
trouble letting go of old friends who do not advance my own growth

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:C i have a best friend who i would always drink and smoke weed with. Now that i am chasing business, sales, entrepreneurship, marketing, i can tell if i am with them its literally almost like a slow downhill. lol its numbing my mind that i need to be successful. i guess the thought of cutting friends out makes me sad, i did make some new more professional friends, i have the boxing club. but a lifelong friend im struggling to drop :C  

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Once you become successful, they will probably drop you.

All my friends I've known since preschool have turn against me when I became a success afiliate marketer. Their true face came to light when I bought a sport car. So much gossip. They even made up stuff about me to make me look bad to other people in my cricle of friends.

Fuck your best friend, there's rarely such thing.

It is true that money reveals peoples true face around you, you will still be exactly the same even if  you got a million dollar in your bank.

Your best friend can turn into a vulture overnight. 

Edited by D2sage

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@D2sage <3 thank you, success can be taxing on relationships, guess thats how the ball rolls (im sure for ego and selfishness reasons, jealousy(i know i would be!)) but thanks for the reply, i feel better :] 

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