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Adam M

Some Potential Blind Spots In Leo's Metaphysics.

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Hey @Leo Gura!

There's some really cool parts of Reality that I've been exploring and I think that they would be very useful to include as part of a holistic understanding.

Some of these ideas have great explanatory power for understanding different levels and realms of consciousness, collective energies, manifestation and goal-achievement, life purpose... etc.

I share this just for fun. I think that Leo may enjoy having his worldview challenged in a way that isn't completely retarded. Also, it's good practice for me in persuasive writing.

I think that Leo has a pretty fantastic grasp on the Nature of Reality/Infinity at the really big-picture level... and even has some excellent takes in the more "masculine" realm of relativity (politics, psychology, science, philosophy, getting results, etc.) 

However, there's a lot of wisdom from the more "feminine" realm of relativity (which I'll elaborate on) which I feel is left out...
*The distinction between masculine and feminine realms of relativity here is just used to get across a general vibe*

DISCLAIMER: I have absolutely NO IDEA what is going on in Leo's mind. Everything that I assume that he knows or doesn't know is based completely on my own fantasy of what I think Leo does/doesn't think about based on his posts on the blog, videos, and forum. 

Let's just begin:

  • Astrology: A powerful language of symbols, energies, and archetypes that helps many people around the world communicate with Intelligence. It's every beautiful to observe how certain qualities and flavors of God are observable in our solar system. (and it's also very useful for many psychics and mediums to read the "astrological weather" which is an interesting way to predict "the general vibe" of specific days/weeks/months etc.) 
    Astrology is so complex and convoluted with so many interwoven variables that it's difficult to "pin it down" with any sort of epistemological rigor. But even in spite of that... it's beautiful and often scary how accurate it can be (it has personally helped me tremendously to discover my Life Purpose and navigate my relationship). Astrology is such an accurate map of personality (and ... and people who disagree are usually too lazy to study it with any serious open-mindedness. (and plus it helps you flirt with spiritual girls! so it MUST be true! ;) ) JK. :P 
  • Channeling: I know that you're well-aware of the phenomenon of channeling (and I even read a transmission that you channeled yourself!). And recently you mentioned in the "Next Steps For Actualized . org" video that you're moving into a stage in you development that requires immense deconstruction of "human" ideas. 
    But are all ideas "human" ideas? Some ideas can be channeled from beings that claim to be existent on higher densities of being. Like, for example, Bashar (a 6th dimensional entity that is channeled through some guy) has some really fantastic descriptions of Reality that I think Leo would agree with. And he also has some really profound takes on manifestation, past civilizations (like Atlantis which apparently did exist in the Caribbean around 12600 yrs ago and was destroyed by 2 decades of meteor showers)
    So the point here is... I guess ALL ideas are transmitted THROUGH a human... FOR a human audience... so it still could be considered "human ideas."
    But I'm just so blown away by some of the illumination that I receive into the nature of reality via the descriptions from these "higher density" beings.
    • Spirit guides: my girlfriend is able to channel beings in the form of dance/movement. I tapped into it slightly and it's almost like she goes into a trance state and moves in such a way that allows her to "open portals" and "create realities."
  • Indigo children: You mentioned in a recent blog post that one potential reason for why humans aren't very spiritual gifted nowadays has to do with society selecting for more "business-minded" people. I see the sense in that... but that perspective doesn't include the possibility of "new souls" choosing to incarnate on Earth... a much greater than average amount of children being born into the world nowadays are considered "indigo children" by some shamans and psychics who are able to see energy. They can see that the children have a distinct Indigo hue in their auric field. Something that wasn't very common until recently. 
    So the whole "evolution selected for business-minded people" argument doesn't really include the perspective of advanced souls choosing to incarnate on Earth.
    This "souls" perspective bypasses the whole "genetics" thing. 
    The point is: Just because society selected for unconscious sheeple that follow the rules... who's to say that a new wave of "woke souls" can't just choose to incarnate tomorrow?
  • Levels of Energy: I wrote another thread about this topic here.
  • Densities: I don't fully understand how to explain this but basically consciousness manifests in different densities and there are different realms of consciousness like hell and heaven realms that have been described vividly in pretty much every single religious tradition (talked about in detail in Fred Dodson's books "Journeys Through Spectral Consciousness." Apparently, these realms actually exist and one can experience them for oneself by intending to... with the caveat that if you're not open to receiving these experiences then they won't be shown to you.


