
I'm addicted to sex

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On 17/02/2023 at 0:57 PM, NoSelfSelf said:

@ZenAlex You calling me or yourself?

Thanks very much for the warning I received. Yes I was calling you a name. I've seen plenty of name calling and bitching on here, I didn't see the issue, you obviously took it personally and sent me a warning out of spite. I called you a name because if you seriously would get rid of a woman simply because she raised her voice once than I can't help but express my disgust at that.

And simply because I called you a name you felt the name to give me an official warning, which you'll state is just you doing your job, but we both know it's because I wounded your ego.

The fact that someone with such a fragile personality is a mod on here is incredibly concerning. 

I've seen worse behaviour coming from Leo himself.


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@ZenAlexI gave you like 20 hours to reply to the original post,read the guidelines before posting,those who namecalled were given points you just dont see it.Leo is a creator of this forum so he can be as he wishes i dont get how can you tell somebody how to behave in their own creaton,also you being digusted by how i run my stuff it just shows me you have really low opinion of yourself to tolerate any kind of disrespect and it disgust you because you will never be able to do it, because you must tolerate things from a woman to get something out of her.

Its concerning what you do to get womans attention and how you look at yourself every day..

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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41 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@ZenAlexI gave you like 20 hours to reply to the original post,read the guidelines before posting,those who namecalled were given points you just dont see it.Leo is a creator of this forum so he can be as he wishes i dont get how can you tell somebody how to behave in their own creaton,also you being digusted by how i run my stuff it just shows me you have really low opinion of yourself to tolerate any kind of disrespect and it disgust you because you will never be able to do it, because you must tolerate things from a woman to get something out of her.

Its concerning what you do to get womans attention and how you look at yourself every day..

You gave me "20 hours". I'm not obligated to visit this forum every day of my life, I have a life outside of the internet. 

The fact that a partner could literally talk back to you and that would make you leave them is sad. It makes me feel like you lack balls and are sensitive as hell. A strong man wouldn't feel threatened by a partner who can stand up for themselves and raise their voice.

Yeah I get if you've got a completely Karen in your life that constantly screams and mistreats you of course you'd get rid of her, but sometimes people are right to raise their voice because you are in the wrong, or because they are reasonably upset.

Just because someone raises their voice at you doesn't mean that you are being mistreated, unless you are so narcissistic and think that any behaviour that inconveniences you is equated to you being mistreated in someway.

The fact that you think any man that can handle being shouted at is weak and desperate for a womans attention really makes me believe you've watched a little too much Andrew Tate, and you expect a woman to be weak-willed and completely submissive to a man?

I look at myself perfectly fine, and in this situation I look at myself positively because I'm a man with a set of balls who can handle being shouted at by someone. I get shouted at every day by customers, and I can handle it just fine, it doesn't really bother me in the slightest most of the time.

That doesn't make me weak, and it doesn't hurt my self esteem, because I know myself and don't let other people's anger and disrespect bother me.

Just because I can handle being shouted at , doesn't mean I would accept being mistreated by anyone, but I'm well aware that someone shouting at you sometimes is justified or understandable at least. We all get upset and angry, and I certainly don't consider that enough to leave someone.

I personally have no interest in relationships, but I don't look at everyone who gets angry at me as a bad person because sometimes I fuck up and deserve it, just like some of the people I shout at deserve it. There's nothing wrong with communicating your disappointment. 


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@ZenAlex  You are missing the point its not that i cant handle it,its that i dont want to be threated like that,i dont tolerate it in any way shape or form.I make sure to communicate it to her, so she knows shes not with somebody she can do that with(like every average guy) and that she knows how things work with me.We are going to talk in civilized manner if we cant then theres the door.

The fact i gave you 20h is my genirosity because i should have given to you immedietly.

Its ironic how can you deal being shouted every day not feeling a thing and then get so emotional by me giving you some warning points. I dont make this things up its all here...

I dont expect her to submit to me,my job is to move like a man and her seeing if im the one she willing to submit to.I dont get that in feminism also,its not like woman must be submissive she chooses who shes gonna follow thats like going to a restaurant and now shes forced to eat what they serve,no there are a menu and she sees what shes gonna choose and eat same with a man...

But with someone who allows being shouted at ofcourse she wont be submissive its 2+2...

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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