Posted February 23, 2023 Just now, Schizophonia said: what are his health problems? i just heard about sibo Yeah his gut infection. Its really bad for him he says. Taking most of his happiness away and making his everyday life a struggle.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 @Jannes @StarStruck @Gesundheit2 @StormLight @Eternal Unity @Schizophonia The really important Question is: What do we do now? Individual and as Forum, to me the proposal for more quality controll was the point to still remain here and fight for that. How about you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 @supremeyingyang doenst bother me enough to do anything right now. But I was never a politician. I mean the thread is already a message. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 @Léo Gura have you tried cider vinegar enemas? ingest raw garlic cloves? charcoal ? Nothing will prevent Willy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 Friendly reminder that Leo posted porn on his blog and when someone on the forum complained about the double standard he said tough titty My posts are not representive of the person profiled. I'm just an Ennel-Andy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 From what I can see, he decided to take a more extravagant and flamboyant approach by ranting about his take on certain Buddhist philosophies. Yeah, there are harsh words directed at people. but I can see what intention he had behind them, so it doesn't register in my mind as something to be bothered by. The crowbar comment, for example, was referencing a joke about "killing the Buddha on the road with a crowbar". With that context, I don't see it as that big of an issue. I see it as very playful. It's not like he brought up the idea of beating up people with a crowbar completely unsolicited. I don't think he was enraged as you guys might interpret it. I see it as a passionate and hyperbolic on-the-spot rant. But, I might be speaking for myself since I've never really found Leo's teaching style to be "too harsh" as other people have described it. As for whether it's a good way to teach spirituality or not, I don't know. Clearly most people didn't take it well. But, it doesn't seem he cares about appealing to most people anyways. Describe a thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 8 minutes ago, Jannes said: @supremeyingyang doenst bother me enough to do anything right now. But I was never a politician. I mean the thread is already a message. No, it's babbling. Or can you say what are supposed 'We' would want? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 @StarStruck Leo's Shadow = Psychedelics "I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment." - Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600. Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 4 minutes ago, supremeyingyang said: No, it's babbling. Or can you say what are supposed 'We' would want? I think his shittalk isn’t bad if it’s done really rarely. Because it brings across what he really thinks. Of course we should be able to protest if it’s becoming to much. Babbling is an option. The whole forum is made out of babbling. It’s not an iron factory where you have to protest instead of babble. This factory is a babble factory. Also I am certain Leo has an interest that this forum doenst turn to shit as well. It’s part of his life purpose which grounds him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 8 minutes ago, Jannes said: I think his shittalk isn’t bad if it’s done really rarely. Because it brings across what he really thinks. Of course we should be able to protest if it’s becoming to much. Babbling is an option. The whole forum is made out of babbling. It’s not an iron factory where you have to protest instead of babble. This factory is a babble factory. What about Vision Codename 'Iron Factory' for more quality then? 9 minutes ago, Jannes said: Also I am certain Leo has an interest that this forum doenst turn to shit as well. It’s part of his life purpose which grounds him. Look at what happened in the last few years and tell it ain't largely laissez-faire. PLUS we have a ARMY of Mods, I don't get it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 this is so traumatizing it traumatize me, damn you leo you will pay for this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 (edited) Lol! This post just confirms what Leo was talking about. You ain’t awake! This wasn’t an outburst, it was a tough love wake-up call. If you can’t see that Leo is you telling you to wake up, then I don’t know what else could wake yo ass up. I do think he did go overboard but after seeing so much stupidity on this forum, I can’t blame him. I would probably do the same after a while of all that Neo-Buddhist-Advitan BS. Edited February 23, 2023 by r0ckyreed “Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 (edited) I found this odd, as I left the place in a challenge and then came back, as I noticed I can use this place fairly well as it's rare to find like-minded people. In a twisted way I can see sort of arrogance busting through arrogance. Although I find the stuff he talks about with god-realization not so easy to re-produce. Also the video from the YouTube happend before criticizing him IIRC. Most here don't have a solid fundamentals and just follow fads and it takes a lot of time to read all of the maps. To even make a claim like god-realization (I still trust Leo on this) that, some guy who comes here and says