So I don't really have this list quite complete yet... I have some strong intuitions that there are some more ideas that I need to explore in the "New Age" area of spirituality... especially some of the channeled ideas from different galaxies and dimensions. Earth isn't the only place here! But I'm still a total newbie in this area and I'm pretty ignorant about how this whole "reality" thing works. The more I discover the more I realize that I don't know.

Note* None of this information contradicts the realization of Oneness/Infinity... it just explores different aspects of God that can (and probably should) be included into a holistic understanding of relativity (which is Infinitely unfolding in ever-higher degrees and dimensions!)


I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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Interesting read. I find reality is pure magic and you create it so I can see how some of this would be true. I try to steer clear a bit though because I think you can get lost in it and distracted. Like why would you want to experience hell realms and entities channeling information to you about Atlantis? This "mundane" reality is enough of a mind fuck trip, I'm good!

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On 2/20/2023 at 9:29 PM, BlessedLion said:

Like why would you want to experience hell realms and entities channeling information to you about Atlantis? This "mundane" reality is enough of a mind fuck trip, I'm good!

For me personally, I find it fascinating.

Just from a pure exploration of consciousness perspective.

I love how existence can take so many different forms and flavors.

Considering that just from a materialistic standpoint.... 99.9% of "life" is not even visible to your eyes.

If we expand from the materialistic viewpoint and begin to include understandings of energy and the "subtle realms" of being...

Why would I not want to include them into my worldview? (considering that it's possible to find great structural explanations of these phenomena)

I'm not saying that everyone has to explore these ideas... But my mind personally LOVES the twisted mind-fucky logic of these alternate realms and dimensions.

Leo said something in the interview with Kurt Jamingual:

"A scientifically-minded person NEVER EVEN CONSIDERS the possibility that reality may be physical for you today... but one day... when you get older... it may not be physical."

This is the power of recontextualization.

There's an infinitely unfolding ladder of ever higher and higher recontextualizations. Perhaps (I don't know but I have a hunch) in the form of ever-increasing and evolving "densities" of consciousness. Isn't that what relativity is? 

But hey... maybe this is my Pisces Sun, Moon, and Mercury doing the talking ( xD )

*Note: Just because you (in the general sense) see someone mention an idea that sounds "hippie" or "new-agey"  ... try not to immediately put them into the "Spiral Dynamics - Stage Green" category. It is possible to cognize things like Astrology, Spirit Guides, Manifestation, Psychic Abilities, Entities, Atlantis etc. from a Turquoise and beyond perspective. 

It's highly integrated with everything spoken about here on (and as mentioned above... many things that are NOT spoken about here).

Content vs Structure.



Is that not what our life is as consciousness explorers? 

Just an infinitely unfolding holon of higher and higher perspectives? 

Increasingly interesting, integrated, and beautiful?

Seems that way to me.

Edited by Adam M

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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Astral projection / lucid dreaming / shifting


No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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Leo steers clear of this because of his desire to teach the direct path to God Realization. The New Age concepts while fun to explore will be distractions for the ego and prevent God- Realization. Many people who start the spiritual path never reach full on God Realization because they get caught in the stories of the different aspects of astrology, reincarnation, aliens, and other such phenomena. 

I'm rather glad he didn't go this route, but he could expound on these things as add-ons post God-Realization. But another tid-bit, many people who take psychedelics cannot maintain the high-consciousness states they desire at base-line because of how strong self-deception is. Becoming to enthralled with the stories that Universal Mind can spin, makes it hard to not be pulled into a lower consciousness state. 

