Optimized Life

Will meditation get you more girls?

21 posts in this topic

** IF you combined with, supplementary to approaching a lot, will it supercharge your game buy increasing your vibe, making you more calm and likeable, less reactive, present ect... 

What do people think, makes no or negligible difference? 

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2 hours ago, Optimized Life said:

** IF you combined with, supplementary to approaching a lot, will it supercharge your game buy increasing your vibe, making you more calm and likeable, less reactive, present ect... 

What do people think, makes no or negligible difference? 

It doesn’t make much of a difference IF your goal is purely quantity of girls. In fact, as you become more conscious from meditating, you may see how shallow of a goal that is to begin with.

The biggest lever for quantity is simply the amount of socializing you do. Especially socializing in “party” environments where hook ups are more expected, like night clubs.

That said, you should still meditate simply because it’s a good habit for other reasons.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Yeah it will make a huge difference if combined with the normal dating stuff.

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meditation is supposed to be about letting go of attachments, so you could corrupt the benefits of meditation with your motive. I find most women arent interested in metaphysical stuff so i find it hard to relate, maybe just keep your interests seperate from dating

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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@Optimized Life It can give you great frame control, which is, to my understanding, a foundational aspect of male attraction.

Also, in my opinion, your emotional vibration will likely end up being higher, and what you feel she feels, so she is going to feel relatively better around you. Therefore, you  will typically provide more value, and are typically more attractive


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Pickup is an act of meditation. It is about being present with her. You could do everything right but if you don’t have presence and thus are not calibrated with her, it will ruin the set. 

As an exercise: approach a girl and be totally present with her while saying stupid mundane stuff. You will see it is all about the presence and little about the pickupy stuff. 

Edited by StarStruck

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if done properly and consistently overtime it can help a lot. But its not a replacement for going out and socializing either.

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On 24/02/2023 at 5:43 PM, aurum said:

It doesn’t make much of a difference IF your goal is purely quantity of girls

My end goal is not purely quantity of girls ... 

I  want several girlfriends (3-5) who I have lasting intimate relationships with ... and the ability to quick replace them if it doesn't work out, something changes, to get to the point where I'm never lonely or starving for sex again in whatever city I live in ... and when I say girlfirends, I mean HOT girlfriends, not boring average or fat ugly ones. 

I want all of these girls to be high quality in both looks and other factors, which means they will be in demand, have a lot of options and I will need to be a very attractive man to both attract and keep them around, no entitlement here I understand how much work I still have to do. I barely even have basic social skills yet and will need to enhance my lifestyle, literally and digitally, have a nice place, get money, nice clothing alongside all the inner and social work. 

So as part of the process "quantity" may be my starting goal just in order to remove all my neediness, awkwardness, meekness ect... so I can attract those special women I dream of. 

If meditaiton accelerates the process,I'll do it. 

Couldn't care less about spirituality, I know I'm a good person anyway. 

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Psychedelics moreso. I used psychedelics to build a rock solid inner game. Any insecurity about myself is gone and my state is much more consistent. I have better inner game than many coaches I know. Because while they were chasing girls, I was realizing myself as God.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 01/03/2023 at 4:45 AM, Leo Gura said:

Psychedelics moreso. I used psychedelics to build a rock solid inner game. Any insecurity about myself is gone and my state is much more consistent. I have better inner game than many coaches I know. Because while they were chasing girls, I was realizing myself as God.

If you're inner game is so consistently solid then why aren't your results consistent? (In your own words) "My games decent but it's not that consistent, I'm intermediate" 

... Or did you improve rapidly in the 8-12 months or so gap between when you shot the videos (and said that quote) and wrote this comment? 

I am asking because you have also said how inner game is so important and is the biggest part of game, yet this contradicts slightly the fact that your game is apparently at max intermediate despite having elite inner game? 

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Honestly meditation + psychedelics + game = getting girls

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Yeah, it helps. So do psychedelics. Can, anyway. So does finesse and savviness.

You lead on the surface, while at the same time, she’s leading on the subtextual level — the more she sacrifices for you (essentially give her permission to do so via your confidence), the more (interest) you give her. Because the more you sacrifice for her, the less she gives you back (if you were to lead on the level that you should let her lead on).

Edited by The0Self

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Go to some meditation or yoga groups. You’ll find plenty of nice women there!


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Meditation will get you less girls, but maybe more women.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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4 hours ago, M A J I said:

Meditation will get you less girls, but maybe more women.

Just make sure it doesn’t become mediTATE and rewd.

Edited by Yimpa


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On 19/04/2023 at 9:44 PM, Holymoly said:

Honestly meditation + psychedelics + game = getting girls

I'm open minded but remember that from my POV this just sounds like cope hippie nonsense and confirmation bias 

(Hippies say this because they want it to be true) 

Also I thought narcissists and selfish dudes got girls? 


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On 3/1/2023 at 4:45 AM, Leo Gura said:

I have better inner game than many coaches I know. Because while they were chasing girls, I was realizing myself as God.

I bet if they heard you say that their first reaction would be, “But I don’t want to date a Catholic chick!”

18 hours ago, Optimized Life said:

I'm open minded but remember that from my POV this just sounds like cope hippie nonsense and confirmation bias 

(Hippies say this because they want it to be true) 

Also I thought narcissists and selfish dudes got girls? 

Of course narcissists and selfish dudes can get girls. Anybody who wants girls can get girls.

Ask yourself, “What do I value in a relationship?”


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On 2/24/2023 at 3:09 PM, Optimized Life said:

** IF you combined with, supplementary to approaching a lot, will it supercharge your game buy increasing your vibe, making you more calm and likeable, less reactive, present ect... 

What do people think, makes no or negligible difference? 

yes, heavily

in fact, it will supplement any endeavor you do. more clarity, peace, focus, insight, and presence

math, sports, conversations, pickup, teaching, whatever

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You ought to be doing meditation for meditations sake and the other benefits it can bring.

If you're doing anything "for" girls you've already lost. 9/10 of them will smell it or find any act or habit you are keeping up to please them or get access between their legs. My dad always told me never to be dishonest or play games with women because they ALWAYS find out the truth lol, sooner or later.

Girls want to fall for the guy who is being authentic and himself as a man. They don't want a mannequin with a scared little boy underneath the hollow façade.

Work out and get ripped because YOU want to be healthy and accomplish physical feats.

Get the promotion and make the dough so you can afford a lifestyle YOU like.

Learn hobbies that are fun and enjoyable because YOU are interested in them, not because someone else might be.

The more selfish and self-centered you are with your framework, the more girls will come to you. This is where many guys struggle with women in life. The more you do for them, the less they will respect you. They will say they want to be treated like queens, but react negatively when it happens. Literally do the opposite.

It's ass-backwards but that's how it goes sometimes in life.


Edited by Roy


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4 hours ago, Jacob Morres said:

 it will supplement any endeavor you do. more clarity, peace, focus, insight, and presence

math, sports, conversations, pickup, teaching, whatever

You're saying that from a lot of direct experience + a clear direct causation between the meditation and your results in all this?

(Not just what you think might be true)

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