
Sexism Test - Eliminating Bias

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What's the percentage of frontline combat in modern warfare? 5%?

Edited by Devin

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My original post got lost :( differences in human intelligence,to vary slightly on average.

What I wanted to type is benevolent bias is one of the most patronizing and belitteling feeligs you can do to another human, it's like you are not encouraging the potential of the other human beign for beign a human and the sheer isness of the human taking gender into account and or not. Then the whole level of performance falters because of brainwashing type tactics that not even seen as a tactic, it's just a perversion of sorts undescribeable. The level of belittlement I felt at times for the benevolent seeming attitude shocked me, especially when I outperformed others.

Masculine and feminine dynamics brain differences etc. For sure plays a role. When values shift a deeper inclusions especially at yellow is present of masculine and feminine principles, and there is a bigger openness for this, although I find many men to cause this benevolent bias at times, when there is no authority that cares about eliminating and airing bias and serves as a community role model and a level of encouragement. I wonder how much shifts with a larger emphasis on spiral development. The first date with the doctor chick ?? gave me a huge wave in communal stages of vibes, while I am very mixed in them, she legit said she did get 0 sexual vibes from me. She was very artsy and feminine.

Also the point about serving and protecting women, is different from beign a kick-ass player/gentelman who can walk the walk is well-off and does not need to show it similar just to someone like Keanu Reeves, I still like this frame, yet it's been sorta abused as this "sigma grindset" they legit made a whole psychology out of the introverted alpha there are courses about this, incredible. 

Some classes also open my eyes about how these concepts can be used for engineering, as well as how much ins constructed, many of these mechanisms are legit present in everyday interactions and have a similar affect. Like elitism, it's funny how much I also benefitted from this and how stage purple concepts are very effective for dating. For simplicities sake (again I still am not the best sexually next time I be a bit more aggressive) different cultures for sure have different attitudes, unfortunately many are regressive and the west is undeniably more culturally advanced and technologicall advanced than most countries and directions on the planet. Besides a few cities. Still it's pretty important, you can just of course "run" pure.... selection and dismiss diversity completely and neglect every new ocean and make it a kingpin simulation of who is the biggest ape/lion maybe Zebra in the jungle. This has nothing really to do with holism, and a lot of this social darwinism type thinking is present in the dating scence and I have to basically modulate myself to this? To be succesful in dating? I listend to a Blinkist about deeper dating, where it's mostly about purpose, and passion and sharing these screeing like this and vision. Although when I check data most legit go to online-dating nowadays and my dating range ranges from Zoomers to late born Gen-Y's and it's not easy. Most are online from what I found I dunno if the algorithm (and it does) just feeds me similar data.

What many don't realize is many Academics especially the students are at blue/orange many engineer type people have blue/orange type biases, as they only feed their intellect you will never have a class about social sciences and or wisdom assoicated with insights from there, at least this is info from the O'Fallon paper many don't have a higher ego development. Ironically these topics worked in my favour while discussing them with dates... I legit stopped looking at it, yet these topics really really worked well with intellectually and psychologically inclined women who are obviously sexual creatures? Must I spill the obvious. 

The point about patrichal values is an entire history lesson worth of the wrongdoings of the church etc. and you can even go back to slavery if you want to lol. I bet that would be highly interesting, ngl how patriachal society is at times, ironically I do better under leadership from women as it's usually more process oriented, it's just very chaotic in it's own way at times, and I am the one who often brings in clarity the longer the process goes on, as at one point intuition is not really needed, and it's about skill etc. At least these have been my experiences within and outside of academia. People generally don't like to feel muted.

This is mostly it I am going to study sexology and body language heavily when doing game, I do enjoy the biological things of life lol, and I love playful behaviour and flirting with women, unfortunately with my "intellecually" inclined type thinking I don't get this all to often and it's more direct and consensual it seems, which is also not all to bad, yet my frame is to feminine currently for it to work as well as to neutral. I mostly did online game as it does work for me and offline game is just more effective and fun, it's not really a priority I would prefer to do it with less bias and actually just find a deep girlfriend who is interested in deep intimate sex, and not the boring stuff. Many academics are quiet boring and they just want to live "the good life" with house, garden and animals nothing very intimate mostly just family, imo. 

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27 minutes ago, Devin said:

The problem with saying the female gender is the smaller gender is that we could obviously breed to where female is the physically larger gender, therefore size is not actually tied to the gender, it's just the historic average.

