The Universe

Is Enlightement A Paradigm ?

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Is Enlightement a paradigm ? There is no reason for this amazing view of the world to not being a paradigm because After all there is different perspective than enlightement, the ego perspective.

So is Enlightement a paradigm that's a question that i'm asking you to answer and if not why ? :)

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@The Universe all paradigms happen inside emptiness/nothingness/consciousness. The "thing" where the paradigms are playing on is therefore not itself a paradigm. there are many different movies, but the movie screen itself is unaffected by them, it allows them to exist.

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Yes it's a paradigm. Paradigms aren't inherently unproductive or a negative thing, the idea is just to recognize that they exist. 

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@Echoes And have you already seen the screen to tell me that ;). 

But what you say makes sense. But i'll like to travel and see the screen to be sure that this is the source of all paradigms ;):)

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1 hour ago, The Universe said:

Is Enlightement a paradigm ? There is no reason for this amazing view of the world to not being a paradigm because After all there is different perspective than enlightement, the ego perspective.

So is Enlightement a paradigm that's a question that i'm asking you to answer and if not why ? :)

No. One cant call it a perspective as that is the egos interpretation. 

Hard question :D

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@The Universe I think this depends upon one's definition of enlightenment (as there seem to be many, and everyone thinks theirs is correct - including me). Which of course would suggest that it DOESN'T depend on perspective, ultimately, but we're only going to get perspective based answers.

My perspective is no. I'm not really a fan of the word enlightenment. Or any of the terms. I prefer 'what the fuck is actually going on?' And that cannot be a question of paradigm. There meet be an is. Doesn't matter how many paradigms you want to play with; if they're not is, then they are not

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@The Universe  The way you're holding it, yes. But that has nothing to do with actual enlightenment.

Actual enlightenment is beyond anything that's possible for the mind to comprehend or imagine or speak.

The problem here, is that you've never experienced what Absolute is before. You only know relative reality/truth. Absolute reality blows all your reasonings from within relative reality upside down. So you're stuck, until you experience what Absolute means. And then you'll see that paradigms don't operate on that level because thought and language are not Absolute. At the Absolute level, you couldn't even construct a paradigm.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yes. Enlightenment is a word. Words are paradigm. What matters is where your paradigm takes you, and what actions you take because of it. There are a million and one plausible rational explanations for existence, coming from every religion and philosophy; but there is only one actual explanation of reality. Since there is only one truth, and there are a million and one plausible paradigms, the chance of figuring it out with your mind is so very slim. That said, you should still have a solid rational foundation, because without you'll be dragged every which way and never really discover anything except that which is spoon fed to you.

And, even if you do figure it out with your mind, it will not help you, because your subconscious will remain entirely the same; only direct experience can hope to penetrate that guy, and only that guy can make your life better.

Edited by Will Bigger

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@Leo Gura On the scale of a lifetime i have understood like 10% of what spirituality is all about ! ? So the absolute is really far from me but you're video on paradigm completely revolutionise my way of questionning reality and i was like : "because every experience is paradigmic ( i'll create this word ) than enlightement is non different than that !"

But beyond the experiences of Nothingness and Emptiness i really wasn't knowing what was enlightement and i still don't know but now i know why enlightement is the absence of paradigm and why nothingness creates the absence of paradigm.

Nothingness ultimately lead to the No-Self and the No-Self leads to Enlightement and Enlightement leads to the absolute, and the absolute leads to No paradigm.

Keep on what you're doing. I'll love to follow ;) .

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@The Universe Everything isn't a paradigm. A paradigm is ultimately just a set of concepts, and is itself a concept. There is an entire reality out there which is independent of concepts. Go find it. It's right there under your nose.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 07/03/2017 at 10:09 PM, Telepresent said:

@The UniverseMy perspective is no. I'm not really a fan of the word enlightenment. Or any of the terms. I prefer 'what the fuck is actually going on?' 

This got me laughing ! :D

That's a Great perspective ! :)

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@Leo Gura so i guess that this is what Guru's call Freedom and God ! :D 

I will try to find that as it is one of the ultimate Goals of this life ! :)




Edited by The Universe

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On 07/03/2017 at 6:10 PM, The Universe said:

Is Enlightement a paradigm ? There is no reason for this amazing view of the world to not being a paradigm because After all there is different perspective than enlightement, the ego perspective.

