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Solipsism indicates a lack of faith in Infinity.

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Solipsism, as a concept or belief, is indicative of a lack of faith in Oneself as Infinity. While it may be a truth, It is not Absolute Truth because Absolute Truth is Absolute! 

God doesn't have to limit itself to one localized being that You call "me"; God can imagine an Infinity of Beings that are just are intelligent, beautiful, and loving as You Are.

If you believe only You, as a local being, exist, You are going to end up imagining yourself a dream in which You live in a solipistic bubble and everyone around You acts like NPCs.

Sounds kinda lame to me! God can do better.

We All Can. Everyone is as Godlike as You.

If You instead imagine Everyone You meet as the very same Infinite Intelligence that is God, and You see the Infinite Love of God in the eyes of Everyone You meet, We Will Be In Love, We Will Be In Heaven On Earth. We Are All Equally God. We Are One.

It is here I emphasize the importance of Faith.

Gnosis is belief in that which one already knows.

Gnosis is settled. Knowledge is finite.

Faith is belief in that which is not yet known.

Faith is Becoming Infinity.

Historically, this forum has been very focused on gnosis and enlightenment. But we must also remember that we need to be open to that which we yet don't know. Otherwise, we'd never reach enlightenment again.

You need to understand that The ONE completely and totally formless, boundless. It transcends the form of "You and I" entirely. Infinity is ONE. Therefore ONENESS is not necessarily limiting, unless we imagine it is.  Be careful where you set your limits. If you want to be alone, then feel free imagine yourself Alone; You Are God. But know that We Don't Have To Be Alone, We Can Imagine So Much More!

Faith in the unseen is absolutely necessary if we want to create Heaven on Earth.

We Are Infinity. Get Creative With It! ☝? ?

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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33 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

If you believe only You, as a local being, exist, You are going to end up imagining yourself a dream in which You live in a solipistic bubble and everyone around you acts like NPCs.

Believing such would be a huge misunderstanding of Aloneness.

There are no NPCs. All is Infinite Intelligence. All is Beauty. All is God.

21 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

If You instead imagine Everyone You meet as the very same Infinite Intelligence that is God, and You see the Infinite Love of God in the eyes of everyone You meet, You Will Be In Heaven On Earth. We Are All Equally God. We Are One.

Both that and Aloneness can be true.

Aloneness is not limiting in any way. It's just that Experience is all there is.

Yeah, You can Imagine "another" and that's in fact how most "humans" see things (in the Dream ;)). God can be any state, which includes states where "other" is perceived and states where all is one. Still, it's always Oneness = God. And as it turns out, You ARE that Oneness. You are God.

And no, I'm not pointing to the "you" as in a "local being". There is no "you". You are God = God is God = God IS = GOD.

That's my 2 cents. I like your posts. :) Nice writing style. 

Words can't describe You.

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Everything and everyone is the Self. There is only one conscious Self in existence and that is me.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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I have faith (trust) in God Alone, Who created me in His Image, then He laid out my life as planned by Him, and made a contract with the soul which inhabits my body, that it will fight evil from it’s first breath to it’s last, and to win so it may return to it’s God.

I remember, I asked God for help, then immediately a great light came over me, and I knew God came back to me. Then He exposed the solipsism that I had experienced as falsehood.

God, there is no god but He.

To Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth and underground. 

Glorified be God! The Greatest!

To Him I strive to return.

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10 hours ago, tuku747 said:

Solipsism, as a concept or belief, is indicative of a lack of faith in Oneself as Infinity. While it may be a truth, It is not Absolute Truth because Absolute Truth is Absolute! 

God doesn't have to limit itself to one localized being that You call "me"; God can imagine an Infinity of Beings that are just are intelligent, beautiful, and loving as You Are.

If you believe only You, as a local being, exist, You are going to end up imagining yourself a dream in which You live in a solipistic bubble and everyone around You acts like NPCs.

Sounds kinda lame to me! God can do better.

We All Can. Everyone is as Godlike as You.

If You instead imagine Everyone You meet as the very same Infinite Intelligence that is God, and You see the Infinite Love of God in the eyes of Everyone You meet, We Will Be In Love, We Will Be In Heaven On Earth. We Are All Equally God. We Are One.

It is here I emphasize the importance of Faith.

Gnosis is belief in that which one already knows.

Gnosis is settled. Knowledge is finite.

Faith is belief in that which is not yet known.

Faith is Becoming Infinity.

Historically, this forum has been very focused on gnosis and enlightenment. But we must also remember that we need to be open to that which we yet don't know. Otherwise, we'd never reach enlightenment again.

You need to understand that The ONE completely and totally formless, boundless. It transcends the form of "You and I" entirely. Infinity is ONE. Therefore ONENESS is not necessarily limiting, unless we imagine it is.  Be careful where you set your limits. If you want to be alone, then feel free imagine yourself Alone; You Are God. But know that We Don't Have To Be Alone, We Can Imagine So Much More!

Faith in the unseen is absolutely necessary if we want to create Heaven on Earth.

We Are Infinity. Get Creative With It! ☝? ?

Solipsism is absolute, all imagination is done within consciousness, which is awareness. Even in Leo's own Infinity of Gods video the concept of Infinity of Gods eventually collapses. Why? Because it is done within his awareness. Even when he states that due to sovereignty he could not know if there are other Gods, he eventually realized he could verify. So once he put out a request.....he made contact and that possibility he imagined collapsed. 

The reason why Solipsism is absolute is because Oneness is absolute. This means that whatever possibility you attempt to construct that can create an out, or escape from ONENESS will eventually collapse. So no matter how many dimensions you imagine, no matter how many infinite possibilities, all will eventually collapse. This is what is referred to as AWAKENING. 

