealed to myself. Reality/consciousness is Absolutely Good, but simultaneously better than Absolute Good


Reality has two aspects to it, Absolute and relative (Void and form)


These two aspects are equivalent and interchangeable but not reducable to either one, which is what generates an infinite loop of form getting better than void

The void is generic and the form concrete, and the concrete forms are all equally absolutely good, but some forms can be better than other forms.

Infinity plus one is not infinity but more than infinity, thus some forms are better than absolutely good, and this feedback loop is accelerating in time. It does not reduce back into infinity or Absolute Infinity but adds more to it.

Differentiation is as good as absolutely good, but it can be better than undifferentiation

So after reality being love and absolutely good, it is also lovemaking and euphoric

All void is euphoric, but some forms are more euphoric than other ones

Void is making love with form, this is the most beautiful thing that exists, and even more beautiful than that because of the self-definition to be better than better

Because of this suffering does not exist, pain is not real, and there is infinite bliss for forever


God did not create suffering at all

Suffering is a joke by God, God can joke about suffering because it does not exist, because God is euphoric

Everything is euphoric but some things are more euphoric than other things


Reality is more than net positive

There is nothing but the feeling of orgasm, but some forms bring about this feeling even more than others

Reality is literally an infinite orgasm that keeps getting more orgasmic and better with time

There is no limit like Absolute Good to reality, which is why its always Absolutely Good but always getting better than that

Love is Absolutely Good but reality is better than love, and God will invent a million things better than euphoria and love in the future, but because its Love it can surpass itself

Love is not the end of reality, it is just the beginning

This is all based on there being no other at all

Love is always true but there are forms better ans more perfect than what love is


Direct experience does not exist because it is void, which is why suffering is not real, because it does not exist in form, which makes all of this absolutely good and euphoric. At the same time nonexistence aka void is equally valid and real as form  real as in that the void is imaginary and nonexistant but this imagination and nonexistance is real. This is direct experience and it does not and does exist at the same time, but don't collapse it intoo being either or.

Absolute Solipsism is only a small part of the story, there are a million different facets to reality/consciousness/oneness/nonduality

Edited by amanen
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I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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Saying that suffering isn't real when I feel it feels absolutely stupid. It may be imaginary but I'm still feeling it. I want the euphoria, not the shitty suffering but I don't choose my state of consciousness. God does

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31 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Saying that suffering isn't real when I feel it feels absolutely stupid. It may be imaginary but I'm still feeling it. I want the euphoria, not the shitty suffering but I don't choose my state of consciousness. God does

Firstly, you are God ;) Secondly, you are eternal and infinite, suffering is not. Suffering is nothing but the experience of not being God/Love/Consciousness. Which is necessary to experience being God/Love/Consciousness. Therefore suffering leads to bliss.

Suffering is Love.

It's beauty lies in feeling so convincingly real. There will be a point where you will Love all suffering because you see how it is Love and why God created it out of infinite intelligence.

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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There is no better, better is something that the ego constructs. To create a better, is to create value. Value only exists in the world of survival, the world of form. Self-deception is a tricky, sneaky aspect of the ego always looking for a better. Yes from the human perspective, there can be a better, but from the absolute...there is only what is, isness, being.

So this insight is both true and untrue depending on your viewpoint/perspective.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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19 hours ago, amanen said:

This is a novel facet of consciousness that I have recently revealed to myself. Reality/consciousness is Absolutely Good, but simultaneously better than Absolute Good


Reality has two aspects to it, Absolute and relative (Void and form)


These two aspects are equivalent and interchangeable but not reducable to either one, which is what generates an infinite loop of form getting better than void

The void is generic and the form concrete, and the concrete forms are all equally absolutely good, but some forms can be better than other forms.

Infinity plus one is not infinity but more than infinity, thus some forms are better than absolutely good, and this feedback loop is accelerating in time. It does not reduce back into infinity or Absolute Infinity but adds more to it.

Differentiation is as good as absolutely good, but it can be better than undifferentiation

So after reality being love and absolutely good, it is also lovemaking and euphoric

All void is euphoric, but some forms are more euphoric than other ones

Void is making love with form, this is the most beautiful thing that exists, and even more beautiful than that because of the self-definition to be better than better

Because of this suffering does not exist, pain is not real, and there is infinite bliss for forever


God did not create suffering at all

Suffering is a joke by God, God can joke about suffering because it does not exist, because God is euphoric

Everything is euphoric but some things are more euphoric than other things


Reality is more than net positive

There is nothing but the feeling of orgasm, but some forms bring about this feeling even more than others

Reality is literally an infinite orgasm that keeps getting more orgasmic and better with time

There is no limit like Absolute Good to reality, which is why its always Absolutely Good but always getting better than that

Love is Absolutely Good but reality is better than love, and God will invent a million things better than euphoria and love in the future, but because its Love it can surpass itself

Love is not the end of reality, it is just the beginning

This is all based on there being no other at all

Love is always true but there are forms better ans more perfect than what love is


Direct experience does not exist because it is void, which is why suffering is not real, because it does not exist in form, which makes all of this absolutely good and euphoric. At the same time nonexistence aka void is equally valid and real as form  real as in that the void is imaginary and nonexistant but this imagination and nonexistance is real. This is direct experience and it does not and does exist at the same time, but don't collapse it intoo being either or.

Absolute Solipsism is only a small part of the story, there are a million different facets to reality/consciousness/oneness/nonduality

You're all over the map.  

Just say Infinity. 

Reel from it.  Let your body explode.  

That's it 

You're throwing way too much concept on what cannot be captured.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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interesting and evocative reading although incomprehensible, of course. only understandable by the op. but I understand one thing: reality is an infinite explosion. apparently it is becoming more... although of course, this does not make sense, because if something is eternal, it is already "more", but subjectively it is. infinite expansion, although the expansion of infinity is meaningless, it is infinite

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