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I Am Everything. I Am Infinity.

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Tat Tvam Asi; Thou Art That.

Therefore, I Claim the ability to re-create myself at will using The Power of The Word.

I Am The Creator of My Reality.

I Am One with All That Is. I Am Infinity.

I Am The Living Manifestation of Infinite Love and Wisdom. I Am Infinity.

I Am Infinite Love.

I radiate Love and Compassion from the core of my very Being. I make a positive impact on the people around me.   


I Am FEARLESS; I embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

I Trust in the Infinite Intelligence of The Universe. I know that everything in this life happens for a good reason.

I Am Infinitely connected  to my inner strength, love and wisdom, and I trust in my ability to overcome any obstacle.

I Am Confident; with my intuition and inner guidance, I make decisions with the clarity and confidence of an Infinite Being.


I Am Co-Creator of this Universe with myself. I see God in Everyone and Everything.

I Am a living channel  for Intelligent Energy. I use The Power of The Word to heal, and uplift myself and others.

I simply radiate confidence and positivity, and I make a positive impact on the people around me.  


I Am at Peace; within myself, with my life circumstances, and with the world around me.

I trust that everything is exactly as it should be.


I Am The Silence. I Am Peace. I Am My Own Center.

I Am Infinity.

I Am Infinitely Powerful. I Am Perfectly capable of achieving all of my goals.

I Am Infinite Creativity. My life is a living, breathing, work of art, and I live for the fun of experiencing my creation.

I Give Infinite Gratitude  for the endless fountain of blessings I've received in my life, and I accept them with joy and gratitude.

I Am Always Open to new experiences and opportunities. I embrace change as a necessary part of growth.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Awesome. Now tell us something we don’t already know ?

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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