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Rafael Thundercat

On the Nature of Nothing.

2 posts in this topic

I know this is a very old post but since nobody cared to respond to it and it brings up a fascinating subject it deserves a revival.


"Nothing" is a function of thought, it is a necessary means for me and you to be able to do anything more than merely react to stimuli, the stimuli is a given, "nothing" is similar to a nail penetrating a wall, and the wall is the stimuli, there is no "nothing" in things themselves nor a "nothing" beyond the universe, remember our discovery, "nothing" is just a means in "something" for the manipulation and discovery of that "something".

"Nothing" is identical with negation and contradiction, its just that this one identical thing has several applications, in the form of "nothing" it is variability with regard to existence itself, that is, variability with regard to the presence of self-consciousness, in the form of negation is is variability with regard to the existence of a particular thing, and in the form of contradiction it is variability with regard to mutually exclusive definitions/axioms/premises and thusly mutually exclusive particular things.

Variability with regard to self-consciousness has no possible instantiations (subject for predication), which is why "nothing" is a simulation and creation of the possibility itself of no self through the self. 

^ This last part is very pertinent what regards this forum, because this is precisely the simulation you guys run every time you speak about enlightenment, spirituality and non-duality.

Edited by Reciprocality

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