
Try your hardest and forgive yourself when you fail. LOVE YOURSELF

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I feel that what stops me from being motivated is my low self esteem , you may have heard the taoist concept standing in your own way, not forgiving myself stops me from moving on,  I have autism and I hate myself for upseting people or getting things wrong or making people feel uncomfortable without realising, but because I cant accept it instead I feel the need to fight back and defend myself when people become hostile with me, when really u just have to say sorry and accept it whether they want to be friends with you again or not. Theres no need to fight back, all this energy is being wasted in self defence and keeping me stuck. if you dont need to succeed theres no more problems, you can love yourself without needing results and just work on it anyway, because you love doing it 

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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You understand yourself better than anyone and therefore you love yourself better than anyone. All the love you need is within you.

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