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Had an insightful dream today:

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I wanted to find my stuffed animal from childhood. It’s a squirrel. I looked for it and had the strong suspicion that a bunch of bibers hid it from me. I wanted to confront them, then a Leopard Rrrrr-ed at me, thinking it is a fucking Lion and then jumped at me to attack me. I wanted to fight against it by smashing it down like a gorilla. Before I could the dream ended. The result of the fight is uncertain. It wasn’t really a bad dream just a dream that was wild enough to wake me up. I had mixed feelings about the Leopard. On the one hand I felt like it overestimated itself in power on the other hand it was kind of scary with its crawls and being a wild animal and stuff. 

So this is my interpretation of the dream. The stuffed squirrel represents my desire for deep connection. A safe place in a relationship where I can heal. The Leopard represents my fear of women. I did a little bit of pickup before and had bad dreams of fighting Tigers and Lions in a arena. My fear diminished a lot it looks like. The Bibers are my fear of social acceptance. What I got to realize is that they are just fucking Bibers going about their day. They don’t give a shit about who I date. Maybe they shatter shortly about it and then they will fuck of and build a dam and do Biber shit or something. 

Edited by Jannes

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