
Self-regression technique for childhood trauma healing

4 posts in this topic

I wasn't sure about making this, or posting this, but here it is.

Many people have asked what to do next if they have a problem that could be rooted in childhood experience.

I decided to open-source the way I work with clients and turn it into a guided meditation.

Will it work?

I don't know. This is an experiment.

I know it works if I do it with someone.

I know from feedback I've gotten here that some people have managed to do deep self-healing on their own in this way.

Technically, there's no reason why this shouldn't work, except that it just takes some willpower to break through the resistance and express oneself out loud in an empty room.

If you want to be my guinea pig, here you go, I hope it helps you.

Would love some feedback.


Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

Testimonials thread: www.actualized.org/forum/topic/82672-experience-collection-childhood-aware-life-purpose-coaching/

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@flowboy Thanks mate.

I do have a concern about the therapy you recommend. I'm referring to the one where, to my understanding, its about being taken back in time and sort of re-experiencing the traumatic incident, and in doing so, processing it. My concern is that it could highly risk traumatisation rather than actual processing. Do you have any comments on that?

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@Ulax  Yes, good question.

In a healthy body (not under the influence of substances, well-fed, necessary nutrients and minerals present), the subconscious mind will never allow more pain to be let out, than what a person can handle at once.

What happens when I guide these sessions, is that at some point, a client will suddenly "lose" the feeling and no attempt to go deeper will yield much.

That's the brain cutting off the tap. "Enough pain for today. Integrate"

Going back later to feel a bit more, will lead to more healthy processing of pain.

In the mean time, during sleep, the brain will prepare to make this memory and just the right dose of feelings accessible for the next session.

What can happen, is that symptoms that someone already has, can flare up again.

I've seen a case of night terrors coming back once or twice for example.

People can have nightmares, and to the extent they already are prone to compulsions and addictions, negative thoughts and things like that, that can flare up again as a result of entering this query into the search engine of the subconscious.

It all settles down again if someone takes a break from this work.


People who are not mentally healthy shouldn't do this without professional supervision.

Psychosis, suicidal ideation, whatever tendency they already have can flare up.

People who are mentally stable and physically healthy can do this and get a lot of benefit.

I've become more confident and less prone to addiction through doing this, to name a few.

My habitual negative thinking and beating myself up is largely gone.

I sharpened my disclaimer in the description, thanks.


Revisiting memories can not traumatize - that's a myth as far as I can tell - but it can definitely have side effects in the form of the symptoms that the trauma causes, temporarily getting worse again.

Edited by flowboy

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

Testimonials thread: www.actualized.org/forum/topic/82672-experience-collection-childhood-aware-life-purpose-coaching/

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@flowboy Thanks

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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