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I vaped 100mg of 5meO withing 24 hours

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It's funny how I give all my creation my God's authority, especially to Leo. 

I won't, from now on. 

Let' me tell you (myself) what I actually Am.

First, I don't like word consciousness anymore, because it doesn't represent what I really am. Word consciousness same as word God have been corrupted and misused. 

Second, there's no second.

I'm pure Magic and my true form is no form. My true form is Magic. I'm made from Magic and everything is Magic, because there's nothing but me.

About solipsism. 

Solipsism is true, nobody has consciousness, only me. This is the fact and nobody can disprove it, because I'm God. 

5MeODmt is a magic pill that I created for myself. 

By the way, Leo in your solipsism video you said that I want to be awake - you were wrong, I don't. 

All spirituality is corrupted.

Meditation is bulshit, yoga is horseshit, reatears are chikenshit. All existing teachings are corrupted, even Leo's.  If you try to put Magic into words - it's corruption right away. It doesn't matter how close the words are to the actual truth. The truth can not be taught or explained, only experienced.

What is the best feature of Magic? 

The best feature is to put myself (my God self) to sleep. 

What God wants? 

God wants to live as a human form. But it also wants to wake up from time to time, exploring it's infinite potential. 

Is it possible to be Awake constantly?

It's impossible, God loves picks/ high states of consciousness, but only for a while. Its favourite state of consciousness is a default, human state. 

This post is a corruption, Magic - isn't. 


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God wants to live as a human form. But it also wants to wake up from time to time, exploring it's infinite potential. 


YES! :x ! :x ! :x ! :x ! :x ! :x ! :x!

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Keep exploring. 

I realized different things than you over time and made different conclusions. I wonder what you will discover. I 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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15 hours ago, Vlad_ said:


About solipsism. 

Solipsism is true, nobody has consciousness, only me. This is the fact and nobody can disprove it, because I'm God. 

5MeODmt is a magic pill that I created for myself. 

By the way, Leo in your solipsism video you said that I want to be awake - you were wrong, I don't. 


I think this is false in my experience,  although i didnt do 5 meo dmt there is also no truth in the state of consciousness all these characters are experiencing, all these states are equal and have a form of illusionary truth in them. But in actuality there is no truth just different perspectives in the illusion. God also understands it's illusionary nature and all other masters did too, the only true teaching that can be given is towards god true nature, that's it and that's all, all other teachings are just different perspectives from different consciousness ladders within the illusion

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5meo experience can be very solipsistic 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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You're not getting it guys. There is no experience outside of my experience.

You exist only as words on this forum, nothing more. 

None of you did 5MeoDMT and none of you had awakenings. 

I need to doubt myself and listen to "others" in form of teachers, gurus, philosophers, scientist and bla-bla-blah. The only function of others is to fool myself. 

That's what I've verified in my direct experience. The only source of the Truth is my experience, nothing more. 

What a juicy dream I'm dreaming :D

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13 minutes ago, Vlad_ said:

You're not getting it guys. There is no experience outside of my experience.

You exist only as words on this forum, nothing more. 

None of you did 5MeoDMT and none of you had awakenings. 

I need to doubt myself and listen to "others" in form of teachers, gurus, philosophers, scientist and bla-bla-blah. The only function of others is to fool myself. 

That's what I've verified in my direct experience. The only source of the Truth is my experience, nothing more. 

What a juicy dream I'm dreaming :D

Thats exactly what i said above with explanation and not just some solipsistic bs, but you didnt understand. Thats why we can only talk about the nature of god or its being, everything else within god isnt truth

Edited by Jowblob

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There was I, standing outside waiting for a green light to cross the street. I was nothing even though my appearance was something, I could feel my warm hand as hot tea that I had in my hand. At that time I really really realized what I actually Am. I'm magic nothing that can creates somehow whatever it desires. I'm the shape shifter. 