So sure you can IMAGINE or DREAM that solipsism isn't absolute and eventually that dream, that imagination will collapse and you will awaken to solipsism. I have already experienced Solipsism multiple times WITHOUT the use of psychedelics, in fact it is my daily experience sober. It's so obvious that any attempts to argue otherwise are seen as silly little games. 

The proper understanding of Solipsism is that this ONE BEING has the ability to generate infinite personalities and entities. So while they are all one being, their ability to construct conversations, and experiences will feel so authentic and real that it is basically experienced as separate beings. But do not be fooled, if your awareness raises high enough the boundary between you and that other will collapse. You can become aware that their body is your body, all sensations they feel, YOU FEEL, that their voice is YOURS, that their movements are YOUR MOVEMENTS, you can become absolutely aware that you are one being interacting with itself like a self playing video game that plays with itself. 

Once seen, this cannot be UNSEEN, but it can be attempted to be denied. Again, that one video game could attempt to construct other games outside of its awareness to fool itself....but eventually that finite dream will collapse into ONENESS again. This will happen for all of eternity.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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2 hours ago, Razard86 said:

Solipsism is absolute, all imagination is done within consciousness, which is awareness. Even in Leo's own Infinity of Gods video the concept of Infinity of Gods eventually collapses. Why? Because it is done within his awareness. Even when he states that due to sovereignty he could not know if there are other Gods, he eventually realized he could verify. So once he put out a request.....he made contact and that possibility he imagined collapsed. 

The reason why Solipsism is absolute is because Oneness is absolute. This means that whatever possibility you attempt to construct that can create an out, or escape from ONENESS will eventually collapse. So no matter how many dimensions you imagine, no matter how many infinite possibilities, all will eventually collapse. This is what is referred to as AWAKENING. 

So sure you can IMAGINE or DREAM that solipsism isn't absolute and eventually that dream, that imagination will collapse and you will awaken to solipsism. I have already experienced Solipsism multiple times WITHOUT the use of psychedelics, in fact it is my daily experience sober. It's so obvious that any attempts to argue otherwise are seen as silly little games. 

The proper understanding of Solipsism is that this ONE BEING has the ability to generate infinite personalities and entities. So while they are all one being, their ability to construct conversations, and experiences will feel so authentic and real that it is basically experienced as separate beings. But do not be fooled, if your awareness raises high enough the boundary between you and that other will collapse. You can become aware that their body is your body, all sensations they feel, YOU FEEL, that their voice is YOURS, that their movements are YOUR MOVEMENTS, you can become absolutely aware that you are one being interacting with itself like a self playing video game that plays with itself. 

Once seen, this cannot be UNSEEN, but it can be attempted to be denied. Again, that one video game could attempt to construct other games outside of its awareness to fool itself....but eventually that finite dream will collapse into ONENESS again. This will happen for all of eternity.

I wish to make space for this post in my heart and have meditated upon it for a time. I too have had these awakenings into absolute solipsism, and for a time solipsism basically being my only train of thought for weeks. I was there for months. Nowadays, it does not seem to be nearly as big a deal, in the sense that I do not lament nor feel lonely.

I Am All That Is.

I Am Formless Infinity.

I Am Everyone I meet.

I find great peace in this Truth, I used this knowledge to "dance like no one's watching" so to speak. It taught me to let go of trying to guess how the other person feels or worry about if they are judging me. But at some point I realized thinking about solipsism seemed to be extra work I was doing in the moment. When I was with them, there was only Love. One Love.

Then I started finding friends who have had these types of awakenings before. We had all seen that shadow of the valley of death. We had all experienced absolute aloneness. And yet, here we are, it only having strengthened our bond. There's no need to hide anything, there's no need to lie, there's no need to be anxious about what the other person is thinking because we just know vibrationally.

We Are One.

When we really find peace in this together, the most beautiful interactions occur because there is no need for speaking. The feeling of the other person's state is known so there's not even the need to ask. We sync up in ways you would never even have expected. You look at someone and you know exactly what they're about to say because you understand them fully as You.

Look into the eyes of your lover.

Know that You're staring into Your Own.

But know too that You're staring at Infinity.

There will always be that unknown aspect of You coming through the other. Always.

Discard concepts of oneness.

Discard concepts of solipsism.

What are we left with? Just Love.


Why then, does this concept even matter at this point? I only felt lonely before because I was creating at such a high frequency it became extremely obvious my projections and expectations were creating the unconscious people around me. But when I'm with Her, We Equally Recognize This Infinite Mystery Within Another And We Only Create The Best In Each Other.

Infinity is beyond concept.

Is She A Projection of My Mind? Yes.

But I Am A Projection of Her's too.

I Willingly Create That. 

And It Is So.

Because in this instance The One is Shared.

We Are One.

This is Our Unity. I'm not going to sit here and tell You that you don't exist and you're only a projection of my mind. Instead, I choose to imagine You with the full experience of Being God that I do. That includes Your own first-person perspective. That doesn't mean we aren't one. It just means Oneness, aka Formless Unity, transcends individual perspectives. That doesn't mean at some point I won't come to realize your perspective at some point. But I recognize that there's no need to limit my Infinity by imagining that "there are no other experiencers", "there are no other Gods". Infinity doesn't mind Being One, anyway.

Formless Unity. Allow for Infinity.

Allow for the unknown.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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I cannot prove Infinity. But I Am Infinity.

I can only ever have faith in Infinity.

I cannot prove your first-person experience.

I cannot prove Infinity within You.

But I have faith. And it is so.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Thinking infinity and Solipsism is different is foolish

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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