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Finding the next chapter in life

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So on the topic of Chapters and phases, I would say I'm at the end of the "limbo phase". I don't know what action steps I should take.  I feel like I have the energy to take  a lot of action but I don't have a long term plan/vision for the next 5-10 years. I have work to get done but I procrastinate on it because I'm not at the "start" yet... I want to be positively motivated instead of negatively motivated and also stop waisting time. Should I hire a life coach? I'm 24 and I probably need more life experience. On the life purpose course I'm at the values assesment and I have high consciousness values but I don't have the clairity/ability to focus and go within to know what my top values are.. So should I start my new chapter before having created a life purpose? I fear that I will waste the next 5-10 years on a "weak" chapter. I just want to be productive and do the right thing (obviously). I tend to feel pretty restless. 


(College education is free where I live)


Thankful for any advice

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Maybe you can find something to work on that you value and is also beneficial in a general sense for now. You don’t have to find your absolute fool proof life purpose before acting. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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