
Entity attacks

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Firstly I am very experienced with psychedelics and I have had many awakenings. I'm not here to talk about these, instead I have a very specific enquiry I would appreciate some feedback on.

I have been experimenting with battling entities or malevolent dark forces when in altered states of consciousness. I recently had a serious accident and I almost died due to blood loss during one of these battles. I was taken over by an entity and a demon come out of the mirror and tried to attack me. It took over my psyche and I attacked the mirror and injured myself severely.

I required several blood transfusions to keep me alive and I feel that I actually passed over and come back. I remember being in a place, call it heaven (for lack of a better term) although it is not the place religious people talk about. It was crawling with these dark entities with light workers hiding scared not doing anything about it.

I recall as my higher self I stood in this space incredibly frustrated that nobody was doing anything. I recall charging up my higher self into this bright white being who then grew as high as a red wood tree, then much like Thors hammer struck down with unimaginable force with my fist and cleared the whole space with bright white light destroying everything in its path of a malevolence nature.

That's when I awoke from a 3 day drug induced coma with no recollection of what happened to me prior. It was only after this I had people tell me what had occurred in 3D but I have absolute precise memory of what occurred in 5D.

Since then my abilities have increased significantly. I can sense malevolent forces working through people, I feel a gut wrenching. I can also see entities attached to people, I feel they also have the awareness that I can see them too. I felt a calling to create a group to call on more light workers to help me with my work and the response has been tremendous.

What's happening now though, is that I'm getting attacks in my sleep. It seems to be the same time every night around 3:33am. This particular attack felt like I was being electrocuted and I couldn't move much like sleep paralysis. I could also hear a garbled robotic voice but I couldn't make sense of what it was saying. It was just a noise of a robotic nature

I am learning techniques to charge energy up through my fists and blast my way out of it and this has been working. But I want to hear if anyone has had anything similar? I'm fully aware I'm working on the cusp of something that is unexplored and I need to get better at understanding it and protecting myself. I don't need to hear about grounding, lighting sage, candles etc or any of that crap because I've exhausted all that and it doesn't work. 

It feels of a biomechanicaI nature. I have used AI to recreate the vision of this type of entity that is trying to attack me. I am not entirely comfortable showing this because it feeds it more energy when others have the awareness. But I am at the stage now where I need some feedback from people who have been able to protect themselves from such attacks (or any) and I'm hopeful that there is someone here with experience who can provide some input.


Edited by Bujo

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I had some dreams, with half sleep visuals  and paralysis that are similar but i do not know anything about how to deal better with this. I can share them if you are interested. 

 Maybe contacting good entities with your abilities. 

Edited by effortlesslumen

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I would rely on grace personally. 

If that doesn't make any sense, then read acim for example. It will wipe all negativity out. The book is infused with tremendous grace of yeshua. 

Good luck

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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You’re not alone bro, I’ve been attacked by those demon fucks at least 10 times just the last year, many while I slept too.

And that’s just the minor attacks.

The two big ones always took my life.

There is a reason why they are after certain people so brutally. I most have killed some of them in one of my past life’s or something lol, or maybe I just have bad karma.

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@effortlesslumen yes please. I was initially quite frightened in my soul but I feel my higher self channelling through me and he loves this work so my perspective is shifting.

I have been told by many different healers, who were unknown to me initially and unknown to each other, that I was a great warrior in a past life that was cut short in a glorious battle.

But now I'm seeking retribution in this life and that's why I feel this pull to do this work. I'll take any advice as I need all the weapons I need.

I just woke from messed up dream where I was being chased. I somehow always get away.







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@Rahra I would love to connect with you somehow and discuss. What is your preferred channel of communication?

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@DefinitelyNotARobot I have done much purging and and soul cleansing work. I'm not saying I don't have things lurking still that are unresolved but this feels completely external trying to stop me from doing what I'm doing.

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Maybe you are attracting them? Last time I had such a thing happen to me was when I had entered the hypnogogic sate(You do this by falling asleep, consciously). This was one of my first few times so I naturally got a little scared. As soon as a sliver of fear made way into my mind, a demon started manifesting itself right in front of me. I was terrified and the fear multiplied, I forcefully awakened myself. I notice this only happens when I have fear lurking in mind. It's like such experiences are attracted to that kind of state. Even thinking of "What if I was afraid?" manifests more fear.

In your situation, it's no doubt you have all of this going in your mind, and if you have opened your mind to a degree where you sleep is 'open'(that is, not limited to memories), it'd be no surprise why you keep getting attacked.