he awakend, awakend to what? There are so many degrees. And many here have like somewhat of traumatic experiences, as well as did not get the proper psychologically healthy upbringing, and hence he calls them children, it's legit only one guy and I bet he does care a lot, like a lot on a personal "non-god" level. He can't controll us all even as god. Even when he created me, he can't move me in that sense I get the gist of the creator part, through psychdelics etc. Even just normal meditations. I am just a bit worried that a teacher told me that this stuff usually can turn sour, when this sort of power drive happens to often, I did not mind the outlashes to much, as I can sort of see behind the veil, of why he did it as the members are somewhat very egotistical and you can this fingerpointing blame game. I don't know if he is aware of the "shadow side" of god-realization and I bet he could also puke at the word shadow, yet reading all of the dysfunctions that occure at TIER 3 and above? (What god-realization seems to be????). Some though love can help to breakthrough, although in the long run I'd prefer seeing some humility and compassion. With a bit more effort the OP would not have needed to make the post and just simply read some maps and bring in some understanding. I think many here are confused theoretically and are looking for a map, and some are more inductive and just breakthrough and relay their experiences and claim it as the end all be all. Even when he does this as "god-realized" it's still fundamentally him in his body with a god-realized body and or not in the "real world" he'd be held more accountable. I came back sort of as he cleaned the forum and I was a bit worried as he was so "dejected" of the quality of the forum, and I never really got any shit like this, maybe a slight remark as I do put in effort, it's one guy teaching a billion things. I think the current mods are doing quiet well, especially since the memery is not going through the roof, that is by far the worst stuff. Double-standards I bet in a sense they are like this, we are not living in a perfect world. I also write stuff about Leo (projected and or not) in my journal as I legit built a lot of resentment, yet when I think about what he does it's fine. I am just a bit more aware of the sublte gaslighting, I rather have someone tell me fuck you, instead of telling me you are brainwashed etc. and subtely manipulate etc. I also got a lot of a shitstorm for saying a couple of outrageous things, the main issue is all of these identifications and he is acting like a devil in some aspect with the verbal aggression, I think this also jumped over to me. If he'd do it with less cursing and animal comparisions I would appreciate the though love more, and it would feel more envigorating. Just the cursing part is not very good, no matter which group you belong to, you will adopt in-group biases. Be it here as well as any other group. I notice everytime and I project a lot some of it is true some not. Every legit guru/ master will tell you it's endless there is no end to this work. Saying you have awoken and not realizing this is the end, is inertia mostly imo. I think he feels hurt at times that others make a mockery out of his work, although many genuiently give their best with different pillars. I myself wish at times he would cover different topics, as I notice how the .org does influence stuff at least for me. As well as he could be more empowering, the cutting bullshit was fine here imo, although I did get a bad impression first, and I still don't really like the wording it does rub off. I give my fair amount of hate for example in the journal I can make jokes about this also and be flamboyant, and many enjoy this stuff it's mostly I make fun of right winged attitudes and fears I have as a leftist, so to speak. I dunno it's similar to c&c in game, it's very fun, yet it does backfire even just with friends etc. Most don't like it when their ego is invalidated and many are not ready. I sometimes feel also to much though love breeds resentments, a bit more of a communal hippie feel would not hurt. He also wants to be loved I feel, there is no way he creates all of this out of hate lol. Edited February 23, 2023 by ValiantSalvatore Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 (edited) . Edited February 23, 2023 by MarkKol Actually, I don't want to be involved in this thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 (edited) My intuition tells me he is extremely unstable right now from the result of overuse of psychedelics. You saw the way he was completely calm and had his faculties about him - and then in the very next post - literally out of nowhere- he lost his mind. It reeks of manic behavior like one with bipolar disorder would behave. This is a sad reminder of the dangers of overdoing psychedelics folks. I hope he takes a break and gets in a more stable mindset. Somehow. I definitely hope he has laid off the psychedelics. Edited February 23, 2023 by Inliytened1 Wisdom. Truth. Love. