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Integration Of The Sexes

1 post in this topic

Hey All,

Hope everyone's having a splendid time self-actualizing. or at least not feeling like they are insane. :)

I'm wondering if any of you lovely people on this forum have any good resources for doing integration of your shadow.

More importantly i'm looking for a resource that will help me integrate my masculine and feminine sides. something like a worksheet, a program or a book.

I'm trying to incorporate both my feminine aspects in my life such as emotional expression and sexual enjoyment/expression and also my more masculine sides of me such as my aggression/competitiveness, killer instinct, spirituality and purpose. I want to have more self-confidence in these aspects of my life that are not normal to show a real interest in. I'm hope this integration will give me some access to some untapped energy and a kill em' with kindness who-gives-a-fuck attitude.

So thanks for any and help!

Happy progress.

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