
Loss of libido after quitting weed

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I can get it up but after a few minutes there's just no point in keeping sex going. What can I do? I stopped smoking weed a couple weeks ago.

Edited by meta_male

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Yes smoking can cause erectile dysfunction. 

 Short term solution :Pop up some Viagra or Cialis. 

Long term solution :Eat healthy and hit the gym


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@Someone here I think it's more of a mental block...

1 hour ago, pinskyforest said:

weed withdrawal does play on ur psyche and can decrease libido

Definitely experienced a huge decrease in libido, I could go a while without even jerking off.

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@pinskyforest Cheers for the advice. After some research I realised quitting weed is the main cause, I'm feeling close to zero stimulation.

Anyone got an idea what the time frame is until my sex drive goes back to normal? Weeks? Months? I smoked daily the past three years.


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Even though people suggest to not look at porn:  I say go look at porn and jerk off.  You need to jump start that libido because your dopamine was fried from all the weed.  Were you having sex and jerking off when high?

Why do I say to watch porn and jerk it?  Because I know this half limp dick situation with low libido is now eating at your mind since you've posted a thread about it.  It'll be a never ending cycle of you being anxious before you have sex due to you not knowing if you'll get it up fully or be in the mood.  It'll be a cycle you'll have a hard time getting out of because it's psychological.  Don't give yourself a permanent complex.

Jerk off to porn once a night and keep it going and watch your libido go up.  Just don't get addicted to it.  

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@meta_male I really don't know... maybe don't quit cold turkey. Smoke a bit and gradually quit...

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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@Osaid  Thanks for the links!

9 hours ago, hoodrow trillson said:

Were you having sex and jerking off when high?

@hoodrow trillson Rarely while having sex. But then again, it has been some months since then. And now this time I was in my head way too much plus withdrawal symptoms didn't make it easier to relax. And yeah, I noticed me becoming anxious about future encounters, though knowing what the problem is makes me chill out a bit more now. Appreciate the advice.

@Eternal Unity I want to avoid it as much as possible, I'll have to find some other ways.

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Had a similar issue. I could get hard, but not rock hard, and it was more difficult to remain that way. 

Try smoking some CBD before sex. It won't get you high, but your nervous system will relax and you'll get it up easy. Worked for me at least.

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