I never knew that the truth is such an amazing and joyful thing. It's a pure bliss to be God and it's going to be forever, no matter what. 

So here I am now in a form of a human imagining other humans


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16 minutes ago, Vlad_ said:

You're not getting it guys. There is no experience outside of my experience.

You exist only as words on this forum, nothing more. 

None of you did 5MeoDMT and none of you had awakenings. 

I need to doubt myself and listen to "others" in form of teachers, gurus, philosophers, scientist and bla-bla-blah. The only function of others is to fool myself. 

That's what I've verified in my direct experience. The only source of the Truth is my experience, nothing more. 

What a juicy dream I'm dreaming :D

Maybe it’s you who doesn’t exist ahaha 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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4 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

Thats exactly what i said above, but you didnt understand. Thats why we can only talk about the nature of god or its being, everything else within god isnt truth



There is no such a thing as "we". I'm imagining you right now, you are me, my imagination. Nobody actually is talking because I have invented speech and language. Language is dualistic by its nature. 


There is nothing but the Truth. Even when it appears as falsehood. 

Truth is constant and can't be changed. 


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@Vlad_ Ya ya keep talking ?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Maybe it’s you who doesn’t exist ahaha 

Well, it depends on how you define existence haha :D

I'm neither dead nor am I alive, I just Am. Pure Magic. 

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8 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Vlad_ Ya ya keep talking ?

Why not? :D

I need to entertain myself somehow :)

I'm kind'a enjoying arguing with myself, it makes my dream more solid :)  

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20 minutes ago, Vlad_ said:



There is no such a thing as "we". I'm imagining you right now, you are me, my imagination. Nobody actually is talking because I have invented speech and language. Language is dualistic by its nature. 


There is nothing but the Truth. Even when it appears as falsehood. 

Truth is constant and can't be changed. 


And i can disqualify it just as easy by just saying you imagined this state of consciousness. There is no '1' god or solipsism, each representation of god within god is self autonomous, which means it's not possible to have 1being or unity as a leader. No hierarchy no solipsism, consciousness isnt aware of itself at all times that's why we have different forms of dreams and consciousness

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@Jowblob Yeah yeah keep imagining all that

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Just now, Thought Art said:

Yeah yeah keep imagining all that

I have to imagine things, that's my nature 

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7 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Jowblob Yeah yeah keep imagining all that

Exactly my point in my first post, solipsism is nothing more then a state of consciousness it doesnt mean you're in control because nobody is.  I have experienced solipsistic consciousness in real life where i have clearly seen how ppl walk in slowmo or how my friend puffs a cloud of smoke in slowmo how his reality was just a projection of me or how i dreamed up my reality until this point. It was just a state of consciousness that had some truth in it, again solipsism isnt possible because nobody can always be in control at all times.  Look at consciousness as an self autonomous web that gets spiked at random places for infinity, those spikes are always within itself going from 0 to 100 in another words something achieves a max amount of consciousness within this field but it doesnt have to be itself. That's why Leo's infinity of gods is the most truth awakening, because nobody cant be in control. Solipsism is an ego thing for control

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@Jowblob Maybe. Or maybe it’s not… maybe its simply the case. 

God is One

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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11 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

solipsism is nothing more then a state of consciousness it doesnt mean you're in control because nobody is. 

This is false.

You've never experienced solipsism and you have no clue what you're talking about. Your mind is filled with ideas and believes. 

Your assumption that solipsism has something to do with ego is false as well.

Solipsism threatens survival and therefore ego's existence. Ego can function and exist only outside of solipsism.  

25 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

how ppl walk in slowmo or how my friend puffs a cloud of smoke in slowmo how his reality was just a projection of me or how i dreamed up my reality until this point.

This is not solipsism. I see the same on shrooms. 

Do 5MeO and than you might get what solipsism is. just a fragment of my imagination :  ) 

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Your experience of reality under 5-MeO is no more true than anything else. It's all the same and all true 

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