So is Enlightement a paradigm that's a question that i'm asking you to answer and if not why ? :)

In my personal opinion, Enlightenment is the place before paradigms, and out of which all the paradigms appear.

Hence, It is crucial to reach the screen in order to change your paradigm,  the very context of your life... How the pixels of experience are perceived. And it has to be based in truth, otherwise you're going to be deluding yourself in a crazy paradigm where everything is against you, or whatever else bullshit the ego can conjure up.

My thoughts,  they come out of that same nothingness, and if I dont like them, I go there and order a new pack of thoughts for free! Let's change paradigms together, based on investigating reality and no self.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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1 hour ago, The Universe said:

@Dodoster love your perspective :). But that's just my ego.

If we prove to ourself definitively that The Ego is an illusion,  we will swim out of the paradigm where we classify ourselves and others as Ego, then we'll have transcended the Ego

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Enlightenment means realizing the Truth. Discovering who you really are. This is the only absolute thing, beyond all paradigms.

The way to “get there” is by being fully present: No past, no future. Fully in the eternal Now.

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Motion and the connection of various pockets of motion into patterns are the absolute rather than nothingness.

Enlightenment is a paradigm created by people who have not evolved enough yet to have quantum cognition as their base level state. Nor have the tensile resiliency to maintain cognitive superposition.

I mean look at computers, they are binary electrical switches of 0 and 1, similar to how people argue between oneness vs duality. But you don't see people trying to make computers with only 0 or only 1 right? No, they are working on quantum computers that allow for Qubits to be both 1 and 0 at the same time as well as just 1 or 0. This gives computers exponential levels of multi-dimensionality because you can now stack and connect rather than remain in isolation.

That is also how humans can evolve (how I have been evolving these past 5 years). You don't go backwards to this nonsense of everything being JUST one thing with zero differentiation. No, you learn how to work with connective tension and control your inner mechanisms of magnetism (van der waals forces or attraction and repulsion) and how that effects your perspective and cognition. That gives you control over intensity of attraction and repulsion and how it shifts your mind and emotions, choice over our propensity for tunnel vision (of which oneness is an extreme example), the ability to slow down and create a better environment for stability and harmony (much like suspending particles a hair above absolute zero), which allows you to STACK and build and connect to much greater levels then humans currently have experience of.

That's the road to reality, not nothingness.

People think thoughts arise from nothingness, but that's because they're stuck in on/off mode and aren't fast enough and expansive enough to see the underlying structures in the human body that activate the narrative and perspective creating parts of our minds. They can't hold the superposition necessary to have their awareness touch those other structures without automatically attaching and collapsing into a non superimposed state. Without that state, you can't see the different layers of dimensionality and the inter-relations between such things as volition and automation while also mediating all the various elements of movement that are all having an influence simultaneously at all times. There is so much nuance and context a person is missing out on, without that key multi-faceted ability.


Edited by Salaam

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On 3/7/2017 at 7:32 PM, Leo Gura said:

@The Universe  The way you're holding it, yes. But that has nothing to do with actual enlightenment.

Actual enlightenment is beyond anything that's possible for the mind to comprehend or imagine or speak.

The problem here, is that you've never experienced what Absolute is before. You only know relative reality/truth. Absolute reality blows all your reasonings from within relative reality upside down. So you're stuck, until you experience what Absolute means. And then you'll see that paradigms don't operate on that level because thought and language are not Absolute. At the Absolute level, you couldn't even construct a paradigm.

Basically everything, absolutely everything within my knowledge graph is a paradigm :) and something is not outside the human knowledge and non-symbolic. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Don't turn "paradigm" into some buzz work that refers to everything. A paradigm is a word that refers to a specific category of things. I gave a precise definition at the beginning of the video. Paradigms are large, cohesive conceptual frameworks.

Most things in life are NOT paradigms.

A simple thought like, "I want to buy some food." is not a paradigm.

Not every concept or belief is a paradigm.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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