Saying female is the smaller gender implies it is absolutely. For a real world problem, this socially conditions society(biases) to stay with the status quo and not explore(close minded), it's the root of sexist undertones that discourages say women from body building for example, and discourages society from moving/desiring/evolving/breeding toward stronger females, naturally stronger females are not desired in society so we don't breed that direction. "Women are the weak gender" society then does not select the stronger women, it does men.

Stronger males were historically the better sex to be stronger, but in 1st world countries these days females being the stronger gender could work, and obviously the future could allow that even further or it could actually be an environment/scenario where it's beneficial that females be the physically stronger sex.

I mean I agree with you here for the most part, but we’re not talking about hypothetical futures, we’re talking about statistical observations that you can make about current society and the levels of bias present in them.

Right now, an individual that says “men are taller than woman” is not likely biased against women. But an individual who says “men are smarter than woman” likely is biased against woman. The discussion is about levels of bias in an individual in our current society with our current genetics for male and female.

Yea of course if you had long enough you could breed anything you want into existence, following your logic you could even breed gestation out of woman, and so even that is a ‘bias’ to say that woman gestate. But that’s on the scale of many many lifetimes and not really relevant or practical to our current discussion.

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All of this is human bullshit in a sense and you still have to learn it to work, incredible. 

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@Leo Gura I disagree that women are more cognitively deficient than men, and it is sexist. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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24 minutes ago, something_else said:

I mean I agree with you here for the most part, but we’re not talking about hypothetical futures, we’re talking about statistical observations that you can make about current society and the levels of bias present in them.

Right now, an individual that says “men are taller than woman” is not likely biased against women. But an individual who says “men are smarter than woman” likely is biased against woman. The discussion is about levels of bias in an individual in our current society with our current genetics for male and female.

Yea of course if you had long enough you could breed anything you want into existence, following your logic you could even breed gestation out of woman, and so even that is a ‘bias’ to say that woman gestate. But that’s on the scale of many many lifetimes and not really relevant or practical to our current discussion.

Well even in society today in 1st world countries it may actually be better if women were the stronger gender. Consider compared to the past most people knew every single person they would ever even see, nowadays most people are surrounded by 95% of strangers, and a long time ago conflict was due in large part to literally not even speaking the same language. So if women were the larger gender they could protect from assault from all these strangers and if men were smaller conflict would be resolved with communication that we now have.

All the child bearing aspects are what is "woman" in terms of biology.

Edited by Devin

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My results: 0% hostile sexism, 0% benevolent sexism.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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4 minutes ago, Devin said:

Well even in society today in 1st world countries it may actually be better if women were the stronger gender. Consider compared to the past most people knew every single person they would ever even see, nowadays most people are surrounded by 95% of strangers, and a long time ago conflict was due in large part to literally not even speaking the same language. So if women were the larger gender they could protect from assault from all these strangers and if men were smaller conflict would be resolved with communication that we now have.

All the child bearing aspects are what is "woman" in terms of biology.

Somewhat different than what you guys are talking about.

But one thing that’s interesting is that the general tastes of men in poorer societies do favor bigger women.

They did a study of men and women around the world in a variety of sociology-economic statuses.

In poorer societies, the women favored hyper-masculine men with big muscles, narrow eyes, and barreled chests. And the men favored chubbier women.

In wealthier societies, the women favored men who have a mixture of masculine and feminine traits (like most Hollywood actors). And the men favored thinner women.

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On 18/02/2023 at 6:06 AM, Emerald said:

It may seem positive on its surface, but it leads to plenty of negative outcomes for women.

Yeah, I disagree with the notion of saving only women in an emergency. It just feels wrong to prevent an entire gender from getting the lifeboats, and it also perpetuates a stereotype that women are inherently vulnerable and need to be saved.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Just now, How to be wise said:

Yeah, I disagree with the notion of saving only women in an emergency. It just feels wrong to prevent an entire gender from getting the lifeboats, and it also perpetuates a stereotype that women are inherently vulnerable and need to be saved.

Exactly. It also communicates to men that they are responsible for being stoic and invulnerable.

And this creates a ton of resentment for men towards women... because they perceive that women are allowed to be human and vulnerable in a way that they are not.

And this creates tons of shadowy behaviors towards women in men who ascribe to these benevolently sexist ideas.

They are jealous and get competitive, catty, and spiteful for what they perceive as a privilege.

But the price that women pay for this ‘privilege’ is to have our capabilities questioned and our autonomy restricted under the guise of protection… all while a significant portion of the male population tries to drag us off the pedestal that they projected onto us.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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Women and men are different. The best part of a woman is that she's not a man.

What is sexism is most relatively. 