The ability to see through every story, every illusion is a key aspect to maintaining a high consciousness, unless one wants to unwittingly become  a Zen Devil. These topics like to create a form of specialness, which can create Messiah Complexes etc.  

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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On 2/20/2023 at 7:33 PM, Adam M said:

Hey @Leo Gura!

There's some really cool parts of Reality that I've been exploring and I think that they would be very useful to include as part of a holistic understanding.

Some of these ideas have great explanatory power for understanding different levels and realms of consciousness, collective energies, manifestation and goal-achievement, life purpose... etc.

I share this just for fun. I think that Leo may enjoy having his worldview challenged in a way that isn't completely retarded. Also, it's good practice for me in persuasive writing.

I think that Leo has a pretty fantastic grasp on the Nature of Reality/Infinity at the really big-picture level... and even has some excellent takes in the more "masculine" realm of relativity (politics, psychology, science, philosophy, getting results, etc.) 

However, there's a lot of wisdom from the more "feminine" realm of relativity (which I'll elaborate on) which I feel is left out...
*The distinction between masculine and feminine realms of relativity here is just used to get across a general vibe*

DISCLAIMER: I have absolutely NO IDEA what is going on in Leo's mind. Everything that I assume that he knows or doesn't know is based completely on my own fantasy of what I think Leo does/doesn't think about based on his posts on the blog, videos, and forum. 

Let's just begin:

  • Astrology: A powerful language of symbols, energies, and archetypes that helps many people around the world communicate with Intelligence. It's every beautiful to observe how certain qualities and flavors of God are observable in our solar system. (and it's also very useful for many psychics and mediums to read the "astrological weather" which is an interesting way to predict "the general vibe" of specific days/weeks/months etc.) 
    Astrology is so complex and convoluted with so many interwoven variables that it's difficult to "pin it down" with any sort of epistemological rigor. But even in spite of that... it's beautiful and often scary how accurate it can be (it has personally helped me tremendously to discover my Life Purpose and navigate my relationship). Astrology is such an accurate map of personality (and ... and people who disagree are usually too lazy to study it with any serious open-mindedness. (and plus it helps you flirt with spiritual girls! so it MUST be true! ;) ) JK. :P 
  • Channeling: I know that you're well-aware of the phenomenon of channeling (and I even read a transmission that you channeled yourself!). And recently you mentioned in the "Next Steps For Actualized . org" video that you're moving into a stage in you development that requires immense deconstruction of "human" ideas. 
    But are all ideas "human" ideas? Some ideas can be channeled from beings that claim to be existent on higher densities of being. Like, for example, Bashar (a 6th dimensional entity that is channeled through some guy) has some really fantastic descriptions of Reality that I think Leo would agree with. And he also has some really profound takes on manifestation, past civilizations (like Atlantis which apparently did exist in the Caribbean around 12600 yrs ago and was destroyed by 2 decades of meteor showers)
    So the point here is... I guess ALL ideas are transmitted THROUGH a human... FOR a human audience... so it still could be considered "human ideas."
    But I'm just so blown away by some of the illumination that I receive into the nature of reality via the descriptions from these "higher density" beings.
    • Spirit guides: my girlfriend is able to channel beings in the form of dance/movement. I tapped into it slightly and it's almost like she goes into a trance state and moves in such a way that allows her to "open portals" and "create realities."
  • Indigo children: You mentioned in a recent blog post that one potential reason for why humans aren't very spiritual gifted nowadays has to do with society selecting for more "business-minded" people. I see the sense in that... but that perspective doesn't include the possibility of "new souls" choosing to incarnate on Earth... a much greater than average amount of children being born into the world nowadays are considered "indigo children" by some shamans and psychics who are able to see energy. They can see that the children have a distinct Indigo hue in their auric field. Something that wasn't very common until recently. 
    So the whole "evolution selected for business-minded people" argument doesn't really include the perspective of advanced souls choosing to incarnate on Earth.
    This "souls" perspective bypasses the whole "genetics" thing. 
    The point is: Just because society selected for unconscious sheeple that follow the rules... who's to say that a new wave of "woke souls" can't just choose to incarnate tomorrow?
  • Levels of Energy: I wrote another thread about this topic here.
  • Densities: I don't fully understand how to explain this but basically consciousness manifests in different densities and there are different realms of consciousness like hell and heaven realms that have been described vividly in pretty much every single religious tradition (talked about in detail in Fred Dodson's books "Journeys Through Spectral Consciousness." Apparently, these realms actually exist and one can experience them for oneself by intending to... with the caveat that if you're not open to receiving these experiences then they won't be shown to you.


