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Information is Form

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You may (or may not) have gleaned that this Universe is...

A Universe of Consciousness,
A Universe of Dual-Relationship,
A Universe of Unbounded-Form.

A Holographic Universe of Information.

Modern physicists themselves have proposed that information is the "fifth form of matter",
accounting for the extra gravitation necessary to keep the galaxies from flying apart.
Information is so-called "dark-matter". Information has mass. But what does that even mean?

What is information, really? 

What Information is, is far, far simpler than you think it to be. It's in the form of the word itself; "In-form-ation",
meaning something that is "in a form." Get it? Information is simply form. Most frequently, a wave-form.

The form of an object is vitally important to the way an object interacts with the rest of the forms in the world,
Because the form of an object is the object itself. The form is the information and the object itself.
All objects radiate their form as a Hologram of Light.
 In science, this phenomena is called black-body radiation, the tendency for everything above absolute zero temperature to radiate it's heat as Light. According to something called The Holographic Principle, the surface boundary of this Light encodes ALL of the information of EVERYTHING inside it. It's shape radiates outwards as Light at the speed of causality. It is an informational copy.

Leonard Susskind describes the Holographic Principle as such: “The three-dimensional world of ordinary experience––the universe filled with galaxies, stars, planets, houses, boulders, and people––is a hologram, an image of reality coded on a distant two-dimensional surface." Susskind talks of the Holographic Principle in reference to the boundary of a black hole.

Within the three-dimensional volume of a black hole, exists all the information contained there-within on the surface boundary of the singularity called The Event Horizon. (cue A Singularity)

Picture a sphere. This sphere has a temperature above absolute zero, therefore it emits a sphere of Light in every direction as heat / gravity. Picture a transparent light-hologram of any object radiating from the surface of the sphere out into space at the speed of Light. According to the holographic principle, the surface of sphere of Light alone contains ALL of the information of EVERYTHING inside it.

Now picture a cube. This cube emits a cube  of Light in every direction as heat / gravity. Can you see how fundamentally that means that every particle in the Universe must now account for the shape of this cube of Light, instead of a sphere of Light, in order to maintain causal consistency?

Shape is vitally important to all events in this Universe.

Now imagine a black hole, realizing that it's boundary at The Singularity is virtually unbounded.
The implications of the complexity of hawking radiation itself are monumentally huge for the entire Cosmos. 
Namely, the black holes at the center of each galaxy move as one to create this beautiful web of complexity called
"The Large Scale Structure of the Universe". Notice the glimmering rays of light shining in from above the cosmic ocean?


Ultimately what this means is that radiation and gravitation are two-sides of the same coin; Walter Russell was onto something!
The intensity of information radiating outwards is equal to the intensity of the gravitational pull of inwards because they are the same phenomenon.


What pushes outwards, is pulled back in. Exactly like the tide.
What expands, contracts. What contracts, expands outwards again.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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