
Smart Sleep

5 posts in this topic

I'm wondering to what extent can you reduce sleep and still get good healthy sleep? Have any of you used meditation and mindfulness to get less sleep?

I'm meditating 3h every single morning and keeping trying to keep complete mindfulness throughout the day. I'm planning to reduce the hours of sleep down to 4 hours - that would be amazing.. imagine how much more time you can dedicate to what you're doing and how much faster you'd progress over the years.

What do you think? Is anyone else getting less sleep using meditation & mindfulness? And, are you using any other methodes?

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I tried it in extrem periods and while exercising also a siesta sleep cycle, if you are not some superhuman I would not do it, I just hurt myself and got injured. 

Been through the same stuff, asked someone else who is more fit. I would not recommend it. Only other reference experience I have is from audiobooks where it would from a chinese master and that was a referene of a reference, when I can't sleep I focus on restful qualities and just accept I can't sleep and meditate like this, this is more and or less effective.

I don't think it's sustainable. I was not able to do it consistently and it did not really help me. You can meditate also when you dream, I tried those techniques also, and dream yoga all-in all it was to much. I dunno if it works for you that is cool. 

If you want to do it strategically I'd say it's fine, yet if you can develop this superhman sleep cycle and not injure yourself and be engage in western living, then yes. 

I would get 7-8h of sleep and do some dream yoga to explore the subtle releam if you can hold a 3h practice and have that much time, yet if you are living a 9-5 and are executing I understand the pressure, I am looking to do more activity based meditations like meditating while exercising etc. Holding awareness during the idea 10 second practice here, 10 second practice there etc. Differntiating when to use thinking as a tool and move more towards a "no-mind" experience. 

Also I would recommend joining some "real community" if possible so you see people that you enjoy hanging-out with and are beneficial to your spirital growth and journey. 

I hope this helps! If you can do it without hurting yourself sure, I struggled immensely with 6h30 of sleep and stopped I attempted to go for 4h30 - 6h30 of sleep with sleep cycles and train dream yoga etc. It was way way to much. 

I would exhaust energy with exercise and meditate in activity (what I did) as my seated practice is not the strongest still struggling because of "genetic injury".

I would attempt it again with a better health routine, I just noticed so much is wrong about health it takes a while to do all of this. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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Sadghuru claims he does it and has his own lifestyle and foods that he recommends for it

Describe a thought.

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I was vegan during this time and or vegeterian I watched some parts of the video from Sadghuru about this and wanted to include the information. I'd say it's possible, yet you have to be an exeptional human beign and life style has to fit, I dunno how much mental work is beign impacted by it. I feel a bit better with more sleep and time to think creatively and relax. Currently my intention is to stop rushing against the clock. So yeah still wondering changing internally a lot here. 

I was not very structural strategic about it more pragmatic and holistic listening to how I feel, reporting and optimizing. With a focus on self-actualization working out a lot 1h30 a day in the gym approx. I was fit a.f I am now 12kg lighter, yet I think I damage my joints even with stretching and had an inflammation, I dunno how well this fits with exercise this is my experience I went through parts of a holistic health book and he recommends going to bed by 10:30 and waking up at 6:00am approx IIRC. I am doing this and I feel way more whole usually. Although I struggle because of internet addiction and rigidty at times of goals etc. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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i sit for 4 hours and sleep for 8 hours every day

reason is i love both and know both are good for me

this lifestyle makes me tons more efficient and clear-headed

so if anything i will add to them not subtract

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