So I don't really have this list quite complete yet... I have some strong intuitions that there are some more ideas that I need to explore in the "New Age" area of spirituality... especially some of the channeled ideas from different galaxies and dimensions. Earth isn't the only place here! But I'm still a total newbie in this area and I'm pretty ignorant about how this whole "reality" thing works. The more I discover the more I realize that I don't know.

Note* None of this information contradicts the realization of Oneness/Infinity... it just explores different aspects of God that can (and probably should) be included into a holistic understanding of relativity (which is Infinitely unfolding in ever-higher degrees and dimensions!)


Leo doesn't have metaphysics and what you are laying out isn't metaphysics it is shit within the dream.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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No, what I'm saying is that youre using terms that beginning spiritual students think are relevant...i.e., Indigo Children, etc.  Those are terms that are more relevant to pop culture than any true spiritual work.  You ARE God.  So dispense with the Pop Spiritual terms.  Am I a Starseed????  No no no wait...maybe I'm an indigo child.  Those pop terms will keep you asleep.  Wake up and move away from this childish horseshit. 

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Atlantis, thousands of years ago and beings from the 6th dimension, etc etc more and more concepts and fantasy that distracts you from Realization.  You as pure consciousness is the only thing that exists.  Period.   Throw all that other bullshit in the garbage.  Do the work.  Do shamanic breathing, meditate, trip on strong Marijuana and see that you are just the "bubble" that IS the universe.  Watch Leo's videos on Solipsism and his video on his guided exercise for realizing you are God.  Stop watching mainstream spiritual vids from "spiritual " teachers like Teal Swan.  Watching these mainstream videos will get you nowhere.  Do the work.

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@Adam M Those things are interesting, the problem I see is that all this is still very embryonic, since there are very few real mystics. really very few. I think that all this will develop, but now if you start to investigate about energies and all that, the most you will find is fake, things invented by people who are not really open to the spiritual. probably in the future things will develop

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I don't know anything for 100% certain, but I've also come across indigo children concepts and things like starseeds.

I guess none of us know for SURE how reality works, or about concepts like this, but some things sound possible even at a 'gut level', right? 

I think certain things, like for example relating to life after death we can only look at things like NDEs and personal reports, but I found a very interesting article about starseed 'markings', have you guys come across this? The idea is that there are things WITHIN your birth chart that indicate you might come from a certain star system.. 

I dunno. 

I know there are lots of things like numerology etc that might be questionable, but with astrology, it's based in things that can't be changed like the historical, proveable position of stars at certain times. 

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On 2/20/2023 at 8:29 PM, BlessedLion said:

Interesting read. I find reality is pure magic and you create it so I can see how some of this would be true. I try to steer clear a bit though because I think you can get lost in it and distracted. Like why would you want to experience hell realms and entities channeling information to you about Atlantis? This "mundane" reality is enough of a mind fuck trip, I'm good!

If you know Reality is purely imagination, then reading about things like atlantis or lemuria will put things into perspective for you.

There have possibly been several advanced societies on this planet, and in this solar system alone.

Entertaining the idea alone is perception-expanding for what is possible for unlimited imagination; (Absolutely Everything!)

On a deeper point; You create Reality through your perception of it.

If You Believe It's True; Then It Is.

That's What Being God Means.

You Are The Truth.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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