Edited by D2sage

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3 minutes ago, D2sage said:

Women and men are different. The best part of a woman is that she's not a man.

This actually sounds like “women are inferior and secondary to men”. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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40 minutes ago, Emerald said:

In poorer societies, the women favored hyper-masculine men with big muscles, narrow eyes, and barreled chests. And the men favored chubbier women.

In wealthier societies, the women favored men who have a mixture of masculine and feminine traits (like most Hollywood actors). And the men favored thinner women.

That is super interesting, I legit favour and gave myself best to "optimize" myself to this, as I hated the prior in my eyes "bias" of friends I had and chubbier women, I never understood this mindset. Just in terms of bias about bias, but w/e. Also this is interesting as my friend went out and me we are the complete opposite he likes the prior and has nothing against the latter, and is the prior. While me beign the reverse of that as long as organic... funny times, anyway that is interesting I only went out with one wealthy women and she seemed a bit interested in men more like me and not the prior still it was my wings sister, so I had no idea. Funny stuff  delusional also, both were from Syria also incredible how open humans are. I wonder if this is just some elitism selection, but w/e. I guess this is also a sign of power, yet that is super super interesting to me thanks for pointing that out lol!

Note: She was super hot and fit, although that social circle and that city is delusional and the devil. I swear to the lord, I become devout christian before witnessing the shit again I saw there. 

Even for a job interview this is super insightful, also in terms of developmental thinking to some level. 

40 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

Yeah, I disagree with the notion of saving only women in an emergency. It just feels wrong to prevent an entire gender from getting the lifeboats, and it also perpetuates a stereotype that women are inherently vulnerable and need to be saved.

I think this is what gave me the 6% I legit choose this because it's a societal notion and women give birth to even men, so I thought this would be the better choice and gave a slight agreement. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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22 minutes ago, D2sage said:

Women and men are different. The best part of a woman is that she's not a man.

What is sexism is most relatively. 

There are some general differences that can be noticed.

But there is a reason why men try to exaggerate these differences and that women tend to downplay them.

It’s mostly because the patriarchal forces in society take a handful of genuine differences betweenness men and women, exaggerates them, and weaves them into a male supremacy and dominance narrative that tells a story of why men are more entitled power than women just by virtue of being men.

And it soothes the soul sickness of men who feel shame and powerlessness by constructing a reassuring narrative where they are better and more powerful just by virtue of being male.

And it makes it pretty impossible for women to embrace their femininity around men who do this because it automatically puts the woman on the defensive. And that’s because their femininity gets used as an insult and as a means to impose a narrative that strips them of power.

And then the very same men are like “Women aren’t feminine anymore. It’s must be those pesky Feminists.” They look everywhere but themselves.

Edited by Emerald

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@Emerald  Myself don't care to give emtional value to these topics. 

I love making art to much to indulge in politics. Politic is just a waste of time.

We aren't immortal. There is a woman and a man for each one of us. 

It is what it is. It is easy to find a feminine woman.

And if a woman wants to be masculine, I could not care less. 


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 There is an ingrained useful bias for women getting the lifeboats, one man can impregnate all the women, if all men lived and one woman survived..... you're hoping for twins. Same with risking your life in anything else like warfare.

Edited by Devin

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1 minute ago, Devin said:

 There is an ingrained useful bias for women getting the lifeboats, one man can impregnate all the women, if all men lived and one woman survived..... you're hoping for twins.

That’s in a scenario where your species or tribe is about to be annihilated. You’ll want to keep the women alive then to re-populate.

But in a life-boat scenario, that logic doesn’t apply there because there are plenty of people to keep society going.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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3 minutes ago, D2sage said:

@Emerald  Myself don't care to give emtional value to these topics. 

I love making art to much to indulge in politics. Politic is just a waste of time.

We aren't immortal. There is a woman and a man for each one of us. 

It is what it is. It is easy to find a feminine woman.

And if a woman wants to be masculine, I could not care less. 


I was responding to what you said. So I assumed that you did put at least enough emotional weight into the topic to want to put in your two cents.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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31 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

This actually sounds like “women are inferior and secondary to men”. 

That's the fun part :)

It sounds but doesn't mean it is Universal Truth.

What sounds true to you ain't the Universal Truth.

I see men and women exactly the same. Nobody is superior or inferior. Love both equally as we are all humans.

You look at men and women like they are two seperate things. You are sexism if someone.

Edited by D2sage

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10 minutes ago, D2sage said:

I see men and women exactly the same.

You literally said earlier that they are totally different.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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