
paradigm lock

10 posts in this topic

i notice myself paradigm locked in: veganism, pick up, spiral dynamics, self actualization. 

do you have any idea or advice on how to become conscious of these paradigm locks in deeper ways and unlock myself from them ?

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@Majed Leo mentions reading about other spiritual teachers to learn multiple perspectives. This can include checking out the book list for starters if you haven't already. There are also other solid book lists aside from the one on this site. There are also many other online courses on a broad range of subjects.

I have been wondering about alternatives to spiral dynamics. There is ego development theory, but I wonder if there are other solid models which strongly differ from the models Leo provides. I don't know about a third or fourth alternative, but I am open to that possibility.

As for veganism, it is fine for you to eat like that, just don't get stuck on the idea that everybody should do it for moral reasons. One blind spot in this kind of stance is that veganism is not the healthiest for everybody. Some people are better off eating more meat because they need extra calories or have a strange disease that makes their gut react violently to vegetables. I understand that factory farming is brutal and there are a lot of health concerns that emerge from it, but understand that such an ideology is only a partial solution and it is idealistic to assume that it will be more than a partial solution.

I'm not sure what to do about the self actualization paradigm. I still am addressing a deeper unhappiness in a my psyche. I have always been mildly depressed since I was child in that my relationship with my family constantly felt hollow and dysfunctional. A common theme is that in some form or another I am not good enough. Furthermore, life is overwhelming and I often attempt to simplify it by finding something in good at and focusing on endless analysis. A higher life calling would be something like integrating emotional mastery into public schools, but I don't know how to do it and I myself have deeper issues. I just don't want other children to suffer in the same way I did by constantly struggling with suicidal thoughts while hopelessly begging their drug addicted mothers to evict abusive boyfriends. I know a lot of powerful teachings, but it still isn't quite enough. I am still struggling with this deep sense of unhappiness. However, I have discovered that this is a broader social issue to the point that commercials are now actively making fun of depressed people because of how normal it is to be deeply unhappy with our meaningless existence.

Here is one of many examples. I mean the second one, but I posted a weird link for the first one and can't take it down.


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I've found it helpful to think of paradigms as tools, which can be more or less situationally appropriate for a given domain.

The trick is to learn to differentiate your identity from the paradigms you participate in. 

I've found paradigms such as metamodernism, phenomenology, Buddhism, socialism, etc, to be helpful as frameworks for understanding the world, but I've also come to realize that building an ego-identity around the defense of any of these frameworks is ultimately a trap which limits one's authenticity and integrity.

The difference is learning enough healthy detachment to not feel crushed or diminished if one of the paradigms you make use of, (say Spiral Dynamics), turns out to be bullishit. Of course what makes this tricky is the way that our survival needs become coupled to the paradigms we make use of.

Of course this is easier said than done, as human beings tend to form ego attachments to the things they participate in. This isn't even necessarily a negative thing, just something to be mindful of.

Coming to understand some of the ways identity is constructed can be helpful in learning how to cultivate flexible forms of identity, which I'd argue is a healthy middle way between the extremes of rigidity (being paradigm locked) and complete fluidity ( having no idea of who you are or what you want out of life).

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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@DocWatts that is some very solid advice. It is a meta paradigm about paradigms that ensures that you don't get locked in one. "Situationally appropriate" is the key to ensure that one paradigm is not the best absolutely. This is critical for avoiding the act of looking down on others for their worldview while championing our ideology as if it makes us superior. Tribalism is a common nightmare created through paradigm lock because of the failure to distinguish identity and belief.

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Explore more paradigms.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Drop all that.

What do you assume?

That's the question to ask oneself.

Edited by UnbornTao

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@Majed I'd say you want to try and become conscious of how you unconsciously believe that having these paradigm locks aids your survival.

I'd recommend some sort of journaling. Something i struggle with myself though too.

Edited by Ulax


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2 hours ago, Ulax said:

@Majed I'd say you want to try and become conscious of how you unconsciously believe that having these paradigm locks aids your survival.

I'd recommend some sort of journaling. Something i struggle with myself though too.


Ulax makes a solid point.

Many of your paradigms serve the survival of a self image. For example, if you condemn, demonize, or scapegoat other groups, then it is a sign that you are telling yourself "I am not like them" which therefore creates a shadow.

Veganism is likely tied to a sense of morality if you are attached to it. You are telling yourself that you are a good person. The same can be done with actualization in that it boils down to being the best human being you can be. This is trying to be good in another regard. Sometimes people go about self actualization in a neurotic way such as "living up to my potential." This belief actually was linked to me losing sleep at night. 

I'm just now noticing you mentioned pick up. Of course that serves your survival.

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Being true to yourself, talking with other worldviews and caring to understand them is the best way to do that. 

Who told you that "others" are real?

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