I have heard a brief story. Once there was yogi meditating in the night under a tree. He was thirsty so he went to the nearby river to fill some water in his container. He reached the river, filled it with water and was about to leave. He turned back and in front of him was a terrible face, covered in blood, piercing eyes and fangs ready to attack. The sheer terror this face gave off was enough to make a grown man run. This was anyone's worst nightmare. Standing in the dark, in front of this being. The Yogi saw it, no emotion arose within him, he passed the entity and went back to meditate. The entity left.

Obviously, this could be much more. I don't know if demons can attack you regardless of state. I am not that experienced in these affairs. I simply do not possess enough knowledge and experience in this field so take what I have said with a grain of salt.

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39 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

@Bujo What I'm saying is you can't fight fire with fire. You can't fight these entities with fear or hatred. Negative emotions are what gives birth to them. What gives them life. If you fear them, you feed them. If You have to "fight" them with love. Love them so strongly that their darkness, by the light of your heart, may melt away, flowing straight out of your eyes in the form of tears. Your love can liberate these beings from their hell. You are like an angle that has been tasked with guiding these entities into the kingdom of heaven. But by doing that, they're going to suffer. And you will have to take on all of their suffering, because you are them and they are you.

But again that's my perspective, maybe you can make use of some of it, but maybe you can't. That's okay.

Respectfully these are outdated beliefs. Sometimes you need to fight fire with fire energised by quantum light. This old love conquers all rubbish is half the reason these malevolent forces have become so powerful because nobody is fighting back.

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35 minutes ago, Swarnim said:

Maybe you are attracting them? Last time I had such a thing happen to me was when I had entered the hypnogogic sate(You do this by falling asleep, consciously). This was one of my first few times so I naturally got a little scared. As soon as a sliver of fear made way into my mind, a demon started manifesting itself right in front of me. I was terrified and the fear multiplied, I forcefully awakened myself. I notice this only happens when I have fear lurking in mind. It's like such experiences are attracted to that kind of state. Even thinking of "What if I was afraid?" manifests more fear.

In your situation, it's no doubt you have all of this going in your mind, and if you have opened your mind to a degree where you sleep is 'open'(that is, not limited to memories), it'd be no surprise why you keep getting attacked.

I have heard a brief story. Once there was yogi meditating in the night under a tree. He was thirsty so he went to the nearby river to fill some water in his container. He reached the river, filled it with water and was about to leave. He turned back and in front of him was a terrible face, covered in blood, piercing eyes and fangs ready to attack. The sheer terror this face gave off was enough to make a grown man run. This was anyone's worst nightmare. Standing in the dark, in front of this being. The Yogi saw it, no emotion arose within him, he passed the entity and went back to meditate. The entity left.

Obviously, this could be much more. I don't know if demons can attack you regardless of state. I am not that experienced in these affairs. I simply do not possess enough knowledge and experience in this field so take what I have said with a grain of salt.

Respectfully not all demons are from within your mind. They're malevolent external forces. I often journey with a friend and we see the exact same entity. I would like to see how your view explains this?

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Create a banishing sigil and charge it.

Or if you want a premade ritual, which could be more effective for your, the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.

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2 hours ago, Michal__ said:

Create a banishing sigil and charge it.

Or if you want a premade ritual, which could be more effective for your, the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.

Have you got some references for me on this? I know a little bit about it but not enough to confidently do so and if you have any source recommendations I would appreciate it so I don't go down the wrong track.

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1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

If that's the path you want to walk it's fine, nobody is going to stop you. In the end everything will be resolved, once you're ready.

Soulless entities cannot interpret love. It's completely foreign to them and you're wasting your time. It's all well and good to say that, but trust me I've been down that path and it simply isn't effective.

Edited by Bujo

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Its aspects of yourself that you need to integrate. Fear is seperation. Love is union. Get lost in illussions or accept it all as yourself. What do you want chaos or peace? 

Edited by PeaceOut96

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8 hours ago, Bujo said:

Respectfully not all demons are from within your mind. They're malevolent external forces. I often journey with a friend and we see the exact same entity. I would like to see how your view explains this?

You misunderstood my view. I am not trying to reduce your experience into simple imagination. In my view demons can be external, what I was saying is that if you're in a particular state then the demons can be attracted to you since you're easier prey.

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So why did you go to the conclusion that these demons are real? You may have some type of  schizophrenia and imaging all this shit. Try seeing a psychatrist, Open your mind to other possibilities. If I start seeing such things, the first thing I will do is to make sure I don't have schizophenia.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Mooji on evil spirit attacks.

I personally have some exp with this and i reccomended acim for a good reason. The book is more powerful then a normal person able to understand. In some way we need to find a way of inviting good forces of protection and grace. Acim is a good way of doing that. (Not the only way tho) but one of the best arguably.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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17 hours ago, Bujo said:

@Rahra I would love to connect with you somehow and discuss. What is your preferred channel of communication?

You can text me here ?

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