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 @StormLight 4 hours ago, StormLight said: On Jan 30th, Leo Gura had his most explosive outburst towards a user yet: Here are some facts about the issue: This was indeed directed to the user of the created thread Leo Gura had made a prior comment before this outburst that received no reply, where he was speaking in his regular tone. No exchange was made in between these comments, nor was any comment deleted, proving that the outburst came out suddenly, unexpectedly, and completely out of the blue. The user was not being overblown, boastful, grandiose, or overstating with his/her claims about their awakening state to elicit this type of behavior, not that being like that would remotely justify this malicious behavior in the least. You can read the full outburst here and see the context for yourself: Leo Gura violated his own forum guidelines as shown below directly taken from: #1 Rule: Don't Be A Jerk Speak to people with respect. Be conscious and kind. What’s NOT Allowed: Verbal abuse Calling members names like: stupid, idiot, moron, asshole, retard, evil, etc. Trash-talking, trolling, chronic criticism, blaming, or finger-pointing I checked in on the user myself to make sure he/she wasn't hurt, as the leader of the forum had just bullied this person, and had no idea the mental state and stability of the user, considering anyone here could be going through a very hard time and be easily pushed to the edge, but ignores this potential to pridefully "school" the user instead. Not to mention the very fact that venturing into this domain of spirituality can leave individuals frail, fragile, and on edge, as they could potentially be going through difficult things, like having they're notions of life or death put into question, leaving them more vulnerable than before. And the fact that users of the forum have committed suicide, the leadership of the forum was instead used to bully and point the finger. Also Leo takes assumption in the original message that the user was offended. "The reason you're offended and swarming around like fish because…" Where I verified with the user that he not offended, but more importantly, not hurt. Leo does this often with his users, as he assumes he knows the exact blueprint of completely unique and distinct individual, that display as faceless strangers on an internet forum. To make the matter more hypocritical, Leo Gura had just made posts within two weeks prior that he was looking to "crackdown" on toxicity, drama, and wants to increase the maturity of the forum. Featuring quotes such as: "I've been seeing a lot of needless drama, in-fighting, and toxic communication on this forum of late. This makes the whole ecosystem unpleasant for the majority of members who are decent, respectful, and follow the rules." "Thanks again to those who have been on good behavior from the beginning and never needed such warnings and reminders. I will also be making an effort to improve my communication with you to rise to the level of maturity, wisdom, and respect that you deserve." "This forum will no longer be a safe haven for immature or emotionally unhinged people. Anyone not mature enough to communicate or socialize in a mentally-stable and integrous manner will simply not get to participate around me. If you cannot control your emotions, you're out. If you behave in an egotistical and dogmatic manner, you're out. If you attack other members of this community, you're out." "Every time before you post, as you write your post, I want you to stop and ask yourself, "How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways?", and "Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness?" On page 3 of the thread of the outburst, Leo Gura also continues with his maliciousness but directs it to another user: I think Leo Gura has the potential to become a RAP GOD. Just got to work in the bars, the rhyme schemes, the themes, and it's a perfect post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 (edited) He is still part Ukranian and part Russian, you never know how he truely feels about all of the stuff that is happening on the globe and how it affects him. Just bashing him is not very fair imo. I do resent him partially, yet it's odd. Especially just doing psychdelics without any yoga and or meditation makes me more distrustful of the whole stuff. Overall I feel he could be more encouraging and let the pigs be pigs so to speak and just let them be moderated, most kick themselves out imo. Also the users did curse back at him, so he could have banned him I dunno analyzing this endlessly is pointless. You can actually read this like a poem . Edited February 23, 2023 by ValiantSalvatore Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 (edited) @ValiantSalvatore yeah but ultimately he should know that trying to force others to awaken by berating them and beating them over the head does nothing - and plus - it should not be triggering anger in him in the first place. You see there is some weird God complex that has took hold over him and when it comes on he cannot control it and he goes into this weird manic behavior. Like a split personality almost. It's disturbing to watch. Edited February 23, 2023 by Inliytened1 Wisdom. Truth. Love. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 23, 2023 (edited) 2 hours ago, supremeyingyang said: GEE, I ask myself now how many people actually study the work. What if it's only a handful? One problem of the forum in a nutshell. Besser lernt! I have studied basically most important concepts, but I stopped because I realized I was only watching Leo and started believing whatever he says, so I continue with reading books and watching other teachers in terms of theory. Edited February 23, 2023 by Ayham I believe in the religion of Love Whatever direction its caravans may take, For love is my religion and my faith. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites