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Why are psychedelics illegal?

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Fundamentally, why are psychedelics banned in most countries in the world? They are not addictive drugs literally.. They are just hallucinogens.. Although I heard that there is a possibility of legalization of Marijuana In India. It's already been lagalized in Philippines Last year. But Marijuana isn't really a psychedelic.. It just gets you high (correct me if I'm wrong and some people here had god realization on Marijuana). 

All well known classical psychedelics like DMT, LSD, Mushrooms etc are illegal in India and the near countries. I want to understand why? Is it because society and the social matrix doesn't want people to awaken to The Truth that these substances reveal? Or is it because it can be misused or overused and that might lead to problems? 

Fortunately, weed is getting legalized in India soon.. But Is weed potent enough to give you a huge breakthrough experience? 


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

You cannot drive a car with it (german reasoning). 

can't drive whilst drunk either

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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because the nixon administration wanted   a reason to demonise the hippies against the vietnam war, so they went after the substances they took to paint them as degenerates that could had no sound mind to be against the war and other western countries followed suit because they're americas bitch, after the war it continued as a narrative of leading youth astray and turning them into wastes with no ambition and service to society

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

You cannot drive a car with it (german reasoning). 

Of course you can't drive while tripping balls ....that's obvious. Has nothing to do with legalisation imo. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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44 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

Cuz they fuck wit ya mind man!

In what ways ? Have you had a psychedelic experience before?  I don't know because I haven't. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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31 minutes ago, Chives99 said:

because the nixon administration wanted   a reason to demonise the hippies against the vietnam war, so they went after the substances they took to paint them as degenerates that could had no sound mind to be against the war and other western countries followed suit because they're americas bitch, after the war it continued as a narrative of leading youth astray and turning them into wastes with no ambition and service to society

I think  the Elites don't want us (the 99%) to be healthy and happy. They like to feed us junk food, junk education, junk media and junk drugs. The real medicines have been discovered thousands of years ago: Cannabis, Magic Mushrooms Ayahuasca . They literally done studies on them and found that they can cure depression and addiction. Needless to mention the spiritual and existential breakthroughs it causes . But yeah ..if toxic garbage like cigarettes are legal..I don't expect something  less damaging and more healing to be illegal. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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42 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I think  the Elites don't want us (the 99%) to be healthy and happy. They like to feed us junk food, junk education, junk media and junk drugs. The real medicines have been discovered thousands of years ago: Cannabis, Magic Mushrooms Ayahuasca . They literally done studies on them and found that they can cure depression and addiction. Needless to mention the spiritual and existential breakthroughs it causes . But yeah ..if toxic garbage like cigarettes are legal..I don't expect something  less damaging and more healing to be illegal. 

well in the UK you can go to psychedelic therapy trials to treat ptsd and depression so I think times are changing and the police arent simply interested in arresting for possession as they're strapped enough already, but non liberal parties really dont want to open the flood gates to say its ok to do them as they fear the implications on society, ironic though because most politicians do cocaine this is pretty much well known the bathrooms in the westminster are teaming with traces of cocaine, one politician recently went to prison for claiming public expenses for his cocaine habit.

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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A lot of money will be lost if a natural shroom can help people recover from addiction and more.


Legal or not, you can pick shrooms almost everywhere on earth.

Was doing some research on shrooms.

Found this on the site



Mental health: Psilocybin mushrooms have been shown to have a positive effect on a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. They’re believed to work by resetting the brain’s neural pathways, allowing for a fresh perspective and reducing symptoms of mental health conditions.

Spiritual growth: Psilocybin mushrooms have been used for centuries as a tool for spiritual growth and personal development. They’re believed to help users connect with their inner selves and the world around them, leading to a deeper understanding of self and a greater sense of peace and well-being.

Pain relief: Psilocybin mushrooms have also been shown to have pain-relieving properties, making them a great alternative to traditional pain medications.

Addiction recovery: Psilocybin mushrooms have been used as a tool for addiction recovery, helping users overcome addiction and cravings by resetting the brain’s neural pathways.



Edited by D2sage

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

Substances should be only allowed if you can drive a vehicle with it. 

Should it tho?

When you're tripping on mushrooms you know that you can't drive. On alcohol, some idiots think they can.

And experienced cannabis users can drive flawlessly while high. I have a friend who smokes for a living. He is more aware of whats going on around him, follows the rules and just drive safe. When sober, he speeds and drives like an idiot sometimes.

Cannabis is also harmless, alcohol is not. So alcohol should be illegal.

These substances are not for everyone, that's for sure. Not all minds are equal.

Edited by D2sage

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@D2sage i know, I mean thats how politicans think

Edited by OBEler

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19 hours ago, Chives99 said:

because the nixon administration wanted   a reason to demonise the hippies against the vietnam war, so they went after the substances they took to paint them as degenerates that could had no sound mind to be against the war and other western countries followed suit because they're americas bitch, after the war it continued as a narrative of leading youth astray and turning them into wastes with no ambition and service to society

Well, but things started to get out of hand. imagine the American society of that time, blue, everyone in their place, etc. I recently saw the Apollo 13 documentary and you see what the public was like...they looked like robots. then lsd appears. at first an interesting curiosity, something even promising for psychiatric research. But it's starting to spread. more and more hippies coming from completely dysfunctional backgrounds taking lsd at crazy levels. timoty leary appears, preaching the end of the established order with lsd as a flag. manson and those crazy people do that murder. What was society going to do? fend. Psychedelics are seen as a potential disruptor to society, and with good reason. It was not the time, society was too repressed and I take psychedelics as the total liberation from the blue jail. today is very different. almost nobody is interested in them because almost nobody feels imprisoned. although they are! but on a spiritual level and almost no one perceives it

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Well, but things started to get out of hand. imagine the American society of that time, blue, everyone in their place, etc. I recently saw the Apollo 13 documentary and you see what the public was like...they looked like robots. then lsd appears. at first an interesting curiosity, something even promising for psychiatric research. But it's starting to spread. more and more hippies coming from completely dysfunctional backgrounds taking lsd at crazy levels. timoty leary appears, preaching the end of the established order with lsd as a flag. manson and those crazy people do that murder. What was society going to do? fend. Psychedelics are seen as a potential disruptor to society, and with good reason. It was not the time, society was too repressed and I take psychedelics as the total liberation from the blue jail. today is very different. almost nobody is interested in them because almost nobody feels imprisoned. although they are! but on a spiritual level and almost no one perceives it

sure the counter culture was a huge radical rebellion against the chains of archaic christian values and many people went over board with this new technologhy, thats whats happens when society tries to hard to resist change

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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Alcohol is legal even though the damage it does to people and society is a significant problem.  But the ruling class aren’t afraid of alcohol because it just makes you uncoordinated and dumb.  Psychedelics expand consciousness which is dangerous to the status quo.   LSD did, in fact, create a huge change of consciousness in the 1960s.  It did it’s job.  Now that psychedelics have been proven to have medical benefits, the drug companies are busy finding ways to modify them so they don’t give what they call those troublesome “hallucinations”.  This is their mentality.

Edited by Jodistrict

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For the same reason Primal Therapy was "discredited"

Something that's too good to be true (can help with many different mental problems) and also makes people independent from pharmaceutical drugs they have to take every day, wherein there is much more money to be made, can not easily anchor itself in society.

Society has success barriers and ego backlashes just like individuals do.


Also, psychedelics make you question authority and think for yourself - not exactly something that "the system" wants you to do.

But "the system" is not any sort of elites - rather it's just the unthinking masses.

There's no ultra rich people trying to keep people stupid - 99% of the 99% are stupid enough to do that all for themselves (make bad food choices, being close minded, rejecting things that could help them because they don't understand it), and they will try to make everyone else do that too, like crabs in a bucket.

The masses will drag you down. The masses will be scared of enlightenment, psychedelic therapy and primal therapy, and demonize it, and vote to ban it.

Your evil elite doesn't exist - it's just stupid people with no self control, and mid-level corporate people trying to make a buck by playing into that.

The closest thing you have to an evil elite, is Coca Cola paying schools to put vending machines there, so the kids get hooked on caffeine and sugar young, and Big Tobacco paying off government to keep cigarettes legal, things like that. It's just corruption. It's evil, yes, but it's not a master plan to keep you stupid. Just a plan to make money in an unconscious way.

Edited by flowboy

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@Someone here I'd say because of a large amount of misinformation but also some genuine concerns.

A lot of people aren't mature enough to properly handle and use psychedelics in a safe way. And unsafe use can mess people up.


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