
We Are All Dreaming Right Now.

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This is It. You're Living The Dream. You Are  The Dream.

We Are Dreaming Right Now. This Life is Our Collective Lucid Dream.  


Life is a Collective Dream that is simply more dense than the dreams we have at night.

When You realize that Life is A Dream, Life Becomes A Lucid Dream.

We Are Dreaming Up Each Other. The more We collectively realize that Life is A Dream, the more Dream-like Life becomes.  


Look at Your Computer Mouse. This a Dream Object.

Look at Your Phone. This Object is A Dream.

Look at Your Hands. This Body is A Dream body.  

Look at The World around You. This is Our Dream World.  

Everything You see is Your Dream. Everything.  

Everyone You meet is You. Everyone is You.  

We Are Dreaming up Each Other using God's Infinite Imagination!   


You Are Imagining Everything You see.  

You have been Dreaming Your Entire Life!  

You don't have to  control The Dream; You Are The Dream.  

When You realize this, You move beyond  Dream control.


Row row row your boat, gently down the stream!  

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Life is But a Dream!


Let Us Imagine A Magnificent Dream Together; 

Let Us Imagine Heaven On Earth!

Edited by tuku747

Brains DO NOT Exist.

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Sorry, I couldn't restrain myself. :D Yes, it's a Dream. 

Edited by Sincerity

I've got Infinity for a head and I have a hard time handling it.

Words can't describe You!

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Life is no different than the dream we have at night

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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7 hours ago, Sincerity said:

Sorry, I couldn't restrain myself. :D Yes, it's a Dream. 

"We" Is Just As Real As "You" Is xD

Edited by tuku747

Brains DO NOT Exist.

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Yes!!! Perfectly put :)

It's nice to remember that those who apperently insist on "there is no we" are just figments of gods mind that is what it is :D

Literally nobody cares who or what is and what not is, it just is. Yeah, I'd love to see more dreamlike-stuff happening in the collective, but on the other hand to be honest I don't want to get the Joke too fast, I love how it slowly unravels, with peaks here and there. I love my anxieties, the problems and so on. It's beautiful to see them cautiously melting, I don't want them to instantly evaporate. I love the "it's too good to be true"-feeling quite a lot :P and what else does buddha have to do in eternity than to run after the dangling carrot of enlightenment? Just magnificant! Magical! Booooooom already :D

~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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Yes you are constantly re-creating and co-creating this reality with your thoughts, words, actions etc. And what you "focus on" is what is "next in line" to come to fruition, roughly speaking that is and if you understand the underlying mechanism. You always had this power just much dampened in this reality, but it's still there to some extent.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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You could say we, but still there is only one Point of View happening right now right here.

The one you are experiencing. 

The thought that there are other POVs happening at the same time is an assumption and not direct experience.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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10 hours ago, Arthogaan said:

You could say we, but still there is only one Point of View happening right now right here.

The one you are experiencing. 

The thought that there are other POVs happening at the same time is an assumption and not direct experience.

This is where Faith comes in handy.

Belief in things unseen. Gnosis in things unseen.

We Create Through Faith. We Create Through Gnosis.

If You assume there are other points of view, there are.

You Are God. You Can Do That.

Imagination is Direct Experience.

You Imagine It Into Existence Right Now.

Historically, this forum has been very focused on gnosis and enlightenment. But we must also remember that we need to be open to that which we yet don't know. Otherwise, we'd never reach enlightenment again.

Faith in the unseen is absolutely necessary if we want to create Heaven on Earth. Reach out and touch faith!

Edited by tuku747

Brains DO NOT Exist.

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I have Faith in that I am Alone.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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As Leo said, the dream metaphor communicates the idea behind awakening much more lucidly. The Dream is ONE.

The Dream dreams many dream avatars and dream worlds according to Pure Love. The dream is structured according to your deepest, innermost desires. You simply wouldn't have it any other way.

Edited by tuku747

Brains DO NOT Exist.

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On 17/2/2023 at 9:53 PM, tuku747 said:


More than a dream, it is the artistic creation of the infinite mind, which is the unfathomable void that i am. everything is created down to the smallest detail and is of total beauty. Everything shines, it's perfect, it's magical. everything is being created at this exact moment and develops infinitely. each thought creates a complete world, it expands, it shrinks, there is nothing outside of this moment, and at the same time all possible moments are. You have total power in how the plot unfolds, you just don't realize it. The more you synchronize with yourself, it becomes obvious that things develop according to your dictation.

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