
Release Trauma and Anxiety with Long-Term TRE

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I think many of you have heard of Dr. David Berceli's TRE's (Trauma and Tension Release Exercises). If you don't know about this type of body work: "TRE is a series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma through neurogenic tremors."

This can be a powerful body-centered approach to heal trauma and release chronic stress and tension in the body. It's also easy to learn, unlike some other types of body work.

So I recently came across the fairly new subreddit longtermTRE. They promote a method of using these TREs in a long-term, consistent practice to go beyond just healing trauma to releasing all chronic stress and anxiety. I thought it was very interesting and wanted to share.

I recommend reading their beginners's section first:
And then their practice guide:


An interesting video on TRE:


Edited by ItsNick

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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Love this share!

I love the potential for TRE too. Its egalitarian in a way because anyone from any economic bracket can learn to use it once they know the basic steps.

From what I've seen Berceli and his team do quite a bit of outreach in Africa.

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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Tried it twice now. It‘s actually kind of fun.

If i don‘t see benfits after like 20 times i‘ll ditch it

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